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How to Build a Hulda Clark Zapper

Hulda Clark’s books and protocols for health mention a frequency device she calls the zapper; an electronic current-carrying frequency generator which destroys parasites and candida within seven minutes of being activated by being “zapped.”

Build your own zapper for $20 worth of Radio Shack parts! A CMOS 555 chip is recommended as it produces sharper square waves with richer harmonics, drains the battery less, and creates sharper square waves overall.

Power Source

The zapper is an antiparasitic device used to effectively eradicate parasites and viruses from the body, using a special frequency generator that emits electric current to destroy pathogen cell membranes. As an effective, safe, non-toxic and chemical-free alternative to traditional medicines, the zapper does not harm either body or environment and may serve as a preventative measure against disease. For pregnant women or those using pacemakers it should not be used, as its current may interfere with cardiac performance – consult a healthcare professional prior to beginning use of any device before using.

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Hulda Clark devised the original zapper in her book The Cure for All Diseases to eliminate parasites and other health conditions, and recommended various frequencies for its use with her device; experimentation was encouraged. Clark used one with a 30 KHz pulse rate – this frequency differs significantly from standard commercial models but could prove beneficial.

Radio Shack began selling kits to build a zapper using inexpensive components in the late 1980s. Each kit included easy instructions and a circuit board designed so even novice solderers could solder without trouble; once completed, powered by an ordinary 9V battery and constructed within an hour.

An alternative solution is purchasing a pre-built zapper. While these devices tend to be more costly, they’re easier to use and come equipped with an instruction manual and frequency chart for ease of use.


These zappers come equipped with some of the most commonly used frequency sets. Some models are specifically tailored to combat specific parasites while others can aid general well-being. Many followers of Rife’s work believe that lower frequencies such as 5K and 10K are more beneficial as these frequencies penetrate more deeply into the body, making it harder for pathogens to survive.


The Zapper is a small box filled with components that produce a positive pulse of electricity to kill parasites (bacterial, fungal, mycelial and viral), mites, tapeworms, flukes and intestinal worms. It is believed that all diseases are caused by infection – often parasites. The Zapper uses frequencies which correspond with bioresonant frequencies of parasites to make them resonate at lower frequencies so as to kill them off and make the surrounding environment safer for its users.

This book shows a DIY zapper constructed with a 30 KHz pulse rate as an optimal general-purpose frequency, although its frequency can be adjusted to specifically target parasites that have found hiding places that cannot be reached with 30 KHz frequency zapping alone. A zapper offers an affordable and noninvasive alternative to costly colonoscopies or antibiotics for targeting parasites.

Some zappers feature a passive output checker to ensure the signal never drops below zero and an indicator for battery level, and an option that uses a 1/6W Zener diode is easy and cost effective for battery level indicating.

An insulating sleeve may be placed over one of the copper wires to shield it from exposure to water or other contaminants, as well as heat and friction. Furthermore, this helps prevent electrodes from touching metal objects which might conduct current. Cotton-lined socks or similar materials make great sleeves to use here.

For convenience, some zappers come equipped with ESD wrist straps that can be worn around your wrist for just $10 or less and snap onto the device. Although each strap contains an inbuilt 1M resistor, you can drill this out for use with your zapper.

Before beginning construction, it is essential to cover the positive terminal of your battery with tape in order to protect its terminal from shorting out and shorting out wire ends. Furthermore, it would be prudent not to connect your battery until all connections have been made (it can be purchased for under $1 at Radio Shack) which makes it easier to keep wire ends apart during assembly.


Hulda Clark is a controversial alternative health practitioner who claims she can cure diseases using her device called the Zapper. This device emits pulses of low-level electricity that are safe for good bacteria but devastating against parasites that are the source of illness; killing parasites while freeing pathogens responsible and also blocking them from further penetration into the body.

A zapper is a simple electronic device that produces low-voltage pulses (typically dual polarity square waves with DC component of 2.5V) with an approximate frequency of 30kHz. It consists of a 9-volt battery, pulse generator circuit and two copper handles or electrodes which can be held by hand or placed directly on skin – the latter are made possible thanks to popular 555 timer IC, an NPN transistor as well as several resistors and capacitors; to achieve maximum results the device should be used at least an hour every day for optimal results.

As Clark notes in her book The Cure for All Diseases, when building the zapper it is critical that one utilizes only appropriate components and follows her schematic accordingly. Once completed, it should be checked against an oscilloscope to ensure no negative voltage exists within its circuit; otherwise it must be modified in order to avoid harming oneself or their surroundings.

The Zapper was designed to be user-friendly for people without prior electronics experience, with detailed instructions provided on how to assemble it and high-quality components used throughout its construction. For easy use, deluxe models come complete with belt clips and large contacts in their battery compartment that correspond with those on its circuit board – enabling the user to connect different electrodes such as wrist bands or socks to this zapper easily. Plus an indicator LED illuminates when your Zapper is working – an easy way to test for proper operation!


Clark provided easy-to-follow instructions for building a zapper in her book “The Cure for All Diseases”. No soldering or electronics experience is needed. A 555 timer chip is used to generate pulses of negative ions for use during zapping – pin 1 goes directly to ground, while pin 8 connects with an electronic supply house’s switched wire that controls power to it. A CMOS 555 chip is recommended because its square wave output is sharper and its harmonics richer, as well as draining less from battery than its counterpart TTL counterpart – electronic supply houses offer these chips for sale.

Positive ions produced by the zapper are taken up by cells, where they kill any parasites or viruses in them, as well as release any trapped bacteria within those cells for elimination. Clark recommended using his device daily until its symptoms had subsided; then beginning again at 7 minutes on and 20 minutes off until one could resume treatment without issue.

Some zapper manufacturers use frequencies lower than 30 KHz, such as 5000 or 10K. According to them, these lower frequencies penetrate body tissues more effectively. Furthermore, Rife’s original research on frequencies revealed that bioresonant frequency of parasites typically fell in the hundreds of KHz range.

Many zappers feature one indicator LED to show it is working; with the Big ZAP you can zap up to 20 people simultaneously at once using its current-limited output of up to 5 volts peak-to-peak and rugged design; perfect for use in remote areas.

Before selling a zapper, its output should be verified against Dr. Clark’s specifications using an oscilloscope. A picture should accompany it as proof that no negative voltage exists (an oscilloscope will show positive square waves). The AutoZap 5 comes equipped with presets to target food zappicating and body zapping and exceeds Dr. Clark’s requirements by over 12 times!


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