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Spooky2 PEMF Coil

Spooky2 PEMF Coil is an electromagnetic field generator operating within the middle and low Rife frequency range, with more concentrated fields than those generated by plasma tubes.

Many people use this coil to implant frequencies into liquids such as medicine, tinctures or water – they simply slide their bottle through its hole.


Spooky2 is a frequency generation device that utilizes pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) to assist the healing process. It works by sending low-frequency signals through copper or aluminium wire coils known as solenoids to create an electromagnetic field around an area being treated, helping reduce pain, inflammation, promote bone growth and decrease stress and anxiety levels. It can even improve sleep quality while decreasing stress levels for greater energy boost! The Spooky2 device is easy to use and does not require special precautions or special instructions before usage!

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As with any device, it is vital that users follow instructions when operating the Spooky boost, cold laser, PEMF coil and plasma tube to ensure its safe and effective use. Spooky2 features three distinct scalar modes – Pure Scalar, Molecular Scalar and Rife Scalar – that produce different frequencies for different uses. Ideally when operating this device mineral oil should be applied liberally as this will aid connection ease while improving electrical contact.

Spooky2 Can Treat Lyme Disease

Sebastien Mercier is an experienced Rife practitioner who has been using Spooky 2 for four years to identify his Lyme disease symptoms and treat them successfully, becoming symptom-free as long as he uses Spooky 2 twice weekly. In this week’s blog post he shares how Spooky 2 and Rife frequencies have helped ease them.

Spooky2 can be intimidating for first-time users. To make things easier, it may help to start with a basic program such as Terrain; this will prepare your body to accept other frequencies more quickly and can take only 30 minutes!


Spooky2 can help with many conditions that affect discs. Simply attach the PEMF coil and TENS pads, plug into TENS ports on Spooky boost and turn on. Launch Spooky2 software then select Shell Presets>Shell (Empty) Presets, Healing-JW subcollection then load up programs you would like to run before clicking Programs Tab – for instance to treat disc conditions, double click Slipped Discs CAFL and Herniated Disc Reduce Swelling-XTRA programs before clicking Programs Tab


Spooky2 PEMF coil generates electromagnetic frequencies that interact with body cells to produce a mild heating effect and benefit your health. However, since the coil doesn’t deliver the same frequencies as plasma tubes do, users must use it cautiously; for any help installing or using their coil they should consult an electrician or professional for assistance.

Installation is straightforward and quick: simply connect your generator to Spooky boost using a BNC/alligator cable, connect a pair of TENS pads to its high power port (make sure they are clean and not touching each other) and attach silver rods (place them more than an inch apart), as well as alligator cables, onto its colloidal silver port. Finally, link all these pieces back up via alligator cables back to your generator.

Once the installation process has been completed, you can begin using your Spooky 2 XM system in Contact mode. Be sure to set Spooky Central’s Shell or Plasma preset and frequency setting at 5volt/100% offset square wave – anything other than this may result in damage.

Utilizing a PEMF coil is more effective than Hulda Clark’s zapper because of its various frequencies and higher output current, better magnetic field penetration, more focused frequency targeting parasitic microorganisms, and its more focused magnetic field that penetrates deeper into the body.

Be mindful when using a coil: use its negative magnetic field (BN side) against your body for maximum effect. A positive magnetic field could negate or even worsen any benefits offered by using its negative side, so beware if using it with an infection worsening effect!

Make sure that you’re well hydrated and comfortable before starting to use your Spooky2 xm system. Turn on the generator, launch Spooky2, and choose one or more programs before selecting an orange power light on Spooky2 software’s Plasma Presets tab; once selected, the shell can then begin running its programs.


The Spooky2 Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Coil produces energy fields that are both safe and effective in treating ailments, thanks to frequencies penetrating cells to restore energy balance in your body. They’ve been found effective at treating pain management, joint health issues, sleep disorders, depression/anxiety issues as well as bone healing – as well as free radical damage prevention. Scalar Energy therapy differs significantly from PEMF in that its effect tends to be local while lower frequency waves travel throughout your entire body during PEMF sessions while using higher frequencies while Scalar Energy Therapy uses lower frequency waves with stronger waves able to travel throughout its effects allowing greater health benefits overall.

The Spooky2 Plasma Phanatron tube is an enhanced version of Dr. Rife’s apparatus, consisting of an transparent tube filled with inert gas that is activated via electric discharge to produce plasma; an eighth matter state which exists both visible and UV wavelengths.

Spooky2 is one of the premier Rife systems currently available on the market, boasting two precision DDS output signals for use as single signal generators or complex systems. Furthermore, its built-in computer allows for remote system management via USB as well as having an advanced processor capable of performing multiple tasks at the same time.

The Spooky2 Pemf Coil can also inject frequencies directly into liquids. With its specially-sized hole designed to fit vials snugly into it, people can place medicines, tinctures or water directly into it when placing it flat on a table – and run treatment frequencies on its contents afterwards.

Spooky2 Scalar Digitizer is an indispensable accessory that transforms your Spooky2 setup into an effective biofeedback scanner that can create tailored treatment programs tailored specifically to you and your specific needs. Connected directly to the generator, this device records pulse rate during frequency scanning before creating a programme with frequency sets which have been activated by your body’s scalar response.


Spooky2 offers an exceptional two-year warranty on its products, which they will repair or replace if damaged through misuse or abuse, or refund customer funds if it cannot be fixed. Their pemf coil frequency generator emits electromagnetic fields which have proven helpful with pain management, sleep disorders, depression/anxiety management, arthritis healing and bone healing processes – these frequencies may even reduce inflammation while improving blood circulation – it makes an excellent addition for people suffering back pain who require better circulation to reduce inflammation.

The Spooky2 PEMF coil works by creating an electromagnetic field that interacts with body’s cells to produce small amounts of heat. This effect is created through interaction between magnetic fields within the coil and the electrical current passing through it, producing small heat increases. To prevent overheating, its design includes bursts of pulsed frequencies that alternate between high and low frequencies to form complex signals that interact with our bodies’ cells without discomfort or heating effects.

The Spooky2 System is an impressive Rife machine, featuring both PEMF coil and Rife machine functions to detect harmful organisms in your body and remove them effectively. As one of the most comprehensive systems on the market, with presets for plasma, contact and remote modes – including those to treat parasites and viruses which other machines cannot treat – Spooky2 offers effective ways of treating any issue you might be dealing with!

Spooky boost is an external amplifier designed to enhance the output of your Spooky2 generator. This device increases amplitude frequency outputs while adding negative magnetic polarity that may prove beneficial under certain conditions. Connect it to either an XM radio or generatorx pro for easy setup!

The Spooky2 Generatorx Pro is an upgrade of the original Spooky2 Rife machine, featuring many improvements. Specifically, this device features two full-function generators which can accommodate up to 30 programs from the Spooky2 software for loading into memory; additionally it runs standalone without needing a computer connection; its maximum frequency of 40MHz supports any waveform type and records current/phase angle at DNA levels while performing biofeedback scans.


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