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Spooky2 Scalar Harmony

Scalar energy is a type of healing light therapy which restores intercellular signal transmission and chemical exchange pathways within your body, to recharge energy stores. Scalar energy has also been shown to alleviate pain, strengthen immunity and boost vitality.

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is the first device capable of applying healing scalar waves three different ways – Pure Scalar, Molecular Scalar and Rife Scalar modes.

Pure Scalar

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is a device that transmits healing scalar waves. These highly effective waves can draw energy directly from the environment without losing power over distance like electromagnetic waves do. Scalar energy has many other uses as well; for instance it increases cell wall permeability allowing more vital nutrients into cells and it aids with eliminating toxins from them more quickly; it’s suitable for people, animals, plants and can even treat various health conditions!

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This small and portable device comes equipped with a frequency generator for regular EMF exposure and features an input coil to accept additional frequencies. Furthermore, there is also an internal frequency detector capable of identifying numerous health conditions; to make the most out of using this tool it is advised that a training course be attended prior to starting to use it.

Scalar fields have the power to heal both body and mind. Furthermore, they strengthen immunity while speeding cellular regeneration, raising spiritual awareness and decreasing stress levels; increasing spiritual insight while helping individuals sleep more soundly due to affecting cell DNA; plus they interact with your aura-made up of electromagnetic fields.

Pure Scalar Harmony can be applied in two ways. Either you place an object directly onto its input coil, or utilize Rife mode. The former option is usually more straightforward – all it requires is tuning your device, sitting between its transmitter and receiver and lying or sitting still until its effects take place – quickly restoring intercellular signal transmission pathways and chemical exchange routes, helping the body recharge energy stores more rapidly while healing faster.


A Molecular Scalar can enhance its signal by applying molecular substances on its input coil. This will allow the scalar field to transfer information contained within those substances to your cells – essential oils, medications and crystals may all work effectively here.

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony contains an extensive database of frequency programs that can help stimulate brainwaves and heal the body, including viruses, bacteria and parasites. Furthermore, this device can detect and eliminate pathogens like these through detection and elimination.

Molecular Scalar

Scalar energy is an innovative solution that can restore cellular communication networks to boost metabolism and circulation, strengthen immunity, and rid the body of toxins. Although present in all living systems and naturally produced by humans themselves, its usage remains limited because most are unaware of its existence and benefits.

Scalar waves are electromagnetic energies without a set direction that carry information similar to electromagnetic waves but with greater potency and speed than regular electromagnetic waves. Scalar waves have the capability of traveling through solid objects as well as transmission over longer distances compared to electromagnetic waves; its frequency range typically falls within 1–10 Hz making it ideal for treating chronic health conditions such as pain and anxiety.

The Spooky2 Scalar Harmony Device offers three modes for sending healing scalar waves: pure, molecular and Rife. Each mode offers different advantages; simply select one based on your needs. Designed to be portable, convenient, powerful yet user friendly; no training or certification are needed to operate this device.

For creating a scalar field, place any molecular-rich substance onto a receiver box – such as essential oil. In order to experience its healing powers, add one drop onto the coil on the receiver coil or connect your device to an audio source such as Spotify that sends healing scalar waves through it directly into your body.

The Spooky2 Scalar Device was created with portability in mind. Featuring both transmitter and receiver boxes built into their lids, its receiver box can tune itself into resonance with both transmitter boxes to produce a scalar wave transmission between them and creates a field on its surface, while simultaneously reaching out for reception in its receiver box.

Rife Scalar

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is an accessory to your scalar energy device that combines healing audio frequencies with scalar energy, providing each cell of your body access to natural healing energies from silent music broadcast through the scalar field. Furthermore, multiple frequencies can now coexist harmoniously within one scalar field for additional frequency applications.

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony creates an extremely strong scalar field, which makes it ideal for cell healing – especially immune system support and other parts of the body that need quick energy replenishment and recovery. Furthermore, its restoration of intercellular signal transmission pathways and chemical exchange pathways that the human body uses against disease provides additional healing benefits.

Scalar waves differ from electromagnetic waves in that they travel through space indefinitely and draw energy directly from it, giving scalar waves greater power over distance than electromagnetic waves do. This explains why healing frequencies can travel long distances via these scalar waves; additionally, Spooky2‘s scalar transmitter can draw on this source to continue sending frequencies while maintaining power throughout time.

Scalar Harmony was designed to be portable, compact and powerful. The transmitter box contains a frequency generator that supplies regular EMF (electromagnetic fields) which are converted to scalar energy by receiver antennas integrated into each box lid; then transmitted between these boxes as electromagnetic energy waves.

Scalar technology is one of the most widely-used uses for Rife modulation, which brings together Royal Rife’s findings with Nikola Tesla’s. Rife discovered that pathogens respond to specific frequencies; Spooky2 Scalar uses healing scalar energy to apply these frequencies for Rife modulation – making it one of the world’s most advanced Rife machines.

Molecular scalar energy offers another method for using scalar energy: medications, crystals or essential oils can be placed directly onto an input coil to receive their healing frequencies through scalar energy. This is an especially helpful way to integrate health and wellness remedies. You can visit Frequency Heals website to discover several programs designed to heal both yourself and family and pets.

Harmony Mode

Jazz harmony often relies on modal music. This genre relies on relationships between musical tones that the human ear readily accepts almost automatically and which can be expressed through elementary scientific experiments (for instance Pythagoras’ experiment of stretching a string and dividing it using simple ratios). Modal music has also been known to influence large-scale structures of songs such as strophes or sections by shaping tension and release within them.

Harmonic modes are melodic scales composed of dominant, subdominant and tonic notes that typically overlap. A chord can be built from any of these scales; each scale has a characteristic tone; chords containing such characteristic tones are known as characteristic chords. Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys used such major seventh harmony when supporting Bob Wills’ tonic melody during bar 2 of their 1935 recording of “Some Summer Day.”

The tonic mode is typically considered to be the most stable degree within a mode, though it can be altered through changes in harmony. Any shifts from its stable position create dissonance within melodic structure by altering its relationship to non-tonic harmonies which tend towards resolution over time. Hanging thirds such as those found in Examples 1a and 4a further strengthen this sense of stability for this mode. Stepwise neighbors such as those seen in Example 3a can further add stability.

As changes in harmony occur, tonic mode can also be affected. Unstable members of dominant chords do not always resolve back up to tonic mode when returning back there; this effect can be seen when ascending over dominant in Patton’s “Some Summer Day,” though tonic harmony will return again until bar 5. This interaction between tonic mode and dominant harmonic mode makes tonic more of a goal than it otherwise would be, adding tension within twelve-bar blues progressions.


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