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Hulda Clark and the Zapper

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who believed parasites to be at the core of many illnesses and conditions, including numerous skin ailments. She created natural cleansing programs, as well as the Zapper electronic device which emits electrical pulses to kill parasites.

Though her theories remain highly contentious, people who support her approach to health continue to use zappers like Meditech Europe’s Swing Zapper for use. Read further for more insights into this fascinating concept!

What is a zapper?

A zapper is a low-frequency square wave electric field designed to kill parasites and pathological organisms. It works by matching its frequency to that of germs, causing them to vibrate until implosion or break apart occurs. Furthermore, using a zapper may also help balance body and increase energy levels.

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The Zapper works by infusing your body with an excess of electrons. These negatively charged electrons neutralize positively charged parasites and free radicals found in blood, helping restore your natural balance and health.

Hulda Clark zappers should operate at 1kHz with a 50% duty cycle, using copper handles as electrodes, powered by 9V with no negative output (the 39k resistor at R5 helps ensure this). An oscilloscope should also be used to ensure there is no even trace of negative voltage output; any negative voltage should be removed by changing to a 38K resistor at R5.

As well as killing parasites, the Zapper(r) also increases erythrocyte vitality – strengthening immunity and detoxifying blood. Because of this effect, it can be considered both anti-parasitic and probiotic, meaning beneficial.


Alternative practitioners frequently recommend purchasing a zapper, and you can do so either online or from certain health food stores. Reputable brands of zappers such as Auto-Zap come with three month money-back guarantees; cheaper models do not perform as effectively and may cause issues with circuitry.

Leg or Arm Zapping Method It is ideal to use this approach because it keeps zapper current out of the torso and heart area, which is essential when using ICDs, “smart pacemaker” devices or during pregnancy. Furthermore, this zapper device can help treat various illnesses including cancer, arthritis and AIDS.

Zapper Description

Hulda Clark’s claims about parasites may have little scientific backing, yet she gained widespread popularity for her alternative health practices. One such treatment she popularized was her Zapper device – an electronic device which generates electrical pulses designed to disrupt parasite frequencies.

The Zapper works by infusing your body with excess electrons that help neutralize positively charged parasites and free radicals, thus helping restore natural balance and overall wellness.

The zapper operates by sending out a signal in the form of a rectangular wave generated by an electrical circuit made up of 555 timer IC, NPN transistor and various resistors and capacitors. This signal is transferred via copper handles or electrodes held in users’ hands and placed over various parts of their bodies to generate stimulation.

Though the zapper has yet to be scientifically demonstrated as effective, Hulda Clark relies heavily on it for her treatment protocols. While her unconventional ideas and devices were generally discredited by medical authorities, she left behind an incredible legacy within alternative medicine.

Zapper Safety

A zapper is a device that generates low-voltage square waves to produce low-frequency oscillations that, according to theory, cause parasites’ frequencies to vibrate, disrupting them and ultimately killing them. It consists of three components – typically 9V battery, pulse generator circuit (555 timer IC), and two copper handles or electrodes for use by the user in their hands or on various body parts.

Hulda Clark was a naturopathic doctor and alternative medicine practitioner who claimed she could cure diseases like AIDS, herpes, cancer and others with her parasite zapper. According to Clark’s theories, most chronic illnesses were due to parasites and toxins present in our bodies and she believed zapping them with her precise diagnostic testing method (the Syncrometer) would rid it from our bodies completely.

Although not scientifically verified, zapper therapy has found its own following among those who claim that it has helped their health and quality of life. Many report being helped get rid of toxins while decreasing allergy and chronic infection symptoms as well as relieving digestive problems and stabilizing emotional states.

Some individuals believe zappers can help enhance energy levels by flushing away parasites and toxins that sap vitality from your body, leading to improved energy. Therefore, many fans of the device advise using it alongside liver detox programs in order to maximize its benefits.

No matter whether you plan on purchasing or building your huda clark zapper yourself, it is crucial that you select a reliable manufacturer. Choose a company which provides warranties and customer support departments should any issues arise or questions be raised. Make sure the zapper you purchase has an output of 5 milliamps or lower so as not to cause electrical burns when used on skin, while too much current could damage or reduce its lifespan. Steins Elektronikkverksted’s Huda Clark Zapper is an excellent choice for anyone who seeks an easy to use device with full spectrum parasite-specific frequencies created by Dr. Clark that will last them years of service. The device comes equipped with presets for food zapping and body zapping with presets tailored specifically for each use case, plus presets to remove contaminants such as nicotine from clothing.

Zapper FAQ

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who believed parasites to be at the source of most diseases and that her “zapper” can remove them from the body. She designed and utilized a positive offset square wave frequency generator powered by a 9-volt battery called the zapper that she named after herself; her controversial ideas and treatments caused much debate, yet many embraced her methods despite some critics. Hulda was considered a pioneer in understanding parasites’ effect on human health.

The Zapper emits frequencies which are harmful to pathogenic organisms but won’t damage human tissue or the body as a whole. It features two copper handles which the user holds tightly between his or her hands and each zapper frequency is programmed to target specific pathogenic organisms; for example, 30kHz frequency targets parasites harmful to humans while 1kHz can also help combat candida fungus, herpes infections, etc. Additionally, another higher 1KHz zapper targets bacteria and viruses for better infection management and protection from infections such as herpes virus infections as well as infections of all sorts while targeting bacteria and viruses respectively.

Use of the Zapper requires sitting back and relaxing while holding onto its handles, with the device held to the front of their body approximately six inches above their navel. Once powered on, three 7-minute sessions should be run consecutively with 20-minute breaks between sessions – many users report feeling immediate results after using this device; however it’s important to remember that every body responds differently based on unique factors.

Although zappers can be used safely within hospitals, patients should inform hospital staff prior to using one as the zapping process may interfere with certain medical devices such as an ICD defibrillator and emit DC pulses which may appear as AC to ICD trigger detectors.

Though still considered experimental, zappers have proven safe for most people. It is essential that users follow instructions provided by their manufacturer of the device in order to keep it operating in an optimal state. Monitoring it regularly also plays an integral part of keeping it in working condition.


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