Spooky2 is the world’s leading Rife system software solution, supporting both contact and plasma generators with extensive frequency settings for maximum effectiveness.
This software gives you the flexibility to customise how frequencies appear in Conditions List and its search box; change font size; create spectrum sweeps and even control your generator waveform.
What is Spooky2?
Spooky2 is the world’s most advanced Rife system software program, capable of overseeing three machines simultaneously – contact, plasma and remote – within its capabilities. This revolutionary program also supports up to 127 generators at any given time – its advanced features including a signal processor which quadruples Contact Mode power while doubling Remote Mode’s strength; plus many radionic functions including frequency imprinting, cold laser zapping and the transmission of frequencies through water.
It contains four factory databases – DNA, Base Pairs, Molecular Weight and the Main database – plus an open custom database to allow for unlimited expansion and create one of the world’s largest frequency databases. Furthermore, there are preset programs for various conditions and pathogens including Acne (Shell), Herniated Disc Reduce Sweeping as well as many others.
Spooky2 offers an innovative biofeedback scan to identify all abnormal frequencies within the body and address any problems, such as eliminating pathogens or improving physical functioning and wellbeing.
Spooky2 makes an important feature available to multiple users by enabling them to share one computer, enabling them to run and manage the program collaboratively. This feature is especially handy when working with groups of clients or for training purposes.
Spooky2 offers advanced tools designed to optimize the operation of generators, such as adjusting frequency intensity and amplitude levels, taking action based on high-frequency transmissions (such as activating power amplifiers), increasing pulse duration for healing purposes, etc.
Spooky2 software can be easily utilized by simply clicking its shortcut on your Windows desktop and opening it. In the Programs tab, double-click any condition or pathogen you would like to study before selecting its generator in the list; once selected it will begin automatically running; to stop running programs simply click Stop on its desktop shortcut – no virus threats have ever been found using Bit Defender and Windows 10, although some antiviral programs may flag it due to outdated methods of detecting malicious code.
What is the Spooky2 Full Install Software?
Spooky2 Full Install Software is the most advanced Rife machine system currently available and an invaluable resource for treating various ailments. It combines three Rife machines into a single Windows program for ease of use, providing multiple transmission modes and access to an extensive database of frequency treatments as well as full spectrum analysis features and other useful functions. Furthermore, its extensive set of tools for optimizing generator operation as well as controlling frequency spectrums, waveforms intensity levels and settings allow it to become a powerful treatment option.
The program is intuitive and straightforward to use, supporting different generator models such as the Rife Wave Machine. You can select from an extensive library of preset programs for treating conditions and pathogens; additionally, its customizable feature can allow you to develop your own programs for specific conditions or uses.
Spooky2 can also help you create custom frequency lists to use with your rig, making this tool especially helpful if certain frequencies have proven effective in your situation. Once complete, your list can be saved as a custom database and easily accessed in the Database tab for future reference.
Spooky2 can automatically scan your generators and detect if they have been disconnected or otherwise aren’t functioning as intended, saving both time and hassle if you rely on your rig regularly. Furthermore, Spooky2 will detect when battery levels drop too low and sends a command to restart it as necessary.
Spooky2 stands out as an outstanding Rife system thanks to its numerous additional features that make it one of the most flexible Rife systems around. It can produce frequencies for different purposes – from producing colloidal silver with great purity, to improving immunity. Furthermore, Spooky2 provides biofeedback tests and information regarding your overall health status.
This system also offers several additional utilities and features, including an extensive error log that records date, time, generator number for every error encountered by your rig. This can help identify problems quickly while making clearing them simple – all accessible from this tab.
How do I use Spooky2?
Spooky2 takes Rife machine technology to an entirely new level. Primarily intended as a remote Rife system, but can also serve as a contact or plasma device.
John White, Spooky’s creator, is an award-winning researcher and inventor with a lifelong dedication to finding solutions for serious health issues. Prompted by the loss of loved ones he has dedicated himself to research and development for solutions to help overcome health concerns that beset us all.
The generator transmits frequencies in multiple modes, enabling you to use it effectively to combat pathogens, relieve pain and improve general wellness. This works by sending energy signals that bind directly with DNA strands within you – then immediately returning through nonlocal space back to you as instantaneous vibrations from nail acting as receiver and binding with target DNA through frequency entrainment – this process being known as frequency entrainment.
Select which frequencies to transmit using either the built-in database, or create your own custom program using Create Frequency Set function. After selecting desired frequencies, simply choose an output for generator rig and click Start before saving frequency sets for future use.
There are additional settings to increase the generator’s output power and connect a signal processor for increased output strength; both features can be found within the advanced settings menu.
This software features global transport controls for multi-generator rigs, individual channel gating on each output and allows for frequency display format customization as well as window resizing based on personal preferences.
Spooky2 comes equipped with an abundance of manuals, tutorial videos, accessories, devices and resources to get you up and running quickly and effortlessly. In addition, there is also a website providing access to accessories and devices compatible with the Spooky2 rig, plus support from online communities should any issues arise; all this makes Spooky2 one of the easiest Rife systems out there to use and powerful as well.
What is the Spooky2 Quick Guide?
Spooky2 software – an Rife machine in itself – can be downloaded for free to desktop computers without actual generators attached, enabling users to explore it in test mode without a full set-up of Rife equipment. Simply double-clicking on its shortcut on your Windows desktop will launch it!
This new version of software includes some exciting new features. These include creating and saving custom frequency sets as well as Carrier Sweep programs. Furthermore, this program enables users to change default settings for both Spectrum and Carrier modes.
Frequency set creation can be done easily by inputting a list of frequencies into Spooky2, giving them names and descriptions, then saving the frequency set into an SQLite database. Once created, frequency sets can then be used either in Carrier or Spectrum modes of Spooky2.
To pause a sequence, just click on the Pause button; when it’s time to resume it, just hit Resume – everything will pick back up right where it left off! Additionally, this version of Spooky2 includes an exciting new function which allows the user to add wobbles to frequency output, providing useful alterations or intensifying a frequency output.
Another handy new feature is the ability to record sessions simply by pressing the Record button. This will save your entire session as an MP3 file containing recorded frequencies as well as background noise – making this feature ideal for keeping track of progress made, or sharing sessions with other practitioners.
The Advanced Menu has been enhanced with some additional options, and the Presets Menu now contains a field for clinicians to enter Subject notes. Furthermore, there is now an option that automatically sends error logs directly to its developer’s email address when Spooky2 crashes – you can enable it by selecting Enable Error Logging from the Preset Menu.