The Spooky2 Cancer Protocol uses frequencies designed to target cancer cells and viruses while simultaneously strengthening your immune system. To use it successfully, you’ll require two generators with targeted cancer presets for coil and contact mode of Spooky Central essential kit.
Spooky2 coaches can help guide you through hardware setup, software usage and program structure. Their hourly rates typically run around PS90 per hour.
Spooky2‘s detox programs help eliminate toxins from the body while simultaneously improving liver, kidney and blood functions as well as lymphatic system health. Furthermore, they can eliminate parasites, worms, fluke toxins as well as mercury/heavy metal accumulation from your system – it is best to run detox presets on two generators for maximum efficiency! Throughout your detox experience it is also vital that you drink lots of water – this process should not be undertaken lightly!
Detoxification is an integral component of the Spooky2 cancer protocol, helping the body flush away toxic substances and prepare itself to receive Rife frequencies which disrupt tumor cell membranes and kill cancer cells while also stimulating natural healing pathways, strengthening immunity, and supporting detoxification.
Step one of the Spooky2 Cancer Protocol involves conducting two biofeedback scans – full system and cancer. After these are complete, step two involves creating a preset in CancerTool with frequencies specific to cancer treatment.
This frequency program is intended to cleanse both the colon and intestines. Additionally, it may assist in killing pathogens through coordinative resonance as well as supporting natural detoxification processes in your body. For optimal results it should be run daily for at least four weeks –
Spooky2 generator makes creating CS solution easy! Just connect it to Generator 1, while using Generator 2 for detox programs. Stirring every hour during production helps evenly disperse silver particles throughout the liquid for maximum effectiveness; any time silver clumps together they lose effectiveness and could become ineffective. Ultimately, Spooky2 delivers safe CS solutions suitable for internal consumption – testing TDS (total dissolved solids) every 6 hours is also highly recommended to ensure safe use.
Spooky2‘s Terrain Protocol is an intensive detox program designed to eliminate fluke parasite and worm toxins as well as mercury and heavy metals from your body, while simultaneously improving liver, kidney, intestines and lymphatic functions and overall immune health. Furthermore, this detox program may also reduce inflammation in your body and alleviate symptoms related to Lyme disease, Morgellons & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – it may even help alleviate them! This detox can be used standalone or alongside other Rife frequencies.
Killing Cancer Cells
The Spooky2 Cancer Protocol is a set of frequencies designed to kill cancer cells, pathogens and heavy metals in your body while aiding detoxification. Based on Royal Raymond Rife’s theories that certain frequencies could destroy pathogens through coordinative resonance, as well as alleviate symptoms caused by diseases like Morgellons and Lyme disease by stimulating detox pathways; additionally they may help eliminate inflammation caused by various microorganisms present within the body.
To use this frequency set effectively, first conduct a full system and cancer biofeedback scan using Spooky2 before creating a targeted cancer preset (for instructions, see Lessons 6: GeneratorX Biofeedback Scan and Lesson 8: Cancer Tool Biofeedback Scan tutorials in the Spooky2 User’s Guide). Next, select this preset in CancerTool before running frequencies through either scaler coil or contact mode. When your frequency session has concluded, repeat it 2-3 times every week in order to keep killing cancer cells
Spooky2 provides the Cancer tool, which allows users to conduct cancer scans. Before running one, however, they must enter information such as their log file name, scan type and individual’s name into the Log Name field before clicking Start.
Once your cancer sweep is completed, its list of frequencies can be imported as a custom database by selecting “Load Frequency Sets” in the File menu. Your new database will be stored in its own folder on your computer that can be opened by double-clicking “Beta Icon in Spooky2 Folder or Shortcut on desktop”.
Spooky2 now includes an updated main frequency database in CSV format for easy saving and loading frequencies without rescans. Staying up-to-date ensures Spooky2 recognizes your hardware properly, finding its appropriate driver quickly.
Immune Boosting
Immunity boosters help strengthen your body’s natural defenses against pathogens and viruses, and are especially useful during detoxification, relieving fatigue or pain while decreasing inflammation and stimulating detox pathways to clear out harmful substances like heavy metals from your system. They may even help alleviate other chronic conditions like autoimmune diseases or fibromyalgia; immune-boosting frequencies may even be utilized alongside major killing protocols like Cancer or Morgellons & Lyme as part of maintenance programs for both.
Spooky2 stands apart from traditional Rife machines by employing natural scalar energy rather than electromagnetic waves to transmit frequencies and restore health. As it is the only device capable of sending such frequencies directly into your body – up to 3,500,000Hz without using wasteful carrier frequencies – making it particularly advantageous when treating cancer as these frequencies penetrate more deeply into cells of your body than electromagnetic ones do.
To execute the cancer protocol, first conduct a full system and cancer scan with Spooky2. Next, open CancerTool from the Tools menu by double-clicking it, selecting your latest full system scan data file in the combo box next to Full Scan label and your targeted cancer preset in Cancer Preset box (if unsure how this works refer to Lesson 6 of GeneratorX Biofeedback Scan or Lesson 8 of Cancer Tool Biofeedback Scan tutorials within Spooky User’s Guide for guidance). Lastly press Start Cancer Protocol button!
Once your program is up and running, you can control its frequency output with ease by clicking the Frequency List tab. It displays a table listing all frequencies currently being produced; with common frequencies at the top and more complex ones at the bottom. In this list are listed such information as frequency name, target organ/tumor organ location number frequency polarity application time as well as whether or not modulation sweep is being conducted at this moment in time.
Modulation Sweeps are a type of sweep which creates an array of evenly spaced frequencies which are then multiplied with the carrier frequency to form waveforms which can be randomly applied to the body – this set of frequencies is known as modulated carrier.
The Spooky2 Cancer Protocol was created to destroy cancer cells while supporting your body’s detox pathways, in order to eliminate dead cancer and parasite cells causing symptoms, as well as flush out any toxins from your system that might be contributing to pain or discomfort. It’s an efficient and proven approach for killing both cancer and parasites while detoxifying. This effective protocol offers real solutions against cancer and parasites alike!
Spooky2 is a Rife system which utilizes natural scalar energy rather than electromagnetic waves for healing purposes, making it far more potency and effective than any conventional electronic device or Rife machine. With frequencies reaching 3,500,000Hz it can transmit frequencies ten times higher than regular Rife machines.
Spooky2 software features presets for coil, contact, plasma and scatter. In addition, you can easily create your own frequency sets and carrier sweep programs using this software. Plus, its biofeedback scan feature helps identify which frequencies may be most beneficial to your health – then apply these frequencies directly through either a scalar coil or plasma transmitter on the Spooky2 unit!
The Spooky2 Cancer Protocol contains not only healing frequencies but also herxing protective frequencies to safeguard liver from herxing reactions. Herxing reactions are part of detoxification process and occur as you rid your body of toxic substances; while these responses can be unpleasant they’re essential in providing complete and healthy treatments.
As part of the Spooky2 cancer protocol, it is recommended to purchase and test a scalar generator. You should have a thorough knowledge of how to connect and operate generators as well as using the Spooky2 program and its various features (such as saving/restoring frequency sets/carrier sweep programs/other settings). Finally, familiarize yourself with its recommended schedule for running both programs together.