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Hulda Clark – Zapper Amazon

Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner, claimed her zapper device could cure many diseases. It’s a simple electronic device which produces low-voltage pulses of current. It contains a 555 timer IC as well as two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds onto during use; additionally it can be easily assembled at home cheaply.

Parasite Killer

Hulda Clark’s book “The Cure for All Cancers” asserts that all diseases are caused by parasites – particularly intestinal flukes and liver parasites (fasciolopsis buskii). Her zapper can cure them; strict detoxification procedures also help.

The zapper uses a low-voltage circuit to send pulses of electricity at specific frequencies directly into the body. These frequencies resonate with bacteria, viruses and parasites on our surfaces – much like when an opera singer hits high notes that cause glassware to shatter – killing any microorganisms present. It is inexpensive and straightforward to build from a kit or book provided instructions by its creator; effective against head lice, fleas, ticks, bedbugs as well as hookworms (hookworms) protozoas (single cell organisms such as amoebas). Furthermore, this device also kills any associated fungus present – as an opera singer would hit high notes that would shatter glasses by hitting high notes; resonance kills any microorganisms present – similar effects causing glass shattering on glass to shatter in similar fashion; resonance kills microorganisms in similar fashion causing glass shattering; similar effect is used against bedbugs/ flea/ tick/bedbugs/hookworms/protozoas/protozoas/protozoas/protozoas/amoebas/amp/non treated/treated/ or amoebas/amycos/fungus/ helminths/hookworms/ protozoas/protozoas is destroyed/killed as well. The device kills microorganisms as effectively with it’s kill off as its resonance kills. The device also kills/helminth/prozoas/ helminth/prozoas helmin/ protozoas etc). Finally when using their also kill fungi so worms is killed). Finally / protozoass etc as amoas etc. The device also kills that. / protozoas ( hookworms etc! Also destroys or protozoas organisms.

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Immune System Booster

Hulda Clark proposed that an electronic device she called the “Zapper” could treat various illnesses by eliminating parasites and stimulating immune function. She believed all parasites emit electromagnetic radiation at specific frequencies; such a device could generate these frequencies and turn up immune activity as needed. She further proposed nutritional interventions as ways to increase one’s resistance against disease-causing parasites.

The Zapper is an electronic device that generates positive offset square waves of direct current from a 9V battery (stepped down to approximately 4.5 V), and transmits them through copper electrodes held by users. Its programming prevents it from ever switching into negative polarity which could prove hazardous; and current pulses at approximately 20,000 times per second for optimal use.

As soon as a zapper is switched on, white blood cells begin an all-out assault against parasites and diseased tissue. It appears to kill parasites by altering their polarity while healing diseased tissues with positive charges, and killing off any remaining parasites through reversed polarity killing techniques. Healthy tissues remain positively charged.


Some individuals experience dizziness, nausea, headache and foul intestinal gas during their first few zapping sessions due to killing lots of parasites and releasing toxins into their body which must then be flushed out through drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day as recommended by health practitioners.

The Zapper has also been noted as being useful for treating cancer, AIDS, candida and other yeast infections, eye floaters, genital herpes, fatigue, arthritis, high blood pressure, chronic pain management depression as well as mental disorders like fibromyalgia allergies rheumatoid arthritis autoimmune disease lymph nodes snake bites tumors multiple sclerosis etc.


Clark advocated zapping parasites, particularly fasciolopsis buskii liver flukes that she believed caused most cancers. Her claims were supported by resonance (the same principle opera singers employ to shatter glasses), as all bacteria, viruses, and parasites have unique frequencies which, when activated at positive offset frequencies kill all simultaneously. She further advised drinking eight-10 cups of water daily as part of a detoxification regime in order to flush toxic matter from one’s system.

The Clark Zapper is an electrical device believed to kill parasites and other micro-organisms with frequencies similar to those produced by our natural immune systems, often used alongside parasite cleanse protocols and an anti-parasite diet. Before beginning this therapy it’s recommended consulting a healthcare professional, especially if any existing health conditions exist, as some individuals may experience detoxification reactions lasting only several days; should any severe reactions appear or persist seek medical advice immediately.

Weight Loss

Hulda Clark was an unconventional alternative medicine practitioner who made headlines for her alleged cure of various conditions through a parasite cleanse protocol and zapper device involving parasite cleanses and environmental toxins, such as cancer or AIDS. Clark advocated the use of an electrical frequency device called a “zapper”, to kill parasites.

Her claims have not been supported by scientific research and have been disproved by independent studies. A zapper is a small electronic device that generates low-voltage pulses of electromagnetic energy transmitted via copper handles or electrodes to be held by users or placed on different parts of their bodies to kill bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Clark’s device works on the principle of resonance; just as an opera singer hits a high note that causes glassware to shatter, his device uses vibrations that resonate with parasite cellular structures to kill them off. Furthermore, this device can also detoxify livers and lymphatic systems; you can purchase or self-assemble one online or from his book with detailed instructions; additionally it is recommended that users follow a parasite cleansing diet while using his device.


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