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The Spooky2 Rife System

Spooky2 is the ultimate Rife system. It drastically enhances contact and plasma modes of your generator, adds scalar wave transmission capabilities, and allows for the production of top-grade colloidal silver at home.

This tab presents you with an overview of any error events that have taken place during system operations. This can be an excellent tool to help identify any potential issues you might be experiencing.

Getting Started

Spooky2 takes Rife frequency technology a step further with its user-friendly design and maximum depth, flexibility, and programatibility for more experienced users.

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Spooky2 is a free software program available for download to Windows computers. Once downloaded, double click its shortcut on your desktop PC’s desktop to access and launch it.

Once Spooky2 is open, select the Frequency Settings tab to configure all necessary details about how it operates. Here, you can configure essential aspects such as frequency settings and clock synchronization for optimal use of Spooky2.

Since this feature offers many options, we recommend carefully reading through and noting down what is needed in the Quick Guide. The Search Button allows for searching of frequencies both on the main database as well as your custom databases; its results will appear in the Conditions List pane at the top of your window.

The Set Frequency Button allows you to enter or modify an existing frequency. Meanwhile, Screenshot Button takes a snapshot of Spooky2 window and saves it as JPG file in Data folder.

Start off by creating a Custom Database by pressing the + button or importing an existing CSV file (for details refer to this article). Additionally you may import Spectrum Sweep or Carrier Sweep Programs that help quickly locate frequencies.

Custom Databases are folders in your Spooky2 folder that store frequency sets, Carrier Sweep programs and other forms of data. By creating one for yourself, it allows you to keep all of your frequency sets organized and readily available; as well as ensure all of your favourite frequencies are readily available at the touch of a button.

Set the Duty Cycle and Gate Settings on both Outputs to transmit at higher levels or prevent feedback loops from forming, as well as set their respective Duty Cycle and Gate settings to prevent feedback loops from developing. This feature is particularly helpful if transmitting at higher volumes requires special care to avoid feedback loops forming.

Once your frequency sets, Carrier Sweeps and Programs have been configured properly, you can begin using your Spooky2 system remotely. Your fingernail acts like an antenna capable of receiving and broadcasting information encoded onto energy signals that travel nonlocally across space – when you send frequencies directly to your nail they are instantly relayed through DNA within your body to cells which broadcast back directly back out again as intended.

Installing Spooky2

Spooky2 works by creating frequencies with pre-programmed settings and then dispersing them through various means, such as electrodes or remote treatment coils, in order to target conditions and pathogens. While its software provides considerable freedom and experimentation, its open nature could lead to misuse.

If you have doubts about your ability to operate the device safely, Spooky2 provides a test mode which you can access by clicking its shortcut on your Windows desktop and following its full instructions in its Quick Guide.

Once your drivers have been installed and you are ready to run Spooky2 in production mode, it is wise to delete all test files. Doing this will reduce any chance of conflicting errors or interference between future installations.

Note that Spooky2 will initially look for generators and devices installed in its default directory of C drive. You may change its location using the Advanced tab and selecting Change Directories from its drop-down menu.

Spooky2 available here now comes equipped with several new features, which are described in more depth within its Quick Guide and further discussed throughout these sections.

The Conditions List tab now shows both the main database and custom databases, along with several columns added for display that can be expanded and collapsed by clicking their arrows.

When the Conditions List pane is opened, you can also set the Duty Cycle and Voltage Factor of Out 1 by selecting them from their columns at the bottom of the window. Phase Angle for Out 2 may also be set here.

Spooky2 generates historical error reporting which can be found under the Errors tab, providing data which is useful for operations and error tracking, with the Clear Button available to clear them away quickly and efficiently.

Using Spooky2

Spooky2 provides a Status Bar at the bottom of its main window to show progress as program scans occur, as well as display green or red indicators on Generator Button buttons to show their current settings; clicking these will enable you to change any necessary Settings or System options for any virtual Generators.

There are four factory databases – DNA, Base Pairs, Molecular Weight and Main, plus any in your custom database file – each one featuring frequencies related to various conditions, diseases and illnesses. When hunting pathogens down for detection purposes, starting your search in Molecular Weight Database may be most fruitful since its frequency sets can target specific conditions more effectively than its peers.

Create custom frequency sets using the Carrier Sweep Program found under DNA to address specific conditions using Spooky2‘s world-first Carrier Sweep program (located within DNA menu). It’s an innovative approach to discovering pathogens responsible for illness – another first of its kind!

To use this feature, simply choose your frequency set from the Program List, click Create Spectrum Sweep and fill in starting and ending frequencies xxx and yyy along with any gating options you desire for optimal effectiveness against certain pathogens.

Add additional programs to your program list by selecting them in the List and clicking Add to Programs. When finished, this will initiate program scanning which can take anywhere from several minutes to days depending on how many frequencies are being scanned for. When scanning is complete, either stop it immediately or wait for it to automatically start up next time Spooky2 runs – or save this current list as its startup default by clicking the right-side arrow in Status Bar.


Spooky2 brings the power of Rife to virtually anyone who wishes to use it. It is extremely user-friendly with step-based tabs showing exactly what needs to be done; yet its extensive programmability provides even experienced users with plenty of room to grow.

Connect and communicate easily with offline generators by identifying their port numbers; saving frequencies and settings so they can be reused later without restarting the program – particularly useful with programs such as Morgellons or Cancer protocols which require prolonged treatment cycles.

Software like Terrain Protocol makes using multiple generators with your computer easy, enabling you to run programs while keeping a backup available as energy sources if necessary. Plus, its auto-pause feature conserves energy consumption and extends battery lifespan – perfect for programs like Terrain Protocol!

Spooky2 offers researchers an unmatched capability for creating custom waveforms for frequency sets and carrier sweep programs – meaning it can generate frequencies not found in traditional Rife machines, making it invaluable when working with specific pathogens or diseases. Furthermore, its Channel Control panel toggle buttons let you create and store both frequency and amplitude wobbles that can then be applied during program creation.

If a program you want to run with the Spooky2 software isn’t functioning as expected, try the Utilities menu commands “Install Spookyl-XM xx bit Drivers (grey)” or “Install Spooky 2-5M xx bit Drivers (grey). If the issue persists, use “Activate X-M Machines” until your drivers load correctly for your X-M generators.

Spooky2 can assist in selecting an optimal preset for each of its modes with its Presets tab. It displays all available presets both included with it as well as those belonging to User collection folders; you can quickly search them all using its search field, or enter names into it directly for quick locating your chosen preset.


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