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Spooky2 Blog

Spooky2 blog provides useful information and answers to frequently asked questions, while Quick Guide and video courses are also available.

Your generators are represented and controlled by channels; there may be up to 127 of them in your rig, each offering unique frequencies, settings and waveforms.

How to use

Once Spooky2 is downloaded and installed on your computer, double-click its shortcut to launch it. A main window with three tabs – Settings, System and Internet – will appear allowing you to set preferences for your Spooky2 experience. Choose which tab best matches what you would like.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Each red button on your rig represents and controls a physical generator; up to 127 generators may be connected and operated within Spooky2. On this tab you can view their generator count and channel status for each one; the GC represents how many were found at launch time, RE displays their last response received and RFID indicates if any generator has RFID tags attached to them.

The Programs tab houses frequencies that address different pathogens and conditions. A full listing can be found in the Spooky2 manual, but can also be downloaded here.

These frequencies can help sanitise water, clear food and supplements, kill parasites and other bugs, or act as biofeedback tools for yourself or others. Some frequencies are so powerful they may even help cure cancer (with prior informed consent required)!


Searching frequencies easily using the search button. Once you find one that speaks to you, using ADD allows you to save it as a User Preset Collection which can then be found under Settings in addition to being imported via CSV files.

Use the Pause and Resume buttons to easily stop and resume sequences at exactly where they left off, allowing you to take breaks while getting other things done, then resume right where they left off later. This feature is particularly helpful when running long programs such as overnight Rife Plasma presets for Morgellons Disease treatment as well as several other health conditions. You may also use it for testing purposes or recording sessions for analysis.

Frequency sets

Frequency sets are groups of frequencies designed to treat specific diseases or conditions. You can download frequency sets from the internet or create them yourself using Spooky2. With its built-in database search facility and ability to generate custom frequency sets and carrier sweep programs, Spooky2 makes creating frequency sets accessible and affordable.

Spooky2 can help you run a frequency set easily. Once it has launched, select the Settings tab and Frequency Presets button from its Settings tab – this allows you to select which frequency sets and carrier sweeps you want to load/save as Frequency Presets. Furthermore, its Settings tab also allows you to customize its appearance while making changes that will become its startup defaults.

This program offers an impressive set of features designed to connect seamlessly with Rife generator(s) and provide users of all levels a smooth point-and-click experience. Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7, this software system uses Ethernet or wireless communication with its generator(s) while offering advanced programmability options and numerous treatment modes.

Search functions within software help users quickly locate frequencies or programs by simply typing the name of a disease or symptom into its searching box. Intelligent searching features within this software allow it to differentiate between similar disease names appearing in different languages; for example back pain can have multiple names across languages like Japanese. Furthermore, search functions detect other ailment symptoms like stress anxiety fatigue.

Spooky2 can also help you create your own custom frequency databases and sets to address specific diseases or pathogens, carrier sweeps and frequency entrainment methods tailored specifically for each condition, quantum entanglement healing frequencies for remote transmission as well as improving sleep quality through quantum entanglement transmission methods, etc.

As part of its functionality and options, this software comes equipped with a library of downloadable documents that will assist in understanding its various functions and features, such as an online update for database maintenance and PDF manual. Downloadable from its official website for free use on a Windows-compatible computer with at least 1 gigabyte of memory; for optimal performance it should also temporarily disable antivirus software during setup process and utilize large hard drives for optimal results.

Carrier sweeps

Carrier sweeps are a form of frequency scanning used to locate frequencies quickly by modulating a carrier (fixed) frequency quickly. As faster modulations takes place, more frequencies will be created on either side of this carrier frequency and they become closer together as more frequencies arise from these fast modulationss.

Sweeps can also be tailored by setting their start and stop frequencies as well as how far away from these frequencies they should center their sweep. Furthermore, the scanner can be configured to operate either linearly or circularly while also controlling how long its sweep should continue.

PreCIOSS displays high balanced accuracy when it comes to predicting hard or soft sweep carriers even when sample sizes vary significantly (S1 Table). S8A-S8H Fig illustrates its excellent performance for detecting selection-favored haplotypes within populations (S8A-S8H Fig), even when the recombination rate increases significantly. Predictability may aid this method when used for evaluating genetic changes to populations and identifying suitable candidates for targeted interventions. GX can also be added as an extra tool, making this one useful tool that provides biofeedback scans. At these scans, the scanner transmits frequencies into the body before monitoring how an electrical signal behaves and records any brief changes that indicate hits were detected. This process has significantly shortened biofeedback scan times; full biofeedback scans that would typically take an hour can now be completed in less than 4 minutes using this new functionality.


Spooky2 is one of the most sophisticated Rife systems available, capable of transmitting frequencies both remotely and contactly, killing or healing pathogens, producing high-grade colloidal silver, creating custom frequency sets, dowsing carrier sweep programs and test generators – not forgetting its four factory databases! – plus users creating their own frequency sets. Users also benefit from USB Capture Log; Frequency Blacklist control; HRV Tolerance/Setting panes plus the option for custom databases in CSV format!

Spooky2 automatically detects and connects with all present generators at startup, giving each red button control over one physical generator or channel; you may have up to 127 total channels. Spooky2 automatically recognizes how many generators there are present and connects accordingly.

Once connected, you can run preset programs (with over 59,700 frequencies) as well as easily creating your own frequency set and carrier sweep program using the software provided. It offers dual configurable amplitude and frequency wobble systems; harmonic generation functions; an extensive database for light wavelength identification; global transport controls with signal gating on each output and an easy run scheduling feature – everything needed for successful operations!

The Utils Menu features the Install Spooky2-XM xx bit Drivers command for quick and easy driver download and installation, the Graph control that displays real time frequency sweeps of generators, an Options button to choose between square or sinusoidal waveform transmission; and a Clear button which removes search term from results sets and returns both back to Conditions List. Users may also save search results as Spooky2 startup default settings or save frequency sets and user waveforms as a rig to load at restart.


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