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How to Use the Hulda Clark Zapper

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who claimed that an electronic device called the Zapper could cure numerous diseases. According to Clark’s claim, this zapper allegedly kills parasites and bacteria with electrical energy without harming human tissue.

The VariZapper is the newest version of Dr. Clark’s holistic frequency device, designed to improve precision of frequency measurements while adding features for more advanced programming and usage of this zapper.

Hand Holds

Hand holding is an expression of nonverbal communication between partners that shows them they care deeply for each other, and you’re very committed to your relationship. There are multiple techniques you can use when engaging in handholding that convey different meanings to one another – each can send out its own specific signal about what it signifies about their feelings for you or each partner’s intentions within their partnership.

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Clark asserts that the zapper works by forcing parasites to release their contents into the bloodstream where white blood cells can digest and dispose of them. Furthermore, its small current also revitalizes cells making them more active and resistant to infection by parasites and bacteria.

Some users report experiencing a mild tingling sensation from the zapper, while others do not detect anything at all. As its frequency does not harm human tissue, the sensation that some experience could simply be their body responding to the electrical pulses created by the device.

Hulda Clark’s original zapper can be assembled from inexpensive parts, but many prefer purchasing the commercial version from Radio Shack for just over one dollar. These devices come equipped with circuit boards designed to prevent positive and negative terminals of batteries from touching during construction or use, along with battery connectors containing two wires that provide accurate readings of its output voltage.


For your own safety, the output of a zapper should never surpass 1000 ohms. A multimeter is useful in monitoring output voltage across both hand holds. Checking weekly should ensure it remains within 60-75% of its original value – any reduction calls for battery replacement.

While zapping, it is crucial that the hands stay clear of metal objects as this conductor of current can pose a danger. Furthermore, hand holds should never touch each other, while for leg zapping footpads should be connected around calf or thigh to stop the current from traveling through to torso and cause harm.

Alligator Clips

When using the Hulda Clark Zapper, alligator clips should be preferred over hand holds for maximum current coverage across a wider area of body tissue. Furthermore, alligator clips make use easier if clothes are being worn during treatment and conduct better than hand holds when killing parasites that lie underneath the surface skin.

If the output of the zapper is too low, one may require additional resistors or larger capacitors in order to raise its frequency and raise its frequency accordingly. Some practitioners use higher frequencies such as 5000-10000Hz in treating more general ailments since it penetrates the body more deeply and more effectively than 30kHz frequencies.

A Huda Clark Zapper must be built using only high quality components for optimal results. In particular, it’s important to ensure the output is a pure sine wave without mixed offset square waves that can be measured using either a multimeter or oscilloscope; peak to peak voltage should range between 8 volts with 50% duty cycle and no negative spikes on its waveform.

As it is essential to keeping battery contacts clean during construction, tape should be applied over the positive terminal to protect against shorting out. A battery connector, such as those found at Radio Shack for about $1 each, may also help avoid short circuiting by keeping wire ends from touching during assembly and can later be detached to allow a more permanent connection between components.

For optimal operation, the Hulda Clark Zapper requires a 9V battery. For extended battery life and maximum performance, two batteries in parallel should be used instead of just one. When building the Zapper it is critical that positive terminal be covered with tape while not touching wire ends or touching any positive battery terminal directly – accidental short circuiting could render your battery nonfunctional and should be promptly replaced by new one(s).

Pulsed Square Waves

Square waves in electronics are periodic waveforms that alternate between two states and are also commonly known as rectangular or pulsed waveforms, often found in digital or logic technology circuits using only two states. An ideal square wave would feature instantaneous transitions between high and low levels; this rarely happens. Rise time refers to how long it takes a signal from low level to high level before returning back down, while fall time measures its time from high level back down again.

The Huda Clark Zapper is an electronic device that produces pulsed magnetic fields to kill parasites, bacteria and viruses in your body. It consists of a 9-volt battery with its own pulse generator circuit and copper electrode handles or electrode pads placed strategically around your body so as to receive this pulsed magnetic field and eradicate parasites in lymphatic system, bloodstream, nervous system or endocrine glands.

Original Huda Clark Zappers used in home use by alternative health practitioners typically featured a simple circuit with a 555 timer IC, NPN transistor and resistors; newer versions feature microprocessors for more accurate frequency generation as well as multi-frequency approaches which produce wider harmonic frequencies.

The Huda Clark Zapper uses magnetic fields with both high- and low-frequency frequencies to stimulate the immune system. High frequency frequencies kill parasites while lower frequencies help reduce inflammation and stimulate cellular metabolism for faster healing, helping with arthritis, depression and fibromyalgia conditions such as arthritis. Furthermore, this device features a green monitoring light which indicates when all parts of its operation are working as intended (this includes when both hands are properly placed in their respective slots and there is enough current flow between them); additionally it may signal when either hands are dry or there are problems with wires or its own components if possible.

Battery Life

A Huda Clark Zapper is an electronic device intended to eradicate parasites, bacteria and viruses with low-voltage pulses of electricity while being non-harmful to human tissue. Typically constructed using a 9-volt battery and featuring an integrated circuit 555 timer and resistors as pulse generator circuit components; plus two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds while activating it.

Some zappers sold with output frequencies above 30kHz are advertised to increase efficiency and effectiveness; this is simply marketing hype; higher output frequencies actually produce harmonics which may damage tissues.

Higher frequencies can also cause the parasite-produced ions to resonate at lower resonance frequencies than they otherwise would, making microorganisms less effective at killing them.

An increase in output frequency increases the chances of feedback inhibition – an undesired side effect, though usually subtle in its manifestation – leading to symptoms including nausea, fatigue, depression and trembling. Therefore it is advisable that users select lower output frequencies with automatic shut-off switches in place in order to minimise unwanted side effects from feedback inhibition.

VariZapper 2.0 goes beyond traditional programs with three standard programs by enabling you to download and use pre-programmed Program Driver Cards that contain sequences of targeted frequencies based on Dr. Clark’s frequency list. Simply inserted, no programming required!

The Zapper can also be converted to a frequency generator known as VariGamma by plugging in an optional Module (sold separately). This enables users to generate any frequency between 1Hz and 1 MillionHz.

These modern hulda clark zappers, unlike their predecessors, do not utilize AC current to generate their output, creating a smoother and more accurate waveform and eliminating potential tissue damage due to harmonics produced by older zappers. Furthermore, these new devices utilize rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) blocks, making them greener and more environmentally-friendly than their predecessors.


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