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Spooky2 Update

Spooky2 now comes equipped with new DNA database presets and all 2023 ETDFL programs! Additionally, DNA and MW databases have seen improvements and there’s now also an offline user’s guide available for MicroGen.

Also included is a GX Pro Display firmware update to resolve an offline frequency bug; please make a backup copy of your user folder prior to running this installer.


Spooky2 software version 20240115 includes an installer for databases and presets that will update factory presets and main database (with DNA and MW). Please be aware that this installation will overwrite your previous Spooky2 installation; historical biofeedback scans or user-created presets will remain intact.

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Spooky2 provides an overview of its Presets tab which lists available presets that can be run in either Contact Mode or Shell Mode. By default, Healing (C) – JW is set up as its Default Shell preset with Slipped Discs CAFL and Herniated Disc Reduce Swelling XTRA programs as its programs included within it.

Child presets list cells may be edited using properties displayed in an editing toolbar at the bottom of the window. Edit menu has commands for cutting, copying and pasting while Undo and Redo commands allow you to undo or redo changes made by you or someone else. Moreover, saving an ongoing preset chain using Save As… or Exit menu commands is possible as well.

As soon as you create a program and add a preset, an Estimated Time value is automatically calculated for every frequency in the program. If this value seems to go on forever, that indicates one or more child presets has an infinite loop and should be changed so the Repeat Sequence or Run For value doesn’t remain zero – to resolve this, set Repeat Sequence or Run For to an amount other than zero.


Main Database

Installer contains a complete version of Spooky2 software and database with main database, presets and 2023 ETDFL program for easy upgrades to new versions; historical biofeedback scan data as well as any user-created presets are not deleted when upgrading.

This DNA database draws upon new genome sequences to ensure it contains the latest mutations of disease-causing pathogens, and also goes as far back as 1976 to include non-mutating sequences that might otherwise remain dormant. This update enhances hit detection for GeneratorX (Pro) biofeedback tools like BFBTool, CancerTool, LymeTool and MorgellonsTool.

These files are created in a safe, sandboxed environment disconnected from the internet and guaranteed virus-free. While Windows 10 and Bit Defender may occasionally report false-positives due to their flawed virus detection methods, such false positives do not represent malware infections in any way.

DNA Database

The DNA database offers valuable insight into pathogens and provides frequency programs to combat them. Furthermore, its frequencies can be imprinted onto water through quantum entanglement and used directly – proven effective at stimulating DNA repair processes as well as detoxification processes.

The new version eliminates restrictions on DNA sequences that can be utilized, and extends back 10 years further in order to catch more mutations in pathogen genomes, providing more opportunities for targeted treatments aimed at chronic or difficult-to-treat conditions.

Create Frequency Set window now offers a new option to copy Out 1 with Out 2. This allows you to replicate Out 1’s waveform and settings on Out 2, making this especially useful when working with devices that only feature one output.

This version includes several enhancements and fixes. These include being able to save and restore all program presets – including frequency sets, waveforms, settings and frequency groups. Furthermore, main and custom databases now display their full file paths within the Advanced Menu, the Biofeedback tab now displays MORs with “Yes/No” body reactions as well as responsive screen resize controls.

MW Database

The MW database boasts more than 59,700 frequencies that can help treat various health conditions. Comprised of 15 sub-databases containing multiple frequency programs for specific diseases, and including a biofeedback scanner capable of scanning for pathogens within the body, this massive resource offers over 59.5700 frequencies to address diverse ailments.

The DNA and MW databases are regularly updated with the most up-to-date genome sequences of pathogens, to ensure that their frequencies and presets can effectively target any new mutations of these pathogens. Additionally, MW database has extended their date range in order to capture older unchanging sequences which had previously been missed out.

The MW database now offers two shell presets to emulate or disable substances: Emulate (MW Emulate) and Remove (MW Remove). You can select your desired substance from the MW Database list, then choose its shell preset accordingly. Load Molecular Weight Database can also be enabled in global settings under Load Molecular Weight Database. RIFE framework was updated, providing mapping between beans and relational tables so Spooky2 can store its data more efficiently for better performance when running multiple programs at the same time.

GX Pro Display Firmware Upgrade

GX Pro Display devices will check for firmware updates automatically if an internet connection is active and the Disable system updates setting has been disabled (see System). When an update becomes available, the device will show a ‘Stored backup firmware’ screen allowing you to boot into an older firmware version. Simply download and save the.swu file onto a USB stick or microSD card before inserting into your GX device and installing via Firmware > Install Firmware from SD/USB > Firmware Found section under Settings -> Firmware > Firmware found section > Firmware Found section where it should display specific version ‘Firmware Found’ > Install this way

In November 2022, the generatorX hit detection algorithm was altered to only consider 20 values prior to and after the current value when calculating running average calculations – instead of 10 pre and post values as before/after values. This modification reduced maximum output frequency while speeding up BFB scan.

Noted issues in this release include a bug wherein devices could cease responding after a few hours of use, which has now been resolved with this update and can be found here on Sweetwater’s release page. For any inquiries related to either this update or its hardware components in general, feel free to reach out and speak with one of their technical support representatives directly.

User’s Guide

The online User’s Guide (in the Help menu) has become much more detailed, and is available to any PC with Spooky2 installed. It can especially assist users who cannot afford or access Rife equipment.

The new “Send Email” button allows clinicians to send screenshots of Spooky Central directly to technical support for diagnosis of problems that aren’t evident from just looking at its error logs alone. This feature helps ensure optimal patient care by quickly diagnosing any potential issues within Spooky Central that might not otherwise appear apparent in its error logs.

An exciting new button allows you to save a Channel Set directly into a custom database, potentially saving time when setting up complex channels.

Spooky2 now features a “Generator Count” and “Channel List”, to display how many generators were discovered by it at launch, and to provide information about which channel/generator has received an order or command in recent times. This can help when troubleshooting specific rigs.

Signal processor that quadruples the power of Contact Mode while doubling that of Remote. Features dedicated outputs for each Remote model as well as pass through connection for generator’s Out 1 and Out 2 channels as well as optimised output for producing high quality colloidal silver production.

MicroGen Software

MicroGen software empowers you to develop routines that access and analyze data seamlessly, eliminating the usual back-and-forth between technical and business users. Graphical diagrams replace database code for quicker extraction of information for teams. Furthermore, its modularity enables logic reuse in new routines.

HeaWea MicroGen provides many Rife machine capabilities – plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser and audio. In addition to these standard functions, it also has low-power mode designed to address issues above the shoulders (head and neck); making this tool particularly beneficial for treating autoimmune disorders and those sensitive to frequency signals.

The Spooky2 20220421 software update includes DNA and monoisotopic mass databases as well as a monoisotopic mass database, plus a new monoisotopic mass database. However, this does not include the new DW presets released in 20230717; instead DH Experimental presets have been converted to dual mode operation while Newport Presets now utilize frequencies derived through Dowsing. Spooky2 has improved program loading code so large databases load more rapidly while improving waveform display while fixing several bugs; additionally it has removed a restriction where only recently sequences could be stored; now DNA databases can go back as far as 1976!


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