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Spooky2 – The Ultimate Rife Generator With DH Experimental Frequencies

Spooky2 is an affordable Rife frequency generator. Supporting frequencies up to 25MHz, its Wave Cycle Multiplication algorithm combines square and sine damped waves for maximum versatility.

DH experimental frequencies are frequencies created through dowsing to eliminate pathogens or mimic healing or entrainment substances, exceeding GeneratorX’s 200 frequency limit for program storage.

DH Experimental Presets

Spooky2 is an advanced Rife frequency generator designed to offer both healing and dowsing at an affordable price, featuring a 5M generator equipped with premium components optimized for Deep Healing frequencies, along with unique Wave Cycle Multiplication technology. It supports up to 25MHz frequencies with two damped waveforms (square and sinusoidal). Furthermore, its Deep Healing database includes frequencies designed specifically to kill pathogens as well as those which mimic healing or entrainment substances.

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Spooky2 offers more than a powerful generator; it also includes frequency presets designed to treat specific conditions, which are easily downloaded on its website. Particularly popular among its community are DH experimental presets which have proven their efficacy by helping improve both physical and mental health.

For use, simply load these presets into your Spooky2 Scalar program and they will appear under Presets tab for easy running. They have been created to treat various ailments ranging from skin disorders to kidney issues.

Depending on the size and complexity of the preset, loading may take some time. If this occurs, simply pause your scan until it completes loading and resume when finished. DH experimental presets may be used on both humans and animals alike – however if using them to treat animals first consult your veterinarian first before initiating treatment.


These frequencies combine elements of both dowsing and electromagnetic research. Unlike traditional dowsing techniques, the DH presets were created to work in concert with other frequencies for more precise results – in fact they have proven more successful than many dowsing-based frequencies in treating diseases and cancers.

Spooky2 Forum members often rave about DH preset frequencies as an effective treatment option for various diseases. While not intended as cures, they’ve proven successful at significantly alleviating symptoms in patients and even slowing the spread of cancer cells.

DH Newport Presets

Spooky2 software boasts the world’s largest frequency database for healing, entrainment and detoxification with plasma, contact and remote PEMF transmission modes. Furthermore, user-friendly preset creation tools for rife machine setups enable quick and efficient program selection by quickly loading frequency programs directly into generator. Users can create presets with any number of frequencies, or entire sets, and save them all together as one file which can later be shared or used as the basis to create other presets in future sessions.

DH Newport Presets use frequencies derived from dowsing to target pathogens and assist natural healing processes in the body. For best results, consult with medical practitioners prior to using these frequency sets in Spooky2. Installers may be run to install them into Spooky2 by selecting both “DH Experimental Frequencies and Newport Adaptations options. In addition, these presets are compatible with booster, XM and Tens pads.

This update introduces several improvements to RIFE’s framework for mapping beans to relational tables, which will speed up program loading speed with larger frequency libraries. Furthermore, users now have an additional tool allowing them to select which samples to use when performing running average biofeedback scans – this feature can significantly decrease DNA program sizes without impacting effectiveness.

Another useful addition is the Pause Button, which stops scanning and saves its current progress to file. This can be especially helpful for users unsure how long it will take them to run a sequence; clicking this button pauses your scan at any point; when restarted later it will pick back up from exactly where it left off.

Furthermore, HeaWea has updated their main database to version 20240903. DNA database was enhanced with presets designed specifically to target covid-19 strains; an ETDFL database has also been introduced for those seeking the latest viral discoveries. Furthermore, HeaWea’s revolutionary MicroGen portable contact-mode generator capable of acting both as Rife machine and Blood Purifier/Zapper has received its software installer and GX Pro Display firmware was upgraded in order to overcome an offline frequency bug in its firmware upgrade process.

DH ETDFL Presets

Spooky2 offers the ideal Rife frequency generator at an economical cost, boasting one of the world’s largest frequency databases for healing, entrainment and detoxification with plasma transmission modes for plasma, contact and remote PEMF transmission as well as user-friendly presets to make set-up easy and effortless.

Spook2 offers several DH ETDFL presets developed by Bryan Yamamoto that utilize dowsing frequencies designed to cleanse cellular energy and eliminate negative energies from your body, as well as reduce pain, inflammation, or any other conditions that arise in its wake. These presets are easy to use and suitable for new Spooky2 users.

The latest Spooky2 software update (20240903) includes numerous enhancements and bug fixes, such as DNA database updates and Newport preset sets to address Morgellons disease; as well as dowsing-derived experimental settings designed to cleanse pathogens from your body. Furthermore, Spooky2 now supports loading custom CSV files as databases so it is easier to manage large frequency libraries.

Spooky2 software now allows you to pause any scan while it is running, which can be especially helpful if you need a break for any reason or simply need some time off from scanning. Paused scans will be saved and resumed when next you run the program; additionally, its search frequency database tool now searches two frequency list databases: ETDFL and David Halliday’s experimental frequencies.

Spooky2 software now includes an enhanced RIFE framework which maps beans to relational tables more quickly when loading large databases, while this release adds a feature allowing you to directly email screen images directly to technical support, making diagnosis of issues much simpler for technicians. Furthermore, GX Pro Display firmware version 7789 executable was upgraded to address an issue which could prevent display functionality; upgrading is strongly advised for all Spooky2 users.

DH RUSS Presets

Spooky2 users may already be familiar with DH experimental frequencies. These presets have been created to kill pathogens, stimulate natural healing processes within the body, and relieve various non-pathogenic symptoms. They have become popular within the Spooky2 community and used in numerous healing treatments – also making use of our search frequency database tool easier!

To utilize the DH RUSS presets, first download and install them. Once complete, they can be run using scalar mode; these presets don’t replace other experimental frequencies but rather add to them for greater effect. These experimental presets may prove particularly beneficial when treating autoimmune disorders or conditions like Fibromyalgia.

Spooky2 users frequently turn to the DH Newport Presets and ETDFL Presets as popular additions to its library, as both sets utilize frequencies derived from dowsing to kill pathogens or mimic healing or entrainment substances – an approach recommended under medical supervision.

Download them from Spooky2 website, using caution if new to dowsing; they’re more powerful than their DH Newport counterparts and should only be used with professional guidance before using.

Spooky2 users frequently turn to the DH RUSS Presets as one of their go-to frequency sets for treating cancer, fibromyalgia, depression and more. Furthermore, these frequencies aim to rid their bodies of pathogens that contribute to illness.

Spooky2 makes it easy to download and install the DH RUSS presets. Once loaded, they’ll appear under the Presets tab for you to use as you would any program; simply run them scalar mode like any other program; pausing sequences at any time by pressing Pause then resume where they left off when restarted – seamless continuity!

The DH Newport and RUSS presets are compatible with the latest versions of DNA and MW databases; they will not work with previous versions. Furthermore, there is an update available that is necessary for eliminating extinct pathogen strains and plasmids from MW database; additionally GX Pro Display firmware upgrade v7789 executable file is also available which fixes an offline frequency bug on GX Pro display generator.


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