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Spooky2 Review – Can Spooky2 Help With Eye Floatters?

Spooky2 is an award-winning Rife frequency system designed to assist with eye floaters. Boasting one of the world’s largest databases and presets, Spooky2 also can assist in treating other ailments as well. Sign up today and learn more.

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Rife Frequency Solution

Rife frequency solution is a system that utilizes specific frequencies to disrupt and kill pathogens such as viruses and bacteria without harming surrounding cells. Developed by Royal Raymond Rife, its core principle is based on targeting electromagnetic resonance frequencies for each diseased cell in our bodies – from cancerous ones to healthy ones – with appropriate frequencies to foster healing while eliminating harmful organisms.

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Spooky2 comes complete with a comprehensive user guide that covers everything from installing and connecting the device, to explaining different treatment modes and even including lessons on how to…

Eye Floaters

Eye floaters are black or gray spots that float in your field of vision, often appearing like small dots, strings or cobwebs. While annoying, they’re harmless. Eye floaters are part of normal aging process and more common as you age – however if you notice more floaters than normal or flashes of light than expected it would be wise to consult an eye doctor immediately.

Eye floaters (myodesopsias in technical terms) are spots that appear to float before your eyes and cause shadowy images that float about in the vitreous humour fluid inside of your eye, or between it and the retina. Myodesopsias are typically most noticeable when looking at something bright such as the sky or white paper; when blinking or focusing, they become even more evident – or when staring directly at a blank surface; as their shadowy shadows dart out of focus as your eyes do! Myodesopsias also move with your eye movements so quickly they often dart out of focus and out of focus so quickly they escape your efforts to focus on something important when trying to focus on it!


Floaters tend to increase with age, although they can occur in younger people as well. Their appearance may be more noticeable in some due to vitreous detachment – when the vitreous gel that fills your eye lifts away from its surface causing pulling on your retina which leads to floaters. Surgery may be available to remove the vitreous and thus eliminate them completely.


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