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How to Make Your Own Mini Zapper

Our Zapper is an improved version of the device outlined by Hulda Clark and her electronic engineer son in their book, “The Cure for All Diseases.” It works on the principle that parasites have resonant frequencies which can be detected and dismantled with electrical energy.

Clark instructed her patients to use it by placing its handles onto wet wristbands, or as Clark preferred, by zapping their feet with it. There are various applicators available; carbon handles are preferred.


The Zapper is a hand-held frequency generator that uses safe electric pulses to combat what Dr. Clark considers the root of all disease – parasites. It emits 30KHz frequency waves which have proven devastatingly effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi and mites – using resonance principles it can quickly eliminate harmful organisms from your body! Coupled with herbal parasite cleansing solutions it may even rid it completely!

This device is simple to use; simply plug a new 9V alkaline battery in and connect the alligator clips of its cords with any electrode contact points such as copper tubes, wristbands or socks. A red LED lights up when operating while green indicates when connected; after three 7-minute sessions the zapper automatically switches off with audible and visual notifications as to its status or when its battery needs replacing.

Clark claimed that the Zapper was effective against many health conditions, including cancer. Although its effectiveness has not been proven in scientific studies, many individuals report seeing significant improvements to their health by using it. One theory suggests it can kill parasites responsible for disease by exposing them to their own resonant frequency which causes them to burst – this may help explain its success against disease as a whole.

Effective use of the zapper is key for realizing its full benefits. To maximize results, the device should be used on all areas of the body – feet and lymph glands particularly – with periodic on/off use for optimal effectiveness; hence why zapping should take place every other day for approximately 30 seconds at least.

The ideal zapper can be purchased online from various vendors and should feature high quality design and components, and be tested using an oscilloscope to verify its output waveform. In particular, Dr. Clark specifies a positive offset as well as pedestal offset in addition to being capable of running multiple frequencies at the same time.


The Zapper is the main tool used in holistic Clark-Therapy to destroy parasites and their trigger substances, electrically with low current that poses no threat to human bodies. A daily session helps cleanse your system of these harmful agents. Battery-operated zappers can be particularly effective at alleviating serious conditions in as few as several sessions without causing discomfort to patients. Each positive offset created generates 5-10 volts positive offset current for ease-of-use. As it doesn’t reach the eyes, appendix, testicles or inner ear bones and only passes through small amounts of stomach or intestinal walls untouched by bile and living cells, bile poisoning does not reach these parts of the body but still kills parasites when it reaches them and can help treat various diseases.

Dr. Clark chose 30KHz (30,000 cycles per second) for her zapper because it maximizes current with regular zapping and has proven extremely effective against infections. Some researchers have also chosen lower frequencies like 5000 and 10,000 Hz to penetrate more deeply and have additional healing harmonics that aid healing.

Start building a zapper by attaching a 555 timer chip, with pin 1 connected to ground and pin 8 connected to a switch. A CMOS version is preferable as it produces sharper square waves with more harmonics while draining battery less quickly than TTL ones; Radio Shack’s CMOS 555 may be available through electronics supply houses or at shops that specialize in television repair, computer service and stereo repair services.

Next, connect the wires that will transport current to electrodes – these could include wristbands, copper pipe handholds or metal footpads as electrodes – using jumper wires. A zapper can be used by one or two people simultaneously with different pairs of electrodes attached at once. After you have assembled your circuit, plug it in and check its output using a multimeter set to measure voltage direct current (VDC) reading. It may help if you mark its positive (+) and negative (-) leads so as to know which side provides power source your zapper is receiving power.


Hulda Clark describes in her book The Cure for All Diseases the Zapper as an effective tool against parasites such as flukes, roundworms, mites mites bacteria and viruses. Resonance allows this device to work; by exposing microbes to their respective resonance frequencies it causes their cells to explode causing death – home made versions can even be constructed following Clark’s instructions!

The zapper is powered by a 9-volt battery and available from multiple websites. In addition, an AC converter increases voltage to 12 or 15 volts; those familiar with electronics may modify it further for different DC square wave frequencies.

To simplify construction, the battery should be connected to two wires via a snap-on connector purchased at Radio Shack for approximately one dollar. When covering positive battery terminals with tape and not allowing any wire ends to touch each other during construction, make sure not to leave any spaces between ends as this could potentially cause electrocution of battery itself or damage from touching other wires during connection process. It may also be wise to place aluminium foil or plastic bag around it to protect from electrocution risk.

A CD4069 hex inverter and 1M resistor can be used to set the output voltage of a zapper. Resistors and capacitors may be varied according to what is available, with input voltage proportional to output voltage ensuring square waveform output with 50% duty cycle that can be verified using an oscilloscope.

To maximize its effectiveness, the zapper should be wetted with water that contains high levels of salt for maximum efficiency. Salt helps penetrate more deeply into skin layers than without it and thick paper towels like Viva enhance its performance by decreasing resistance levels it encounters.


A zapper is a battery-powered device that emits electric pulses with a positive DC voltage offset, emitting electric pulses to kill bacteria, fungus and viruses in the body while treating wounds, improving digestion and relieving pain. The device can easily be constructed at home from inexpensive parts for maximum effectiveness; Dr Raymond Rayf first discovered it back in 1930s but his research went unpublished until Hulda Clark published her research in “The Cure for All Diseases.” Her version utilizes a 555 timer chip and uses 9V battery powering the circuit.

While using a zapper, it is crucial to establish a cleansing regime to prevent overburdening the liver and kidneys. Raw food should also be consumed during this time and plenty of water consumed; any discomfort from the device such as itching or tingling should also be expected – some users may also experience nausea and fatigue as a result of its use.

The Zapper can be used to kill parasites in blood, lymph nodes, digestive tract and other organs; treat infections caused by fungus yeast and pathogens; as well as treating chronic viral conditions like herpes shingles or herpes.

To create a zapper, you will require several materials:

The zapper has been constructed using quality electrical components and copper handles. Additionally, it comes equipped with a red LED that lights up when its battery has been fully charged. Before using a zapper it is important to first wash and cover hands with wet towels to ensure optimal conductivity. For maximum eye safety, use of the zapper should consist of three 7-minute sessions separated by 20-minute rest periods and repeated twice or three times. Protective goggles must also be worn during each session to safeguard your vision. The zapper is designed to be user-friendly, but it is important to read its instructions thoroughly prior to operating it. Children or animals should not touch it. Pacemakers should also avoid using it since this could disrupt your heartbeat; and pregnant women should refrain from using it since this could potentially endanger the fetus.
