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Spooky2 PEMF Coil

Scalar Field

Scalar fields operate using instantaneous longitudinal electromagnetic waves known as scalar waves. They can quickly transmit energy over vast distances and pass through solid metal objects without losing power, communicating with cells to expose diseased ones to body defense mechanisms and communicate effectively with cells themselves. Scalar fields are more effective than PEMF because there’s no need to customize frequencies and waveforms specifically to certain conditions or disease states.

Spooky2 transmits pure scalar, molecular and Rife frequency signals with ease. To test its tuning to a pure scalar signal rather than EMF-based ones, place your hand in front of the test coil to see if its light remains lit; if not, then this indicates an incorrectly calibrated signal and should be rejected immediately.

Scalar field therapy and PEMF therapy both can help alleviate pains, inflammations, and restore energy balance; however, their methods vary in terms of transmission of pure healing frequencies by one method; on the other hand PEMF uses pulsed electromagnetic fields at specific intervals for localized areas only – therefore best used alongside other therapies like acupuncture or physical therapy for best results.

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Pulsed Electromagnetic Field

PEMF therapy utilizes electromagnetic energy to promote natural healing processes within the body. Studies have also demonstrated its benefits in managing pain, swelling and inflammation by creating a biomagnetic field at cellular level that facilitates intra- and extracellular exchanges of nutrients and waste materials, while helping the body metabolize and excrete more efficiently.

Spooky2 pemf and PEMF both serve to heal the body by stimulating cell metabolism, yet their methods differ significantly in how they operate. While PEMF works through magnetic fields that affect cell metabolism directly, Spooky2 uses scalar waves which cover an entire area at once and pass through solid metal objects without losing power; also capable of travelling long distances and penetrating skin and tissue layers of humans for transmitting energy and stimulating natural cell communication and exposing diseased cells for defense by the immune system.

PEMF coils are small devices that emit pulsed electromagnetic fields that replicate the body’s magnetic field and can be used to treat many medical conditions and ailments such as back pain, arthritis and chronic fatigue. Many health-conscious individuals are opting for PEMF as a safer alternative to prescription drugs and other conventional medical treatments.


PEMF therapy can effectively decrease PV in men with BPH and improve LUTS within a relatively short period. Furthermore, this form of treatment has an excellent metabolic impact without negatively affecting reproductive systems or sexual drive, making it a great option for men seeking alternatives to conventional treatment with its potential side effects.

PEMF devices can be an effective tool in the fight against PV, but for some they may cause adverse side effects like headaches or tingling in their extremities. Furthermore, some PEMF devices do not allow users to select specific frequencies or waveforms; The HealthyLine Platinum Mat 7224 gives users more control than ever over frequency, waveform intensity, pulse duration and duration allowing users to create personalized wellness programs tailored specifically for them. It even features a detox program to aid the body’s natural healing processes by flushing foreign matter from tissue structures – creating personalized wellness programs just right for each person!


Spooky2 is an electromagnetic frequency generation device that emits electromagnetic frequencies to interact with body cells for beneficial results. These frequencies have been proven to facilitate healing processes by decreasing pain and inflammation as well as increasing bone growth; improving sleep quality; decreasing stress/anxiety levels; and providing energy boosts. They have also proven useful in combatting chronic illnesses like Lyme disease.

Spooky2 devices are more advanced than Hulda Clark zappers because they produce various frequencies and have the capability of scanning and identifying parasitic microorganisms. Their scalar digitalizer feature also enables customized treatment programs tailored specifically for specific conditions; their central opening has been designed to accept vials so it is easy to imprint their contents with treatment frequencies – they can even be used to entrain crystals or other materials!

The Spooky2 PEMF coil is an efficient and flexible way to use your generator. With a range of frequencies that cover various ailments – scalar mode and rife mode provide various frequencies – this coil can be used on various parts of the body including neck and thyroid areas as well as being used to entrain substances like crystals, herbs and water into its magnetic field and target cellular debris directly.

Spooky2 offers other products as well, including the Plasma Phanatron tube and straight plasma tube, modified versions of Dr. Rife’s original plasma device that can help treat allergies, depression/anxiety/fatigue/inflammation as well as portable usage allowing easy on-the-go treatments.

Spooky2 PEMF coil is an electromagnetic field generator operating within mid-to-low Rife frequencies and offering more concentrated effects than plasma tubes. Suitable for use on the head, it can run for 30-minute sessions without overheating; mineral oil should always be applied before beginning use to ensure a smooth connection and prevent overheating.


Spooky2 PEMF Coil can be used in combination with either Spooky2 Central or Spooky2 xM generator for frequency entrainment and healing purposes. However, when using it you must keep in mind a few important considerations; firstly its amplitude must remain fixed at 30V when used with Central while its waveform remains square wave unless using Spooky2 XM-generator instead.


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