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Spooky2 Manual

The Advanced Menu contains commands for controlling all aspects of Spooky2 rig. In addition, this menu can generate USB communications logs and Program logs to aid troubleshooting efforts.

Copying the settings from Out 1 to Out 2, so both generators transmit identical signals, is particularly helpful when performing frequency set programs that target multiple pathogens.

Frequency Sets

The Frequency Sets tab includes preset programs designed to run on generator(s). Each program consists of a frequency set, carrier sweep mode and custom waveform settings.

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Each frequency set can be customized to meet your own personal requirements by selecting it and using the various controls in the bottom right corner of the screen to modify its parameters. Font size adjustments range from 8pt to 16pt while font style options enable users to switch font types at will.

The Controls panel in the right side of the window contains various utilities for monitoring and controlling Spooky2. It features a USB Capture Log which records activity on its USB ports; Frequency Blacklisting to block transmission of specific frequencies; HRV Tolerance controls; as well as a File Menu where screenshots can be directly saved as JPG files.

Spooky2 allows for all settings to be saved and restored as defaults when starting up a new session by pressing the Save As Default or red X button. This includes program presets, custom and user waveforms, frequency sets, and any other settings you might use during a session.


By clicking the Create Frequency Set button, you can also easily create your own frequency set. After creating it, give it a descriptive name so it is easily found when searching for programs. In addition, choose Carrier Sweep mode to modulate static carrier frequencies – something only Spooky2 offers as an innovative world leader!

The Status tab displays all of the most relevant system data. This includes information such as Generator Count (GC), Received Error (RE) and Generator Status (GE).

The Generators tab displays a list of currently connected generators. You can view each one’s status by clicking its icon in the Status tab or looking at its Status dialog box (press F4 for this feature). As Spooky2 transmits commands to these generators, their GC and RE values are updated accordingly.


Spooky2 stands out as an indispensable software application with its ability to create and use custom waveforms for frequency sets and spectrum sweep programs, including carrier waveforms that can be saved and loaded whenever the program starts up. Furthermore, frequencies can also be created and stored as both frequency sets and carrier sweep programs – making it simple and quick to detect pathogens or diseases that might pose a problem!

Spooky2 makes communicating with offline generators simple and efficient – simply identify their port numbers to connect. Furthermore, settings are saved so the same setup can be reused later and frequency sets and custom waveforms can be loaded without having to restart the entire program!

There is even a “blacklist” feature to block transmission of certain frequencies; HRV Tolerance allows users to set any harmful transmission of frequencies. Furthermore, dark screen savers extend laptop display life and decrease energy use by keeping it running at night or throughout the day without needing to turn it off manually.

Spooky2 makes using an array simple; simply press any of the red buttons located on generators to control them. Each red button corresponds to an individual Channel which can be controlled separately. Additionally, a program displays a graphic representation of your rig with current state information for all Channels as well as connected generators or an output power graph view for each Channel.

The Spooky2 manual details how to configure each Channel and make various adjustments on it, such as how long generators should run for and the output powers they produce, sensitivity and stability settings, frequency amplitude multiplier settings that enable for transmission of an extensive spectrum of frequencies, disruption/destructive mode settings for signal generation as well as key settings related to how signals are created and transmitted.

Carrier Sweeps

Spooky2 is a software program that makes using some of the world’s most powerful Rife generators easy, effective and powerful. The program boasts advanced features like global transport controls for multi-generator rigs, individual channel gating on each output and real time frequency value control; plus pre-set frequencies which assist users in finding optimal frequencies for specific purposes. In addition, Spooky2 features an extensive online forum and video library as well as membership program offers discounts on equipment purchases plus nanoguides to teach users how to properly utilize this software properly as well.

Once you press the Carrier Sweep Program button, a window will open to enable you to configure its frequency transmission period and whether the program will follow Out 1’s amplitude settings or Out 2 independently as output. Furthermore, you can specify a sweep frequency range with or without preceding or subsequenting zapping frequencies or custom waveforms.

Carrier sweeps can help identify pathogens in your body and be used in combination with other spooky2 programs to eliminate them. They may also be combined with plasma tubes in contact mode for deep body penetration.

Once you’ve configured the parameters for your carrier sweep, click Create Carrier Sweep Program to launch it. It will run for as long as specified and transmit frequencies at their specified amplitude levels to Out 1 and Out 2. If you wish to create multiple carrier sweeps of different lengths simultaneously, separate programs and configure each one separately is an easy way to do it.

If you need to run your spooky2 programs for longer than an hour, using the circular Pause/Resume buttons at the bottom of your screen, can do so using Spooky2. Spooky2 will pause the program at exactly where it started and resume at exactly where it left off when restarted; this feature is particularly helpful with Morgellons and Cancer protocols which require long treatment cycles. In addition, Spooky2 features an auto-pause feature which saves power consumption and extends battery lifespan – perfect for programs which require long treatment cycles such as Morgellons and Cancer protocols! Additionally, Spooky2 also features an auto-pause feature to conserve power consumption and extend battery lifespan!


Spooky2 offers you many ways to customize how it operates with the Settings tab, enabling you to adjust many aspects that impact its functionality each time you run the program – changes made here will take effect every time it runs, such as USB Capture Log (which records activity on generators), Frequency Blacklist controls that prevent transmission of certain frequencies, HRV Tolerance control and HRV Tolerance tolerance setting, HRV Tolerance control list of loaded databases as well as font size and color settings. Font sizes and colors can also be changed here.

Clicking the Check For Errors button will create a historical record of all errors that occurred while running Spooky2. This record includes the date, time, generator number and nature of each error that might have arisen while using Spooky2. Having access to such an overview helps in diagnosing issues related to running the program.

Clicking the Setup Settings button opens a dialog that installs drivers for Spooky2-5M and UDB 11 08 S generators if your computer supports them, taking up to 15 minutes if connected USB devices slow things down; you will also be asked to accept or decline the license agreement (press Page Down for visibility).

The next two options allow you to setup and configure a Spooky2 rife system for use in your clinic. Here you can set its default language and folder of choice. Additionally, create a desktop shortcut of Spooky2, making launching it quick by double-clicking from Windows taskbar.

Finally, you can select or create your own preset for the program. Each preset provides different configuration of program functions that allows for creating various frequency sets.

This screen serves as the final setting screen and displays the current state of your program, such as whether or not it is running in Test Mode with multiple virtual generators or Normal mode with just one generator connected. You may also choose for it to automatically go into Standby mode after being closed so it will be ready for use the next time you open it up.


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