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Spooky 2 Rife Machine

Spooky2 emits low-energy electromagnetic frequencies which are proven to heal or destroy harmful cells and microorganisms, with its extensive frequency database able to help identify such organisms.

Rife discovered that each disease or pathogen possesses its own vibrating frequency – known as its resonant frequency – which when transmitted causes structural stress to disable or kill microorganisms.

It uses the principles of Royal Rife

The Spooky 2 Rife Machine was inspired by Royal Raymond Rife, an inventor who employed high-magnification optical microscopes to observe microbes under high magnification. Rife believed he could destroy these microbes using frequencies, which he believed would allow doctors to treat disease at its source more effectively. Though much of Rife’s claims have since been disproven by modern medicine, his discovery paved the way for modern technologies that address similar health concerns.

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The machine uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify harmful pathogens and eradicate them in the body. Importantly, however, these frequencies do not harm healthy cells as each type of microbe has its own individual frequency that can be identified and transmitted without harming other cells or vibrating at different frequencies; according to Nicola Tesla everything in nature vibrates at various frequencies; for an illustration consider a glass of water which naturally vibrates at its resonant frequency which, when vocalists sing continuous notes at it can cause it to shatter; similarly this principle applies in use of Rife machines which uses electromagnetic waves from machines for therapeutic purposes rife machines employ this same principle when attacking harmful pathogens in order to eradicate them from within one’s own body rife machines use electromagnetic waves instead of electromagnetic ones to destroy harmful pathogens within it’s own organism rife machines work in similar fashion!

Spooky2 provides an advanced biofeedback scan system which quickly locates the appropriate frequencies to send into your body, known as sweeps. As these frequencies enter, they stress or injure pathogens and kill them off; their effects will then appear on a biofeedback chart on your screen.

If you own a Spooky2 generator, the GeneratorX Pro allows you to load up to 30 programs and deliver remote PEMF, plasma, contact or contact treatment modes – each mode offering its own benefits such as hands-free or while sleeping plasma mode. Furthermore, this versatile Rife machine offers over 60000 programs including pathogens and supplements lists for targeted treatment.


In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a committee to assemble 16 terminal cancer patients at a lab and clinic in San Diego for study. After 90 days, this committee determined that 86.5 % had been successfully cured while two additional individuals responded within four weeks to bring total recovery rate up to 100%.

It is easy to use

The Rife machine is an electromagnetic energy device used to treat diseases, including cancer. Producing low-frequency electromagnetic waves that destroy microorganisms within the body, unlike other machines like x-ray technology which produce very high radiation output levels; many people utilize this machine at home in order to prevent diseases and improve health.

Operating a Rife machine is easy. This device consists of a plasma tube filled with inert gas that’s activated by electric discharge to transform part of it into plasma, an essential element in helping balance electromagnetic fields of the body and rid harmful organisms.

An important advantage of rife machines is their ability to identify specific frequencies your body requires. It works on the principle that electric currents in your body produce electromagnetic fields with multiple frequencies that vary with how fast the pulsed current passes through, according to classical physics, there should be an infinite number of harmonics; in practice however only limited number exist.

A rife machine can be utilized in multiple ways to provide your body with frequencies it needs for health. You can utilize its plasma mode, contact mode, remote mode, cold laser mode and PEMF capabilities. Furthermore, its database of over 50,000 programs makes finding appropriate frequencies easy while biofeedback scans allow the user to discover which ones they require for healing purposes.

The Spooky2 is one of the most advanced Rife devices on the market, featuring powerful software that can easily be installed onto a computer or tablet and allows users to select an appropriate frequency frequency for their condition. Furthermore, its many online resources help new users get started quickly.

Alixxor’s Rife machine contains all of the original Rife frequencies as well as hundreds more that have been researched and community-sourced since. It’s simple to navigate too; with an alphabetical list that makes finding the ideal frequency easy. Plus, a special “wobble” feature lets you change frequencies up or down until it matches exactly with what your body requires!

It is safe

Rife machines produce low-energy electromagnetic waves to match the frequency of diseased microorganisms to destroy them. This technology relies on the principle that all substances vibrate at specific frequency, or what is known as their “resonant frequency,” while every microorganism has a unique one, which when transmitted more strongly causes structural stress which disables or kills it; similar to how opera singers can break glass when reaching certain pitches; Spooky2 employs this principle when scanning and eliminating harmful pathogens.

Spooky2 is much safer than its plasma machine predecessors. It works by transmitting healing frequencies using quantum entanglement – an ancient process in which particles link even when separated – which allows it to send healing frequencies without wires or electrodes, plus has an inbuilt speaker for sound transmission of frequencies. Plus, its software comes equipped with an easy search function which knows which diseases require short and longer treatments.

Spooky2 equipment should always be purchased through its main website as this avoids profit-hungry distributors or sales agents, provides friendly user support through its exclusive Spooky2 Members Forum, and also boasts an extensive library of health conditions and protocols.

It can be used in multiple ways, including plasma, contact, remote, PEMF and cold laser therapy. Furthermore, its smart signal processor quadruples power when operating in Contact Mode while offering individual outputs for each Remote model. Furthermore, biofeedback mode can also be employed, offering various settings that help relieve pain and build immunity.

Spooky2 software houses the world’s largest frequency database. This includes frequencies for DNA, Main, Molecular Weight and Human Base Pairs as well as over 40,000 disease frequencies – as well as special presets and protocols designed specifically to treat serious conditions like cancer and Lyme. Spooky2 was also designed with ease of use in mind with an intuitive interface and clear documentation.

It is affordable

Spooky2 Rife Machine is your solution if you’re searching for an electromagnetic Rife machine. Based on scientific studies that indicate human bodies respond to electromagnetic fields at low and microwave frequencies, its resonance waves can kill harmful bacteria without harming users. It was named after its inventor Royal Raymond Rife who believed microorganisms possess unique electromagnetic frequencies that can be used to destroy them; Spooky2 machines can also be used to treat many other medical issues including cancer.

Nicola Tesla declared that everything in the universe consists of energy, frequency and vibrations. For instance, an opera singer’s voice vibrates at a specific frequency that can shatter glass; similarly, each microorganism has an ideal frequency or vibration rate and when applied against them will shatter irreparably.

Spooky2 is the most advanced and cost-effective Rife machine available today. It’s free to use and boasts an expansive database of healing frequencies; using quantum physics for long-distance transmission using quantum entanglement; it can quickly scan to locate specific frequencies necessary for treating conditions in minutes; contact mode options available include TENS pads, silver gloves, socks, bands internal electrodes hand cylinders as well as TENS pads (TENs pads available soon), silver gloves with carrier free transmission method similar to Royal Rife’s original transmission method; additionally this Rife machine offers TENS pads as an additional transmission method without carriers (using Royal Rife’s original transmission method used by Royal Rife himself).


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