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Spooky2 Help

If you are new to Spooky2 and need assistance getting started, we offer initial and follow-up coaching sessions as a great way to become acquainted with its machinery and get answers to any queries that arise.

Spooky2 draws its inspiration from Royal Raymond Rife’s discovery that specific frequencies could disrupt cancer viruses and pathogens by sending them into vibration, transmitted via plasma tube discharge current.

How do I use Spooky2?

Spooky2 is a frequency device designed to increase energy levels, reduce pain and inflammation, improve mental clarity and boost general wellbeing. Millions of people across the globe have used Spooky2 for treating various conditions while improving their quality of life – it truly stands as the most comprehensive frequency healing system currently available.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Spooky 2 works by transmitting frequencies that reset cellular communication networks to increase metabolism and circulation, restore natural healing abilities by correcting imbalances within your body, and correct imbalances through its unique scalar field that penetrates deep into tissues of your body.

Spooky2 requires two distinct cables from its generator to the Central: one must go into its Input port while another can connect directly with its Modulation port.

Once this step is complete, you can begin choosing programs specifically tailored to meet your unique needs. With over 30,000 programs to select from ranging from immunity enhancement to pain relief solutions and more available in our database, program selection shouldn’t be difficult or time consuming. The process for program selection should also be straightforward.


Spooky2 stands out from other scalar devices with its Rife modulation capabilities, enabling you to transmit the original frequencies discovered and studied by Royal Rife himself – something no other scalar device can accomplish.

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is a new accessory that adds audio frequencies to its scalar transmission, enabling you to enjoy relaxing music and meditative beats that provide restorative benefits for the entire body.

What is Spooky2?

Spooky2 software enables the simultaneous control of up to 126 Rife generators simultaneously, offering access to an extensive library of set frequencies which can be played back through Rife machines – these include mortal oscillator rates for cancer viruses as well as frequencies that provide support and healing of specific organs or systems of the body, detoxification and spiritual awakening, among many others.

Royal Raymond Rife was an exceptional scientist who made an important discovery. He demonstrated how certain electromagnetic frequencies could effectively eradicate disease-causing micro-organisms while at the same time benefitting humans – something later confirmed by other scientists and which now forms the basis of frequency healing modalities.

Rife Machine was initially devised with the understanding that human bodies are electrical and responsive to electromagnetic waves, yet today there has been much advancement of this device, enabling its usage in remote, contact, plasma mode delivery of Rife frequencies. The Spooky2 Rife Machine uses similar principles and technology as Royal Rife’s original invention; however it now allows remote, contact, plasma mode and radiofrequency mode of Rife frequency delivery for improved health outcomes.

Spooky2 Phanatron Tube uses an alternating electric current to ionize inert gas, turning some of its particles into plasma (the fifth matter state) and producing electromagnetic fields which penetrate deeply into our bodies.

Frequency healing works when its frequencies match those of disease-causing germs’ resonance, so they start vibrating at an identical frequency until eventually shattering. This process, known as frequency entrainment, helps eliminate disease-causing organisms while restoring normal cell functions; hence its efficacy as frequency healing.

How do I program my Spooky2?

Spooky2 offers many uses. From Rife machines that produce superior colloidal silver, to killing bugs and mold in your home. Furthermore, it can function as a Clark Zapper or Spectrum Zapper; even helping you create your own cold laser!

Spooky2 features an advanced biofeedback system. This works by sending frequencies into your body in order to stress, injure, or kill pathogens – when this happens, the computer registers the event and correlates it to its exact frequency (known in Rife terms as “hitting”). Once assembled into a program for application by you directly.

How do I customize my Spooky2?

Spooky2 allows you to use various accessories for applying frequencies through contact mode, including silver gloves, socks, bands, internal electrodes and hand cylinders. In addition, cold laser and PEMF frequencies may also be used. Spooky2 also comes equipped with GeneratorX which enables biofeedback scans within minutes; during these scans the generator applies frequencies while monitoring how each one stresses, injures or kills pathogens.

What are the benefits of using Spooky2?

Spooky2 offers many health benefits that have been attested by testimonials. People using it regularly experience significant enhancements in quality of life – this includes improved sleep and energy levels. Spooky2 also serves as an indispensable tool for practitioners of holistic healing and wellness practices, making treatments available to clients with various needs.

Spooky2 stands out as an innovative solution by enabling users to customize frequencies based on their individual needs, providing more tailored treatments and increasing efficiency over conventional therapies. Spooky2 features a vast library of frequency programs specifically targeted at pathogens (viruses, bacteria, protozoa protozoa fungi helminths etc) as well as body systems and organs that need healing.

The scalar field created by the generator can be used to transmit healing frequencies throughout the body to promote relaxation, increase energy levels, and accelerate recovery from illness or injury. You can strengthen it further by placing medications, crystals, or essential oils onto the input coil of the generator. Furthermore, its informational capabilities allow it to carry details for cells such as fighting infections, encouraging spiritual awakening and more.

Spooky2 stands out as an innovative scalar signal therapy system because of its ability to incorporate Rife modulation. This feature makes any treatment session even more effective by more efficiently delivering Rife’s original frequencies, potentially increasing effectiveness and potency for treating disease and increasing immunity. A proprietary algorithm powers this advanced scalar technology.


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