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What is Spooky2?

Spooky2 is an affordable Rife generator designed to operate at a distance. Utilizing quantum entanglement principles, its frequencies correspond with specific conditions, minerals, homeopathy remedies and even vitamins!

After 27-years away, Spooky Tooth are back with this spiritual follow up to The Last Puff. Without Gary Wright though still providing solid hi-fi jams.

What is a Rife Machine?

Rife machines use electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate the body’s healing processes. Based on Royal Raymond Rife’s groundbreaking high-magnification microscope invention, this technology is believed to identify and destroy harmful microorganisms like viruses and bacteria while leaving healthy cells undamaged – potentially increasing immune system strength as well as overall well-being.

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RIFe machines are used in alternative medicine to address various health conditions and support the body’s natural healing processes. Although Rife machines have not been widely accepted by conventional medicine, further scientific research is necessary to assess their efficacy; some individuals have reported positive results when using these devices to treat autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus as well as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Spooky2 is an advanced and versatile Rife machine on the market, designed to diagnose and treat an extensive range of pathogens and deficiencies with ease. It can detect and eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites; treat headaches, inflammation allergies digestive issues stress stress cellular damage. Furthermore, frequency frequencies associated with different vitamins minerals homeopathy treatments allow you to take control of your health through personal wellness plans tailored specifically to you.

The Spooky2 XM Generator offers various accessories, such as finger clips and electrode patches that deliver specific healing frequencies directly onto the affected areas. It is user-friendly, portable, and offers multiple settings suitable for beginners as well as experienced users alike.


No clinical studies exist on the effectiveness of Rife machines for treating ALS, nor should they be seen as an alternative to standard medical care. Some PALS on PatientsLikeMe have reported using one as part of their therapy and found it helped alleviate symptoms and enhance quality of life – though any new therapy utilizing electromagnetic frequencies should always be discussed with healthcare providers first.

What is a Scalar Resonance Machine?

Scalar Resonance Machines produce an intense Scalar Wave field by using onboard programs and healing crystals dedicated to fire, water, air, and earth elements. Scalar waves are non-Hertzian non-linear waves capable of transmitting energy and information beyond conventional electromagnetic (EM) waves; thus enabling these devices to interact with energy fields that go beyond our ordinary perception and experience, and help bring balance harmony and well-being.

Scalar waves differ from electromagnetic transverse waves by being longitudinal and having a much higher coherence ratio, traveling much faster and farther than their electromagnetic counterparts. Scalar energy can be created either manually by transmitter or receiver or spontaneously formed within space itself; either way it can transmit all sorts of information like disease frequencies as well as treatment options to anyone within its path.

Nikola Tesla first demonstrated scalar energy for experimental purposes in 1905 when he constructed his Magnifying Transmitter experiment, which transmitted power without needing conductors over long distances. Since then, several university professors such as Konstantin Meyl have revived Tesla’s research to create devices which can be used both technically and therapeutically.

These devices employ either spherical or helix-shaped antennas to establish the transmitter/receiver coupling necessary for scalar transmission. Once resonance has occurred, the scalar wave can transport energy and information with unprecedented efficiency; additionally, it can even be project from one body part to another remotely.

Some researchers assert that scalar energy can be harnessed as a directed energy weapon, with two colliding and cancelling each other out to create a burst of electromagnetic energy in its place of intersection.

No one knows whether a scalar energy beam can actually be created; nonetheless, research into it remains highly controversial and considered pseudoscience by many mainstream scientists.

The Zazen Scalar can help promote a healthier lifestyle. It can improve physical, mental and emotional well-being by stimulating alpha wave frequencies of your brain which are responsible for concentration, focus, creativity, sharpened clarity and sleep improvement. Furthermore, scalar energy may even assist with depression or anxiety relief.

How Does a Scalar Resonance Machine Work?

Scalar waves are an unconventional form of energy that differ from electromagnetic transverse waves in that they travel longitudinally rather than transversally, as first theorized by Nikola Tesla in 1905. Additionally, this form of static energy does not flow like traditional electromagnetic waves do – when two similar frequency and polarity waves collide head on they will cancel each other out producing an extra boost of energy in their respective directions of travel.

Scalar energy has the ability to penetrate materials that absorb electromagnetic waves such as water, air and steel – including human tissue – enabling its use for various healing purposes including eliminating pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungus while encouraging healthy cell growth. A scalar wave machine can therefore be utilized as part of holistic healthcare treatments and for many other medicinal needs.

The ZAZEN scalar wave machine consists of two antennas which form a transmitter-receiver coupling for transmitting scalar fields. These scalar fields may then be modulated using programs (Rife frequencies) or substances placed upon these antennas (crystals, essential oils or Bach flowers etc). Finally, this information reaches our bodies through this field, where our bodies recognize and respond appropriately.

Energy healing works to boost alpha wave frequencies in the brain that are essential to optimal health, helping balance both hemispheres of the brain while also relieving stress. It has even been found to balance out and reduce anxiety levels in those suffering from depression and stress-related disorders.

Scalar energy can also neutralize EMF fields that can be detrimental to our bodies, meaning the scalar wave machine won’t register on EMF meters such as gaussmeters and RF meters; but healing does occur on an cellular level through removal of these harmful energies from our system.

ZAZEN Scalar Wave Machine generates scalar fields which resonant with body cells to cause vibrations that will destroy all disease producing micro-organisms. Dr. Rife understood this principle well and designed his machine so it sent signals which vibrated these micro-organisms like tuning forks; when struck by string they vibrate until breaking apart completely like tuning forks do when struck with strings.

How Does a Rife Machine Work?

Rife Machines use electromagnetic frequencies that are thought to target and eliminate harmful organisms and cells within the body. Rife therapy has become part of holistic treatment approaches and some patients have reported relief from various health conditions as a result of using Rife therapy; more research must be conducted in order to support its efficacy; however many practitioners believe Rife therapy can help address health concerns while encouraging wellness.

Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife Machine technology in the 1930s; this bioresonance-based solution relies on diseased cells emitting their own radio frequencies that distinguishes them from healthy ones. When exposed to these frequencies, unhealthy cells are normalized or eliminated altogether while leaving healthy ones undamaged.

Rife’s invention included a special microscope capable of magnifying microorganisms to an impressive 30,000X magnification, which allowed him to detect some viruses that had previously gone undetected. He claimed he could destroy these viruses through vibrating at their individual frequencies; today’s Rife machines utilize similar frequencies in order to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms without harming healthy tissue.

Rife machines used in clinics or at home vary considerably in design; most can be held by one hand and connected to the user through electrodes – whether hand-held metal prongs or pads placed directly on their skin connected to a frequency generator. Once a treatment mode has been selected, simply place electrodes over target areas in order to receive electromagnetic waves.

JWLabs, the popular manufacturer of Rife machines, recently revealed in an interview with ALSUntangled that three ALS patients who had used his device had experienced improved symptoms thanks to it. He credited its ability to kill cancer cells while sparing healthy ones as the reason behind its effectiveness, often used alongside natural treatments like nutrition, supplementation and noninvasive therapies like Rife machines at cancer centers for healing such as Lyme disease treatment which involves tick-borne bacteria which causes chronic pain and fatigue.


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