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Hulda Clark Zapper

Hulda Clark’s Zapper is a low-voltage device designed to kill parasites, bacteria and viruses with electrical energy without harming human tissue. Many users report increased energy levels after using this zapping technique while it may even help relieve digestive problems like bloating and gas.

Use an oscilloscope to examine a zapper’s output and ensure it contains approximately 1/4-volt positive offset and no negative spikes. Zap for 7 minutes followed by a 20-minute break to kill larger parasites before returning for another 7 minute session.


Our device was constructed based on Dr. Clark’s original zapper circuit but improved through modern microprocessor technology. As a result, this zapper produces a wider spectrum of frequencies (including harmonic frequencies) than similar products on the market.

Dr. Hulda Clark used the Zapper frequency device to rid her body of parasites and toxins, employing pulsed square waves to kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites. For greater precision and long-term frequency generation, she employed VariZapper’s microprocessor-controlled frequency generation technology for long-term frequency generation.

The MiniFG features an integrated zapper program for use without additional devices. However, we strongly advise reading Clark frequencies tables from her book and using Kinesiology or Syncrometer to identify specific frequencies your body requires to optimize treatment effects. Furthermore, its negative offset frequencies (P2) may help when used with Syncrometer or imprinting frequencies onto water or homeographic globules.


The Zapper uses an IC timer to generate a dual-polarity square wave which is applied through copper handles which the user holds in his hands or places on various parts of their body. According to some accounts, the device allegedly kills parasites and other harmful pathogens through frequency generated by an internal circuit.

The microprocessor-controlled iBioZapper offers many advantages over other Zappers: unlike products which generate only one frequency, our device produces a spectrum of frequencies including harmonic frequencies. Furthermore, its battery check program warns if its batteries become too low to support continued operations.

Users can determine which specific frequency to use for any disease by reading Clark book and consulting Frequency Table of Dis-eases. Kinesiology or Syncrometer may also help find optimal frequencies to address individual conditions.


As opposed to some zappers on the market that only generate one fixed frequency (e.g. liver frequencies, moon or sun frequencies and kung fu frequencies), our VariZapper allows users to program different sequences of Clark or Rife frequencies into it for programming purposes. Simply divide by 512 to convert these CLARK frequencies to audio range of your device!

For advanced frequency work, Program Driver Cards provide another useful solution. Featuring frequencies from Dr. Clark’s list and easily pluggable into MiniFG to use with its Zapper function.

To determine which frequencies to use, consult either your Disease book frequency table, Syncrometer, or homeopathic practitioner who performs Kinesiology and Biofeedback testing. Select appropriate frequencies using either zappers or specific frequency generators, and make your decision.


The original zapper is an inexpensive device built with the 555 timer IC, some resistors, and a capacitor. It produces a 30 kHz square wave with either positive or mixed offset; it should not be used with specific frequencies; for that purpose P5 may be more suitable.

The MiniFG is a microprocessor-controlled frequency generator designed for long-term and precise frequency generation. It generates 26 square wave frequencies with positive offset and their harmonic frequencies that cover Dr. Clark’s frequency range and increase efficiency and application potential. Furthermore, its circuit monitoring system warns users in case of dry hands skin or broken cable connections – however this device cannot be considered medical in US law.


Prior to the invention of the zapper, Dr. Clark used specific frequencies for various pathogens and published a frequency table in her book, “The Cure for All Diseases.” She employed bottle copy frequencies using her frequency generator and Syncrometer; many of these are still effective today.

At ProLab Solutions, we provide a basic device called the VariZapper that serves as an effective frequency generator: producing pulsed square waves with positive offset. In addition, our Program Driver Cards come preprogrammed with sequences of frequencies from Dr. Clark’s frequency list – no further programming necessary!

Legally we cannot tell you which specific frequencies to use with this device. Some people turn to Clark books and her frequency table; others utilize tools like Syncrometer for biofeedback analysis or similar tools that help determine their needs.


As opposed to most zappers that only generate one fixed frequency, the VariZapper allows users to program in various basic frequencies for use. Furthermore, harmonic frequencies associated with every square wave increase your chance of hitting pathogen-specific frequencies successfully.

This device is microprocessor controlled for precise and long-term frequency generation. It produces a pulsed square wave signal with positive offset that produces both homeopathic frequencies to kill pathogens as well as specific frequencies specified by Clark books or Syncrometer manual. As it would not be legal to state which frequencies work against which diseases, you should consult these documents as well as utilize either Kinesiology or Syncrometer to discover which frequencies to apply yourself.


Hulda Clark claimed her zapper could help get rid of parasites and pathogens found within the body. Her devices emit low-voltage electrical pulses which are absorbed by parasites and then kill them off.

Original circuit of zapper consisted of a 555 timer IC and NPN transistor connected to copper handles or electrodes; users then held these in their hands or placed them strategically around their body to receive frequencies.

Contrary to most frequency generators, our VariZapper takes an approach with multiple frequencies that is unique: we have chosen 26 square wave frequencies and their harmonics as our starting point, producing a wide spectrum of frequencies which are effective against most pathogens while increasing your chances of hitting the appropriate one – just make sure to refer back to Clark frequency tables in her Disease book or use biofeedback testing such as Syncrometer for specific frequency recommendations!


Hulda Clark made use of a frequency generator and zapper to treat various illnesses. She published a long list of pathogen-specific frequencies in her book “The Cure for All Diseases”, and these can also be found in our MiniFG device. We improved her relatively simple original circuit by adding a microprocessor for precise frequency generation (square wave with positive offset).

Additionally, we redesigned the device to make it more compact and affordable; we call this product VariZapper, and are pleased to bring it to market. This device comes equipped with three standard programs including regular zapping (7-20-7-20-7 minutes), duration zapping and zappicator functions; advanced frequencies can also be programmed using optional programmer cards; additionally a battery check is integrated within this product and it will notify users if battery levels fall outside an acceptable threshold.


Hulda Clark employed a device known as the Zapper to rid her patients of parasites and pathogens. This low-voltage square wave can produce low voltage output which kills pathogens without damaging healthy cells; its design was founded upon the belief that all living things emit frequencies which match with those produced by this device.

The new VariZapper is microprocessor-controlled for more precise frequency generation, and comes equipped with an improved battery-check function to alert you if your batteries become depleted.

To choose which frequencies to use, consult your Clark book and locate its frequency table at the back. Kinesiology or Syncrometer are other effective tools. Before frequency zapping was invented, Dr. Clark used specific frequency zapping with great success; she even published a long list of pathogen-specific frequencies in her book “The Cure for All Diseases”.


Before the invention of the zapper, Dr. Clark pioneered specific frequency zapping to target pathogen-specific frequencies in her Disease Book using a frequency generator and Syncrometer Science Lab Manual pages 137-140.

MiniFG devices feature positive offset square waves (P2). To access specific frequencies from Clark or Rife Frequency Tables, simply locate and set it on your device; alternatively use Kinesiology/Syncrometer to identify any required frequencies using body response; legal restrictions prevent us from making medical claims about these frequencies but they have provided many astounding healing stories from users around the globe.
