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Spooky2 Laser Therapy System

Spooky2 is an advanced Rife system with four transmission modes that combines quantum entanglement theory with Royal Rife’s frequency healing principles for effective frequency healing.

Hardware setup is straightforward. Simply connect the generator to a computer via a USB cable, and turn it on.

Test mode enables you to run the software without connecting any physical hardware; the program includes factory databases for DNA, Base Pairs, MW and main.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!


Frequencies (vibrating rates in the universe), also referred to as frequencies, have an enormously complex meaning for every living thing on an cellular level. All cells in your body communicate and regulate all functions via sending and receiving frequencies – any miscommunication can lead to symptoms in your body which manifest themselves through illness. Spooky2 transmits frequencies as scalar energy and allows users to add radionics rates by tapping a button, increasing treatment power through more precise transmission and powerful amplitudes.

Spooky2 boasts the world’s largest frequency database covering many serious illnesses like cancer and Lyme disease, providing biofeedback scans of the body to identify pathogens causing problems and target them with targeted treatments to eliminate them – potentially cutting recovery times by up to 50 percent! Plus it features two function generators for advanced Rife-style healing with scalar energy as well as PEMF solutions to promote faster cell metabolism.

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) solutions utilize low-level electromagnetic fields to stimulate cell metabolism within your body’s tissues and cells, providing a natural way to strengthen immunity while restoring balance between physical and emotional health. Connecting it to any Spooky2 generator – whether cold laser wrist, twin, or the new GeneratorX Pro with its dedicated Out 1 port will allow the program to start automatically.

GeneratorX Pro offers all of the same programs available in other Spooky2 models while adding an extra PEMF coil output port, giving you access to treatments not possible with other Spooky2 units and Rife frequency scanning and imprinting for deeper healing.

To initiate a scan or treatment, click on the large red button on the right side of your screen and select one of the programs available to open the Program Window. The first tab, General, provides access to frequency sets suited for various conditions or purposes that can be saved into either of our main databases or customized databases for future reference. Each frequency set can also be given its own name to make it easier for future searches; additionally you may select specific channels for generators as well as toggle their gating on/off based on personal preference.


Spooky2 is one of the most comprehensive Rife systems on the market, featuring plasma, contact, remote and cold laser treatment modes as well as a smart signal processor capable of quadrupling contact mode power. Furthermore, its biofeedback scanning function gives your body a boost by transmitting frequencies which kill off pathogens and restore equilibrium to your system – plus there are frequency sweeps and presets designed to address various health conditions including cancer, Lyme disease, Morgellons infection and heavy metal detoxification among many others.

The software is easy to use, with tabs at the top of your window displaying Settings, System and Programs tabs for quick navigation and selection of programs. Four factory databases (DNA, Base Pairs, Molecular Weight and Main), along with your custom files are included as part of this software for reference – these contain frequencies related to specific health conditions.

Spooky2 users can also gain support from fellow Spooky2 users through a Facebook group who are more than willing to share their expertise in selecting frequency sets for specific ailments. When using a plasma tube, cold laser twin or PEMF coil it’s essential that users follow recommended protocols.

spooky2 features an oscillator to generate random frequencies for cleansing or healing purposes, as well as three scalar modes – Pure Scalar, Molecular Scalar and Rife Scalar – that produce different frequencies for specific uses. Mineral oil should be applied to the coil prior to every use as this helps ensure strong electrical connections for increased effectiveness of this device.

Spooky2 PEMF coils generate electromagnetic frequencies that interact with your cells to produce a gentle heating effect, similar to plasma tube frequencies but more concentrated. This makes it easier to target specific parts of your body such as navel, ears and acupuncture points (meridians) with the coil; for proper installation it’s wise to seek help from an electrician or professional in terms of installation and connection.


Spooky2 is the most advanced Rife machine on the market and uses quantum entanglement technology to transmit healing frequencies similar to Star Trek’s quantum teleportation protocol, killing pathogens that cause disease while increasing your body’s natural healing process. It includes an advanced biofeedback system, frequency sweeps and pre-set programs tailored specifically for different conditions ranging from home health promotion through treating serious diseases like cancer, Lyme disease and Morgellons as well as detoxing heavy metals from your system.

This software boasts one of the largest Rife frequency databases on the market, featuring DNA, Main, Base Pairs and Molecular Weight frequencies as well as custom ones uploaded by users – one of the largest databases ever. It also features biofeedback scan functionality to quickly pinpoint appropriate frequencies enhancing treatment effectiveness; an intuitive user interface makes program selection simple while multiple generators and remote control functionality add extra convenience.

Spooky2 stands out as an affordable and intuitive Rife machine, providing multiple treatment modes – plasma, contact, remote and PEMF as well as cold laser and audio frequency entrainment – at an attractive price point. Connect TENS pads for hands-free contact sessions; with its powerful Spooky Boost 2.0 signal processor quadrupling power in contact mode while doubling it in remote mode.

Our intuitive interface makes the device user-friendly for even novice users, making setup effortless. Compatible with your choice of generator, quick guides and videos provide everything needed for setup. Furthermore, its free software updates keep pace with developments in frequency technologies, while sales directly to consumers avoid unnecessary middlemen profit margins.

Spooky2 boasts an active community of over 20,000 researchers and users who provide advice and support. Many users report an improvement in their health and well-being after using the machine, including reduced symptoms like tinnitus, improved energy levels, elimination of parasites/bacteria/parasites etc. Spooky2 makes an excellent non-pharmaceutical solution to many health concerns!


Cold Laser therapy uses non-thermal light photons to speed up the body’s natural healing processes. It is effective at alleviating pain and inflammation, wound healing, joint and neurological conditions, dental issues, lymph node swelling relief and tinnitus relief. Cold laser is also an excellent method for detoxification as well as cleaning organs. Spooky2 offers two Cold Laser devices – Cold Laser Twin and Spooky2 Cold Laser Wrist. Both devices can connect via USB Cable to GeneratorX devices; each is equipped with silicone covers which protect them from accidental skin contact damage.

Spooky2 Remote mode works without a GeneratorX device being physically present, using quantum physics and DNA antenna properties to transmit frequencies through what physicists refer to as nonlocal space – meaning you don’t have to be in the same room, let alone country, as your machine in order to use it!

Spooky2 Central makes frequency application easy with four ways of applying frequencies: plasma, ultrasonic, PEMF coil and contact. Royal Rife himself used plasma as the initial transmission method! Plus it features an advanced sample digitizer capable of performing GX scans of biological samples before automatically sending results back with frequency settings for optimal health improvement.

Spooky2 device comes equipped with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field solution (PEMF). This technology recharges body cells quickly, speeding their path of healing faster. PEMF therapy has proven helpful for insomnia, fibromyalgia, IBS-C, chronic fatigue and depression patients as well as improving cardiovascular and respiratory systems and strengthening the immune system.


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