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Spooky2 Testimonials

Spooky2 boasts the world’s largest frequency database with numerous presets and programs designed to address health conditions including eye floaters. Additionally, Terrain protocol for Morgellons can also be included as part of the treatment protocol.

Bob used spooky2 to heal varicose veins in his legs (Phlebitis) and control parasites on his pets, sharing his experiences in this video.

John White

White was one of England’s earliest colonial governors and also an explorer, painter, and cartographer. He took part in the original expedition to Roanoke Island in 1585 before serving as governor on its second unsuccessful attempt. White’s paintings and drawings had such an effect that they helped form subsequent English views of native Americans.

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His watercolors were remarkable for their accuracy. Though influenced by Mannerist artists, his style is more naturally expressive than anything seen in England at that time. Paul Hulton wrote that he had “greater facility in drawing birds than any English artist during that period”.

Bob, an American Spooky2 user was amazed at how quickly his legs healed after running programs for varicose veins (Phlebitis). Additionally, the Mastitis program proved useful for his dog who was having difficulty nursing her puppies; and running parasite control programs ensured his pet remained free from parasites.

Stacy Sun used Spooky2 Scalar with great success to treat her breast issue as well as her sister’s Lung Cancer with astounding results: it reduced cancerous tumors by 70% while ridding herself of lung fluid completely. Stacy also employed liver & kidney detox programs and cancer, prostate, testosterone & estrogen detox programs successfully.


John White’s life story as both an artist and failed governor of Roanoke Colony provides us with a fascinating window into English history and has profound ramifications for understanding America today. White reminds us that even those with lofty aspirations can be overcome by ambition gone awry.

There have been various books published on the subject, such as Theodor de Bry’s America Part I (1590), Richard Hakluyt’s Principall Navigations (1589) and Thomas Harriot’s A briefe and true report of Virginia (reprinted 1972). For an extensive survey of John White’s water-color drawings see: Paul Hulton, The Watercolor Drawings of John White (1964). Other useful texts are also available such as

Sebastien Mercier

Louis Sebastien Mercier (1740-1814) was one of France’s premier writers, known for his dramas, novels, literary criticism and social and political commentaries. Mercier was known to revere Diderot while making Rousseau accessible to a wider public; however he alienated more radical revolutionaries like Robespierre due to this bias in his writing style.

Mercier was dismayed at the social injustice he witnessed in Paris before and during the French Revolution, leading him to pen L’An 2440 Reve s’il en Fut jamais (Lyon 1771; The Year Twenty-Four Hundred and Forty). Many consider his work one of the earliest utopian fiction pieces ever produced.

Mercier believed that moral restoration required revitalizing language’s vitality, with writing as its true savior – writing could restore “sentimental moralities” that had faded under court society’s influence and bring them back to life. Mercier saw writing as being capable of doing this task. He saw writing as being capable of saving humanity. Mercier believed writing could revive vibrant linguistic knowledge while rejecting abstract calculations and predictions, providing relief. Mercier saw writing as providing a vital way forward.

Mercier’s Tableau de Paris was a vast urban chronicle that explored the struggles of France’s poorer classes during his day. Mercier chose Paris because he believed that its cityscape represented larger national issues at play at that time; as a result, his work became widely read across Europe.

Spooky2 Rife machine also provides multiple treatment modes including plasma, contact and remote treatments, while its revolutionary quantum entanglement frequency transmission enables frequency sets that may heal many conditions that you are suffering from; though more serious ones may require up to six months of treatments.

The Spooky2 Rife machine is user-friendly and boasts one of the most comprehensive frequency databases on the market. Anyone can use it, making it one of the most cost-effective means of healing various conditions. There are various accessories to enhance its effectiveness – TENS pads, silver gloves, bands and internal electrodes can further increase effectiveness for treating conditions such as Lyme disease and cancer.

Bob’s Legs

This testimonial on Spooky2 describes using the Rife machine to treat a dog suffering from Mastitis, while also controlling parasites of other pets. She had considerable inflammation in her mammary glands that prevented her from breastfeeding her puppies; after running Mastitis programs from the database, this inflamation has decreased and she can now nurse them as needed. Furthermore, running these programs helped heal liver issues related to high enzymes.

Another spooky2 success story features a woman who used the device to successfully treat both her breast condition and lung cancer in her sister. According to their doctor, cancer in their sister’s lungs had decreased by 70% and water that had been collecting in them had completely vanished; as well, programs have been run on herself to eradicate verrucae under her breast – and all have completely vanished as well!

Masaki chose the Spooky2 not only because of its reasonable cost but also because it provides multiple Rife machines in one compact package – including plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser audio capabilities and more – making him extremely happy with his purchase.

He began using the Spooky2 for two months and experienced many positive results: increased energy, improved sleep, healthier and younger looking skin, reduced white hairs, faster-growing nails and clearer thoughts. Additionally, significant improvements were seen in blood markers for cancer as well as remarkable pain relief in bones – raising his life quality considerably! He even tried out Spooky2 Plasma format to treat his varicose veins successfully!

Paula Quenelle

Spooky2 is one of the most powerful Rife Machines currently on the market, featuring multiple treatment modes like plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser and audio as well as an expansive database with frequencies for various conditions. Furthermore, its smart signal processor known as Spooky Boost 2.0 can quadruple power in contact mode and double it in remote mode for optimal results.

Spooky 2 has provided incredible relief to multiple individuals facing health issues. One such individual is Barry Novis, who had bladder cancer. By using Spooky2, his tumors have completely vanished while also experiencing better sleep and less joint pain. Another user, Stacy Sun, used Spooky2 to heal both her breasts as well as her sister’s lung cancer – to incredible results: her sister has since gone into remission!

Paula Quenelle had been living with 33 years of fibromyalgia and toenail fungus before trying spooky2. Within one year of using it, her symptoms had significantly lessened, and even convinced her skeptical sister to try the product and eventually she has become an avid believer!

Spooky2 has also helped her rescue dog. After treating it with the device for only a few weeks, its liver enzyme levels returned to normal, giving the pooch back her health and ability to enjoy playing with its toys again.

Spooky2 can be used to treat many common pet conditions. For instance, it can treat mastitis in pregnant and nursing female dogs. Furthermore, its database contains details on various parasites as well as their frequencies; all this makes the device extremely effective against parasites in pets.

It can also help treat chronic illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, the device can increase immunity, decrease inflammation, and boost overall health – it comes at an affordable price point with easy hands-free sessions included! Users have given this device rave reviews. You can buy one online here.


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