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Spooky2 – The Basics of Rife Machine Therapy

Everything in our Universe vibrates at certain resonant frequencies, and Rife therapy utilizes these vibrations to heal and destroy harmful cells, viruses, bacteria, molds and parasites. In this article we’ll introduce you to the basics of Spooky2 as well as provide a quick guide for getting started; covering system requirements, installing and connecting the machine as well as lessons on various treatment modes.

What is Rife Therapy?

Rife machine therapy was pioneered by Royal Raymond Rife, an innovative scientist known for creating an ultra high-magnification microscope to expose bacteria and viruses. Rife uses frequencies generated by plasma tubes incorporated into Rife machines that resonate with disease-carrying cells to halt their reproduction or grow, eventually killing them off. Due to this flexibility of this therapy solution, alternative treatment strategies such as Rife can utilize its capabilities.

At The Apathecary Natural Health Center, we use spooky2 rife frequencies to help our clients heal and remain healthy. In addition to eliminating microorganisms that pose threats, these frequencies can also assist you with dealing with everyday stresses that come with living in an increasingly fast-paced world. By supporting meditation and mindfulness practices through these frequencies, they can boost energy levels while sharpen focus.

Spooky2 Rife Frequency Technology can also assist in dealing with the aftermath of Lyme disease. Many individuals who have received antibiotic treatments for Lyme disease still experience symptoms like joint pains and fatigue months or years later despite taking antimicrobials; it is believed these lingering and recurrent symptoms are caused by microorganisms lying dormant within muscle tissues in your body; Rife therapy may help combat such infections to enhance overall wellness.

Spooky2 Rife machines differ from other treatments by being non-invasive and do not damage healthy cells or tissue, making it an excellent option for those dealing with medical concerns, including chronic illness. Furthermore, the therapies targeted micro-organisms including bacteria, yeast and parasites – making this an effective tool in treating conditions like Candida, arthritis and Lyme disease. Lastly, sessions are short enough that they can easily fit into daily life activities like meditation or mindfulness practice seamlessly.

What is the Spooky2 Rife Machine?

Spooky2 is an accessible and cost-effective Rife treatment system, equipped with an intuitive biofeedback system that identifies your body’s frequencies for treatment. Free software updates keep Spooky2 ahead of its competition while its vast database is always keeping up with technology – not to mention that its unique transmission method uses quantum entanglement rather than traditional radio waves to send its frequencies through.

Spooky2 can be used in both contact and remote modes and with various accessories, including silver gloves, socks, internal electrodes, hand cylinders and PEMF units. It is especially effective at eliminating viruses, bacteria, parasites, candida and molds – other rife machines may kill some organisms while Spooky2 removes all from your body!

Choose a Spooky2 system can be confusing with so many models and price points to choose from. If you are new to Rife frequencies and can’t decide between them, we recommend Spooky2 Essential Kit as it comes equipped with everything needed for effective treatments – less costly than other spooky2 systems! For those with more money available we suggest either Spooky2 Central or the Advanced Kit for Cancer Lyme Morgellons that provide advanced support, detox and pain control treatments.

How does the Spooky2 Rife Machine Work?

Rife machines use a combination of frequencies to kill disease-causing microorganisms. These frequencies penetrate to the cell level and cause structural stress on pathogens to kill them without harming human cells or damaging body systems. Furthermore, Rife machines also help remove heavy metals from our bodies more rapidly, making them effective therapy solutions to speed up detoxification processes and eliminate toxic materials faster.

Spooky2 Rife Frequency Generator can be used in plasma, contact, and remote modes and has an extensive frequency database for DNA, Main DNA molecule weights, human base pairs, muscle testing software as well as advanced features such as biofeedback systems that pinpoint your body’s exact frequency requirements.

Spooky2 software makes it easy to design custom treatments. With its versatile tools, you can tailor a program specifically for back pain or parasite infestation treatment – for instance back pain treatment or parasite elimination – before the program calculates and displays how often and what amount of energy to apply in order to ensure you don’t accidentally overdose.

Spooky2 stands out as an innovative device by using quantum entanglement to deliver healing frequencies directly into your body through quantum entanglement technology, much like that featured in Star Trek movies. Although this might sound futuristic, its scientific principles lie behind it – sending healing frequencies through TENS pads, silver gloves, socks, bands and internal electrodes for direct use or remotely through PEMF and cold laser therapy as remote treatments.

Nicola Tesla theorized that everything in the universe vibrated at a specific frequency called its resonance frequency, much like crystal glass vibrates naturally at its own specific resonance frequency; when an opera singer sings an operatic note at that frequency, however, the glass shatter. Pathogens react similarly when exposed to frequencies which match up their own resonance frequencies; the result being rapid development of disease symptoms and disease outbreaks.

What are the Benefits of Rife Therapy?

Rife therapy utilizes low-energy electromagnetic sound frequencies to heal diseased tissues and eradicate microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, molds and parasites. These frequencies vibrate at frequencies inhospitable to harmful cells and organisms which then die; no anesthetics or sedatives are usually needed; Rife frequency sessions may be performed using plasma therapy (transmitting frequencies through airborne plasma) or contact therapy (using various techniques to direct sound waves into specific parts of the body).

This method has been validated through many scientific experiments and clinical trials. One noteworthy experiment involved a terminal cancer patient being placed into partial remission with standard anti-cancer drugs combined with an integrative treatment approach consisting of herbal and nutritional supplements along with Rife frequency therapy.

Rife therapy differs from chemotherapy in that it does not destroy healthy cells and can safely be performed over extended periods. As such, Rife can be used to treat chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis while improving overall well-being; furthermore it detoxifies your body while increasing energy levels.

Spooky2 is an impressive, flexible Rife machine capable of both remote and contact treatments, featuring various attachments for different uses and an optional signal processor to increase contact mode power by fourfold while doubling that in remote mode; additionally it comes equipped with a generator capable of producing high-quality nanocolloidal silver.

Spooky2 Rife systems offer an effective and affordable way to promote healing and maintain health, with easy operation that does not cause side effects or discomfort. While rare side effects exist, sometimes people may experience what’s known as a Herx reaction: when their bodies release excess toxins in response to treatment. This may include flu-like symptoms, heavy perspiration at night sweats, fever with or without chills, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/itching.
