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What is Spooky2?

Each microorganism, such as viruses, fungi or parasites has an oscillating frequency. Applying this vibrational frequency directly to a microorganism causes structural strain that compromises and disables or kills it.

Spooky2 features the world’s largest frequency database, contact mode with silver gloves, socks, bands and internal electrodes and special presets to address more serious diseases like Morgellons and Cancer.

What is a Rife Machine?

Rife machines are devices designed to emit frequencies that can attack harmful organisms and support the body’s natural healing process. Royal Raymond Rife was an inventor who claimed he could use his microscopes to observe live microorganisms before designing electronic devices to target specific frequency treatments that could destroy them. One successful application for Rife Therapy involves treating Lyme Disease caused by Borrelia bacteria; Rife has helped many overcome its devastating symptoms through this therapy.

Rife used his advanced microscopes to observe the resonant frequency of numerous strains of bacteria and viruses. Afterward, he devised an electronic device capable of replicating this exact frequency; which in theory should cause their cells to shatter and die off – successfully treating thousands of patients using this approach with impressive success rates.

The Rife Machine employs plasma glass tubes and radio-frequency (RF) technology to transmit frequencies into the skin and reach deep into tissues for more effective treatments than electrode-based electrodes can offer. Sessions generally last 30 minutes or less.

Though Rife Machines have been around for nearly 200 years, their prevalence remains less well known due to their cost and needing professional training to operate. Recently however, there has been renewed interest in their technology as an alternative to invasive medical procedures and harmful pharmaceutical drugs.

Spooky2 uses technology similar to that found in traditional RIFE machines, yet is significantly less costly and simpler for everyday users to operate. Utilizing biofeedback, it scans for pathogens in your body before correlating each “stress” event with its exact frequency causing it – enabling Spooky2 users to create programs to treat problems found using these frequencies as treatment measures.

Spooky2 Central kit features four methods for applying frequencies: plasma, ultrasonic, PEMF coil and contact. Plasma provides the closest experience to original Rife machine in terms of transmission frequency – up to 3.5 MHz without using a carrier frequency.

How does a Rife Machine work?

Rife machines produce low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves that cannot be heard, yet are transmitted directly into your body via electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with pathogens and microorganisms to help destroy them. According to Rife theory, every disease-causing cell or organism such as bacteria and viruses has its own frequency; finding resonance through Rife therapy allows these harmful cells to be destroyed without harming healthy ones.

Although many scientists have discredited Rife’s claims, several studies are investigating its possible benefits as an approach for treating cancer with low energy electromagnetic waves. These investigations utilize devices similar to Rife devices and have revealed that certain frequencies can kill cancerous cells and stop their proliferation.

Royal Raymond Rife developed the Rife machine, a device believed to produce frequencies which help neutralize pathogens by disrupting their vibrational states and restoring balance within the body. Sessions usually last from 30 minutes to an hour and a half with clients comfortably seated while plasma glass tubes emitting electromagnetic fields similar to radio waves are held during therapy sessions, central to its mechanism.

Plasma tubes are composed of inert gases such as Argon and Neon combined with small amounts of Mercury; they’re commonly found in compact fluorescent lamps or other lighting applications. Rife experimented with such tubes filled with inert gases like Argon and Neon to generate frequencies that would help fight cancerous cells while simultaneously improving health.

Spooky2 takes place beneath an abandoned mansion filled with monsters known as Specimens. Spooky appears every two hundred rooms to congratulate the player on their progress, becoming more miffed as they near the end. She plays tricks at Floor 250 (such as giving infinite stamina while actually disabling sprinting) and Floor 750 (playing harmless pranks), but once they reach Room 1000 she announces that her ghost army now consists of enough Specimens to complete her true plan – which involves stopping people thinking they’re cute.

What is a Spooky2 Machine?

Everything in the universe vibrates at its own unique resonance frequency. Every virus, fungi, bacteria, parasite and amoeba has their own individual resonance frequency that when applied directly can create structural stress in microorganisms which disable or kill them. Rife machines use frequencies designed specifically to detect and destroy pathogens without harming humans in any way.

Spooky2 is an advanced plasma machine that incorporates all of the best elements from Royal Rife’s original concept, such as eliminating carrier frequencies and using modern components to light its plasma tube, as well as biofeedback scans which detect pathogen-destroying frequencies.

Spooky2 Remote can be used with TENS pads, silver gloves, socks, bands and an internal electrode to deliver healing frequencies directly onto the body. There are contact mode Presets and instructions specifically tailored for Morgellons, Cancer and Lyme conditions in contact mode Presets as well as instructions in contact mode Presets provided with software with world’s largest frequency database including DNA Main Frequencies Human Base Pairs as well as its search function which automatically finds relevant frequencies or programs by searching disease names or symptoms.

How do I use a Spooky2 Machine?

Spooky2 Rife System employs an innovative frequency-transmission technique known as quantum entanglement to quickly, safely, and conveniently transmit frequencies. With contact mode options such as TENS pads, silver gloves, socks, bands and internal electrodes for contact mode applications and remote mode which enables a user to operate the machine independently from either generators or software programs, remote mode makes operations even more flexible and allows remote use without being tied directly to generators or software programs.

Spooky2 software boasts the world’s largest frequency database containing DNA, Main, Molecular Weight and Human Base Pair frequencies; as well as protocols for serious health conditions like Lyme Disease and Cancer; along with special Presets that address parasites and molds.

This software is easy and intuitive, featuring a search function for quickly finding frequencies and programs. Simply enter a condition name or symptoms, and the program will display all relevant frequencies; automatically searching for the ideal frequency that will kill off organisms causing your problem. Furthermore, biofeedback scanning technology quickly identifies frequencies to kill pathogens within minutes rather than hours or more with other plasma machines.
