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Spooky2 Cancer

Spooky2 is an innovative Rife frequency healing system. Lekita provides coaching sessions on this system in order to assist newcomers get acquainted with it, including setting up their hardware and making software-related decisions.

Royal Raymond Rife discovered that certain frequencies could break apart cancer viruses. John has programmed his Spooky2 Central Plasma Rife machine with two cancer destroying frequencies as well as feathering and 4 hertz gating effects to make it even more effective.


Royal Raymond Rife discovered that certain frequencies could help break apart cancer viruses and pathogens responsible for ailments like asthma, eczema, Lyme Disease, insomnia and headaches. Spooky2 is founded on his theories that frequency healing can dismantle pathogens at their core to treat various health conditions.

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John White has pre-programmed the central plasma rife machine to run both cancer-destroying frequencies simultaneously and utilize feathering (reducing power by 4 hertz ) and gating (4 hertz) effects to make treatment more effective. This episode is especially helpful for beginners learning to setup Spooky2 software.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, caused by a bacterial infection, causes symptoms including fatigue and fever. Treatment typically involves antibiotics; however, in some instances symptoms remain even after therapy has taken place – in these instances post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS) should be considered an additional factor. Both NIAID and NINDS support research into PTLDS to uncover its cause.

Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria that are transmitted via tick bites. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 30,000 to 500,000 Americans develop Lyme every year in the US alone, infecting joints, heart valves and nervous systems before eventually spreading into your skin through bites from ticks. If treated early and managed well most will recover fully from Lyme.


Symptoms typically develop three to 30 days post-tick bite and include erythema migrans rash, fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain as well as fatigue. On darker skin types the rash may not be easily visible – sometimes appearing like a bull’s-eye; moreover it may be difficult to pinpoint where a tick was attached such as on neck or scalp areas.

People suffering from Lyme disease usually respond well to antibiotic treatments such as doxycycline or amoxicillin; for severe symptoms, intravenous ceftriaxone may also be administered. Failure to take appropriate antibiotics could result in chronic symptoms, including arthritis and joint swelling in large joints; both the NIAID and NINDS support studies using animal models, such as nonhuman primates, to better understand this infection’s long-term consequences.

People who do not respond to antibiotics may experience persistent, recurring symptoms that make life difficult, which has not been fully understood but has often been referred to as chronic Lyme disease or persistent Lyme disease syndrome (PLDS). Some have even reported feeling worse after antibiotic treatment for initial infection with antibiotics.

NIAID has supported placebo-controlled clinical trials designed to test the efficacy of long-term antibiotic therapy for PTLDS. Results of these trials have been thoroughly assessed statistically and scientifically; unfortunately they have not supported its use; for this reason it’s essential for people living with Lyme disease to follow the instructions of their physicians and take every necessary measure against long-term antibiotic treatment plans.


Insomnia is an increasingly prevalent problem that affects people of all ages, characterized by difficulty sleeping or staying asleep and can stem from multiple causes. Treatment options range from lifestyle modifications and medication, but the first step should always be identifying its source by keeping a sleep diary or speaking with your physician.

Spooky2 was developed in 2013 as a frequency healing Rife machine based on the theory of Royal Raymond Rife who believed that appropriate frequencies could destroy cancer viruses and pathogens. Pre-programmed frequencies target various health conditions while it can also help to prevent illness and can be purchased at for sale. Free introductory sessions for new users of the software provide guidance through any issues they might be encountering with hardware setup, software usage or program structure; follow up sessions can be booked at PS90 per session either in person or remotely via Zoom – these sessions can either take place in person or online via Zoom for convenience.


Headaches are a widespread health problem that range from mild to severe in intensity. Common triggers of headaches include stress, alcohol use, skipped meals and certain foods or smells as well as lighting or weather changes; symptoms include light sensitivity, blurred vision and nausea.

One of the leading causes of headaches is increased intracranial pressure. This condition, also known as pseudotumor cerebri or hydrocephalus, occurs due to either tumor growth or infection and compresses nerves and blood vessels within the brain causing pain. A surgically implanted shunt system can divert excess fluid away from your brain in order to alleviate any associated headaches.

Trigeminal autonomic cephalgia (TAC), is another form of headache characterized by severe facial pain on one side and autonomic symptoms like red and watery eyes, drooping eyelids, or runny noses. TAC may occur occasionally or chronically – with episodes recurring daily over months or years with pain-free respites between episodes.


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