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Spooky2 Audio Features You Need to Know

spooky2 audio

Prior to Halloween, we’ve put together an audio treat list sure to give your ears a shock! From chilling radio dramas and real-life paranormal podcasts.

Podcasts can be more terrifying than horror movies when removed of visuals; this chilling collection of Edgar Allen Poe stories serves as an excellent example.

Scalar Harmony

Scalar Harmony makes your device connect with any molecular substance with therapeutic benefits such as essential oils, and receive healing scalars from it. Just place a drop on the receiver plate of your spooky2 and you can start receiving healing scalars without being exposed to electrical noise or interference from other machines.

Harmonizing secondary melodies using techniques such as span process, pedal notes or other processes usually results in what is known as a secondary melody chord; its harmonic line may then serve as the counter melody itself. A major-minor scale chord progression often serves as the basis for this secondary melody chord’s support – although any variation between major-minor scale intervals should not exceed one fourth from its counter melody counterpart.

Xylophone music provides an outstanding example of scalar clusters – embellishments or ornamentations on the reference points of a scale – not by chance but instead as intentional choices stemming from specific requirements and limitations of xylophone harmony.

Scalar shifts can also be observed in the opening and chorus of The Beatles’ “Penny Lane.” The verse begins in Dorian, then moves to Ionian for the pre-chorus while remaining ii-V-VII-IV throughout; finally Aeolian notes come into play for the link back into Ionian. Scalar patterns cannot be explained harmonically or tonally and thus offer an expressive tool in songs. A prime example is Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain,” with its shifting scaler patterns which highlight this principle. These examples of scalar harmony are intended to illustrate its use as an effective musical expression tool, conveying mood and emotion in music composition. By no means are these examples exhaustive as there are countless other uses of scalar harmony within compositional structures.

BioScalar Wellness Session

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) generates multiple life-enhancing energy fields including scalar waves to assist the body in its natural ability to restore and optimize functionality. This hyper healthy technology assists with cell regeneration, immune function improvements, pain relief, detoxifying the body, balancing right/left brain hemisphere balances, elevating moods and much more!

Scalar energy is an intelligent form of light which can help the human body rebalance to its original frequencies, as well as restore optimal vibrational frequencies within each cell in your body. Scalar energies are delivered directly into each of your cells so they may find their natural resonance state again.

Once your scalar wellness session is over, you should feel an immediate surge of energy and renewed vitality. Your body has just received an enormous recharge, so drink lots of water afterwards so your cells can flush away all those toxins released by scalar therapy.

Due to its nature, scientific instruments cannot accurately measure scalar energy; but its benefits are clear! People who receive scalar energy sessions typically report reduced stress, pain relief and an overall feeling of well-being; our clients frequently also report improved sleep patterns and greater mental clarity as a result of attending wellness sessions with us. If you would like to schedule one yourself please reach out by contacting us with a date and time preference; 24-hours prior is ideal as this allows time for us to set your spooky2 audio scalar wave receiver plate ready for collection from us or we can set aside for you when meeting us at your appointment time!

Scalar Receiver Plate

Scalar Harmony is an incredible new feature available on the spooky2 audio device. It allows multiple frequencies to be blended together into one scalar field that broadcasts silent healing audio frequencies into every cell in your body – perfect for all Spooky2 users, particularly those interested in exploring silent audio frequency healing properties.

Scalar transmitters stand out by taking energy directly from the ether. Scalar waves do not lose power over distance like electromagnetic waves do, making scalar transmission much more effective than devices that only transmit at one frequency over a certain distance.

With a scalar receiver plate, you can add any item into the scalar field that will be read as information by a scalar transmitter. By placing essential oils on this receiver plate, for example, its molecular information changes how its transmitted between two scalar boxes – potentially healing any infected cells within your body!

Scalar receivers can also be used to produce Rife modulation, an effect created through the combination of Royal Rife’s discoveries with Nikola Tesla’s on scalar wave transmission. When Rife modulation is activated, both transmitter and receiver become modulated with a square wave which alternates on and off 8 times per second to alter their respective fields in much the same way AM radio does when changing volume levels.

Once Rife Modulation is activated, simply connect a Spooky2 GeneratorX Pro to its generator connection and a computer via USB to run its control software application. Sit between transmitter and receiver while these programs run to experience Rife scalar treatment mode.

Spooky2 GX Pro is an advanced scalar system featuring three distinct methods for transmitting healing scalar energy: pure, molecular and Rife scalar transmission. You can choose the optimal transmission method based on your specific needs as this scalar system performs biofeedback scans to identify optimal frequency frequencies for you and your body.

Frequency Slider

This feature allows you to change the tone frequency. This can be extremely useful when testing speakers or electrical wiring as well as detecting hearing loss and tinnitus frequencies. Furthermore, you can even use it remotely apply healing frequencies directly onto DNA at a distance.

Spooky2‘s ergonomic silicon finger clip transforms any setup into a powerful biofeedback scanner capable of creating custom treatment programs tailored specifically for you. It records your pulse rate during frequency scans before applying their results to tailor-make a program designed specifically for you.

Spooky2 contact accessories and the DNA sampler. Its large size provides more surface area for power to enter your body during sessions, making sessions more comfortable.

This powerful power supply for Spooky2 XM generators comes equipped with both boost ports for remotes and PEMF coil ports for frequency imprinting or entrainment, offering stable power even under extreme conditions. Featuring high-end specifications to guarantee optimal power delivery.

High frequency electrical noise generated by Rife plasma systems can create data errors on USB controlled generators. To reduce noise and prevent generator malfunctions, this filter cable helps reduce Rife plasma system electrical noise and connects directly to either MN or BN port on your Spooky2 Boost generator.

This comprehensive kit makes contact mode frequency therapy treatments both straightforward and accessible at home or while traveling. It includes all necessary accessories, silver impregnated gloves, and Tens pads to enable effective long-duration sessions of care. Furthermore, large Tens pads ensure more frequencies can penetrate the body.
