The VariZapper was inspired by Hulda Clark’s original design of a frequency device in her book “The Cure for All Diseases,” but has been continually improved over time.
This simple electronic device generates low-voltage electrical pulses which kill parasites, bacteria and viruses in the body. It consists of a box containing components with two copper handles held by the user for ease of use.
Hulda Clark Zappers are alternative health devices used to kill parasites and other harmful organisms in the body. It uses low voltage (5V square wave with DC component of 2.5V) pulse generator circuit which outputs to two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds or places on various parts of their body, similar to how electrotherapy treatments work. Hulda Clark originally suggested building one in her book “The Cure For All Diseases,” however since then its popularity has only increased.
However, some experimenters have discovered that Hulda Clark’s 30 KHz zapper shown for construction in her book may not provide sufficient frequency range to effectively eradicate specific kinds of parasites. As such, an audio programmed zapper has been developed which allows users to plug modules containing Rife frequencies as well as bioresonance frequencies associated with various parasites that Hulda Clark has discovered as associated with various symptoms.
Our VariZapper was designed to improve upon the standard zapper while still remaining true to its original design. You can now take advantage of any of the advanced frequency programs that can be run using our Program Driver Card (sold separately). Plus, there’s even an built-in rechargeable battery and automatic warning message to let you know it’s time for new batteries; plus it runs continuously for 60 minutes with three standard programs: regular zapping, duration zapping, and the Zappicator function!
Hulda Clark described in her book The Cure For All Diseases the original zappers as being small boxes containing components to generate low-voltage electric current, killing parasites such as flukes, roundworms, mites mites mites mites fungus and bacteria. Zapper circuitry generates dual polarity square waves at 30kHz frequency with copper wire ends connected to electrode handles that users could hold in their hands during treatment.
A zapper kit is simple to construct and cost-effective to purchase. It includes a breadboard, 555 timer IC, seven resistors (2K Ohm, 2.2K Ohm, 4.7K Ohm, 39K Ohm and 270K Ohm), one 100pF capacitor, red indicator LEDs, jumper wires and soldered battery snap/on/off switches; but does not include copper pipes which must be purchased separately.
Some zapper experimenters have modified the original design by altering its frequency settings for specific parasites. This practice, known as frequency zapping, can be carried out using the general 30-KHz pulse rate zapper recommended in Clark’s book as construction material.
These frequency-zapping instruments also allow multiple people to use one zapper at the same time. The number of users is limited only by additional program modules and electrodes being available. Frequency zappers have proven successful at treating headaches and sinus issues as well as nausea or dizziness caused by your body’s natural attempt to eliminate parasites or toxins.
The Zapper is an electrical device designed to kill parasites and bacteria without harming human tissue, as claimed by Clark. He claimed this would cure a wide range of diseases. Composed of two copper handles connected with two low voltage pulsed square waves of 30kHz frequency that generate a low voltage pulsed square wave applied directly onto body surfaces using electrical pulses applied via two electrical contacts called electrodes, this device claims it kills parasites with electrical energy without harming living tissue.
Original zapper circuitry was quite straightforward and consisted of just a 555 timer IC, an NPN transistor and several resistors. Clark programmed his device with frequencies taken from Rife’s frequency list that targeted specific types of parasites that she believed caused certain symptoms.
A new version of zapper has recently been unveiled known as VariZapper which boasts significant enhancements over its predecessor model. This device offers three standard programs (full-body zapping, periodic zapping and duration zapping) in addition to pre-programmed Program Driver Cards that target specific frequencies according to Dr. Clark’s list.
Another improvement over its predecessor, is that the VariZapper now comes equipped with an internal rechargeable battery, eliminating the hassle of constantly changing batteries. Furthermore, this device boasts improved frequency precision of between 0.1Hz and 1 Million Hz and features a battery level check that can be activated during running mode that warns you if its battery levels become low before it runs dry.
Final Thoughts
Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who made headlines with claims that her low-voltage device known as the Zapper could treat many diseases. According to Clark’s book on construction of her device, its 30 KHz pulse rate should kill parasites and bacteria without damaging human tissue. Users hold two copper handles together which form an oscillating pulse generator circuit for this low voltage device which they hold in their hands or place on different parts of their bodies for use; but other frequencies that have bioresonance with specific parasites may also be modified in order to achieve similar effects.
Please note: Please keep in mind that the information presented here serves solely as technical analysis, and does not support medicinal claims made about VariZappers by Hulda Clark in her books or on related internet websites.