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Spooky2 Plasma

spooky2 plasma

Plasma tubes are sealed, transparent tubes filled with inert gas that use electric discharge to ionize it into plasma, the fifth matter state. Once formed, plasma emits electromagnetic waves that can eliminate pathogens.

Spooky2 features a database with thousands of frequencies to help kill viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and other parasites; additionally it can play frequencies to promote immunity support and healing.

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Easy to use

Spooky2 plasma is an easy-to-use Rife machine that offers multiple forms of treatment. Utilizing frequencies to resonate pathogens and support your body’s natural healing processes, Spooky2 offers an alternative treatment method for diseases and illnesses without resorting to traditional medicine methods. Spooky2 has many advantages over other Rife systems including its versatility and the ability to treat various conditions simultaneously.

Spooky 2 plasma works by employing quantum physics principles to transmit frequencies. These frequencies travel as photons through empty space at light speed; and are carried through plasma by means of its electromagnetic fields which create a coherent electromagnetic field specific to each frequency being transmitted; furthermore, its effect can also extend outward and impact other photons not attached directly.

The Spooky2 plasma unit features two toggle switches. The left one activates an MPC free running carrier frequency of 28000 hertz; this can be overridden by switching it right, which then allows user selected frequencies to be selected instead. Meanwhile, right switch activates gating signal which is superimposed onto main carrier signal from function generator; right switch activates gating signal; unfortunately the Spooky2 unit doesn’t offer phase control but is compatible with generators providing 100% positive offset between carrier and gating signals – this includes Aurorasky 4 channel generator as well as FeelTech products.

Spooky2 Plasma can help treat chronic illnesses, alleviate pain and boost your immunity in an effective way. Its revolutionary technology transmits different frequencies into your body to cause pathogens and parasites to vibrate until they die – helping you achieve the body of your dreams!

Spooky2 plasma therapy is an advanced and versatile device, used to treat pain, infections, insomnia, fatigue and detoxify your body. It’s safe and effective; no medications or supplements interfere with this therapy’s effects – however it is advised to first speak to a health care professional prior to beginning this treatment program.


Spooky2 Plasma offers an expansive spectrum of frequencies to tackle an extensive array of pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and parasites. Additionally, its database offers support and healing frequencies and frequency sets designed for spiritual awakening as well as testing for imbalances and immune priorities as well as potential toxins in the body.

Spooky2 plasma’s main advantage lies in its ability to deliver frequencies through the body without using a carrier wave, making it safer than traditional frequency devices that transmit frequencies via fixed carrier waves. This may prove especially helpful for individuals who are allergic to frequencies being broadcast over distances that exceed one mile.

The Spooky2 Central with Plasma is an extremely effective Rife machine available today, capable of killing pathogens, healing the body, detoxing, running support programs and doing entrainment – as well as creating a strong scalar field to restore health – making it an excellent solution for Lyme disease and Morgellons sufferers. Furthermore, this device was specifically created to apply Royal Rife’s original frequencies directly without needing a carrier wave carrier wave which makes it far superior than Hoyland machines available today.

Spooky2 Plasma stands apart from traditional generators by using high-grade tungsten tubes and argon gas instead of copper coils to transmit frequencies, and offers simultaneous transmission of multiple frequencies simultaneously with adjustable amplitude settings for maximum effect. Plus, its portable design and clothing-sensitizing functionality makes this unit truly remarkable!

Wave Cycle Multiplication allows it to transmit frequencies up to 25 MHz. Furthermore, its software enables complex damped waves and H-Bomb waves. There are various control options such as amplitude, offset and phase angle that enable users to tailor control options accordingly; and frequencies can even be transmitted through water or other substances.

Spooky2 plasma tubes come in two varieties: Phanotron tubes and straight tubes. While Phanotron tubes are excellent at transmitting concentrated energy directly towards specific diseases, straight tubes offer general purpose treatment options. Both options produce near-energy plasma fields within 6 inches of your body that increase in strength as you move further away – they also work through blankets, cardboard boxes, or entire rooms!


Spooky2 plasma is an innovative healing device that can be used to fight pathogens, revitalize cells, boost immunity, improve sleep patterns and promote overall wellness. Its versatility makes it suitable for many purposes.

The Spooky2 Plasma System is an impressive product designed with multiple safety features in mind. The plasma tube is fully ventilated for added ventilation while its cable connects it to a central unit via extra thick insulation layer for additional protection. Please follow all safety instructions carefully.

Before turning on the Spooky2 plasma machine, it is ideal to connect all devices at the same time – including your XM generator, PEMF coils, and ultrasonic transmitter. This ensures that all frequencies can be transmitted simultaneously for maximum effect; additionally, make sure your power cords are rated according to their capacity for current delivery.

Spooky2 Central Plasma stands out from other Rife machines by directly applying Royal Rife frequencies without needing a carrier wave modulation carrier wave to transmit them. This gives it an immense advantage over Hoyland machines which only transmit them modulated carrier wave.

Spooky2 Plasma is safe to use and an ideal choice for individuals with pacemakers, metal implants or other medical devices such as pacemakers. Pregnant women, children and elderly patients can especially benefit from using it safely; pregnant women, children and the elderly should stay away from its central unit, however. If you have metal in your heart – such as stints or pins – stay clear from it entirely as this could potentially harm its functioning.

The Spooky2 Central Plasma Rife Machine is our flagship Rife machine and the most effective Rife solution for treating Lyme disease, Morgellons disease and cancer. This powerful Rife can kill pathogens, parasites and cancer cells while also stimulating and healing the body with frequency entrainment.

The Spooky2 Central Plasma uses the same internal MPC carrier frequency used by XM and GX generators, but also features an extra gating channel with user selectable frequency settings – typically 50 percent duty cycle duty cycles can be chosen here.


Spooky plasma employs an innovative process to destroy cancer cells. When in contact with cancer cells, they are destroyed through various means such as reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), creating a chain reaction of dissolution which breaks down tumors more effectively against chemotherapy treatment. Furthermore, plasma contains electrons, anions and cations which help break apart cell walls to completely eradicate cancerous tissue from within.

Plasma can be an effective treatment option for chronic pain and inflammation. Furthermore, it may stimulate hair regrowth, improve circulation and aid weight loss while healing cuts and wounds as well as helping prevent blood clots post surgery and decreasing inflammation levels post op.

An intuitive software allows for selecting specific healing frequencies tailored specifically for you and your preferences, with its generator transmitting them into a plasma tube and creating a healing field around you. Place this tube anywhere on skin, bones or joints; or use its contact accessory to reach hard-to-reach places easily.

Spooky2 plasma device can also be used in tandem with other Rife equipment, including Spooky Central’s flagship model – advanced cancer presets as well as being useful for other purposes like killing pathogens, running support programs and performing entrainment sessions – making this machine ideal for serious diseases such as cancer and Lyme/Morgellons.

Plasma Rife machines can help eliminate parasites, viruses and bacteria by transmitting the frequency of germs directly into your system and making them vibrate, shattering pathogens in their tracks before flushing out from your system. This method is known as frequency entrainment.

Spooky2 plasma is simple and straightforward to use, offering several modes of operation – contact mode being its most efficient form – such as contact transmission and remote transmission. Contact mode can quickly kill pathogens; just connect the plasma tube to one of Spooky Boost 3.1 high-power ports before starting up contact mode – though be careful that its proximity doesn’t interfere with generator or power source wires as this could potentially lock them up and render contact mode ineffective.


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