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Hulda Clark Zapper Instructions

A zapper is a small electronic device designed to emit frequencies that kill parasites such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. It typically consists of an inexpensive 9-volt battery connected to a timer circuit and copper handles or electrodes for proper functioning.

Our zappers are manufactured to Dr. Clark’s specifications and must be used according to his recommendations for timing: 7 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Please follow these guidelines when operating our products.

Connecting the Electrodes

This device uses low current of pulsed DC electricity to kill parasites in the body such as worms, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Additionally, it helps prevent infections like influenza and colds. Hulda Clark was responsible for its invention.

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Clark asserted that many diseases were caused by parasites, and suggested the zapper as a solution to alleviate symptoms of these ailments. Unfortunately, scientists and medical professionals have cast serious doubt upon Clark’s claims by debunking them with independent studies or providing outdated scientific studies which contradicted what Clark claimed would work.

A zapper is a handheld electric pulse generator that emits frequencies to kill parasites and toxins. The device consists of a battery-powered circuit board connected with two copper electrode handles which can be placed anywhere on the body before being connected via cords with banana plugs to the zapper for use.

Different frequencies of zappers are used to target specific parasites, so depending on which kind you select, different frequencies will be employed to do this. The VariZapper was specifically created to offer more frequency options than its original zapper counterpart; with three standard programs and a Zappicator feature. Furthermore, it can also be connected with Hulda Clark’s frequency list (available separately) through connecting it to an optional “Plate Zapping” board.


The zapper produces a square wave output at 30kHz frequency, an ideal frequency for eliminating parasites. Additionally, its harmonics extend into megahertz range where these organisms thrive. Furthermore, there’s an option to switch between two frequencies, making it simpler to find an appropriate frequency to target specific conditions.

Not to be taken lightly, the zapper may cause temporary side effects like nausea and dizziness; these symptoms should subside after several sessions of use. It does not damage healthy cells directly but could kill off some essential intestinal bacteria which help promote proper digestive functioning – leading to digestive irregularities or irregularity.

Installing a zapper requires covering its positive terminal with tape or other protective covering to prevent accidental shorting, which could damage its chip and render it inoperable. Furthermore, keeping away from metallic objects as this could produce electromagnetic fields which interfere with their operation can also help ensure safe usage of your zapper.

Turning on the Zapper

The Huda Clark Zapper uses a simple circuit consisting of 555 timer IC, NPN transistor, resistors and capacitors to generate low voltage square wave frequencies (typically dual polarity 5V with a DC component of 2.5V). A 9-volt battery powers this device; two copper handles or electrodes that you hold with your hands or place on different parts of your body are held onto during sessions, followed by breaks of 20 minutes between sessions.

Many individuals claim the zapper can help treat various health problems; however, no scientific evidence to back these claims exists. Furthermore, FDA considers the zapper experimental, so its effectiveness has yet to be assessed via clinical trials.

In the US, it is unlawful to make medical claims about devices without first conducting an approved double-blind study, so merchants cannot claim that their zapper kills parasites, viruses or bacteria without adequate proof. Some sellers have even received fines for making unsubstantiated statements about a zapper device.

Some zappers produce frequencies different from those published by Dr. Hulda Clark in her books. For optimal performance, consider purchasing Frequency Generation brand zappers which guarantee positive offset square wave frequencies without negative spikes as specified by her works.

Removing the Electrodes

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner of the 1980s who claimed her zapper could effectively remove bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites from the body. The electronic device features two copper handles which contain electrodes containing high frequency signals for microorganism destruction. Patients held their handles against various parts of their bodies in order to get this high frequency signal and see results within hours or days.

Clark describes the “Zapper” in her book “The Cure for All Diseases”. This simple 555 timer circuit powered by a 9V battery produces a dual-polarity square wave at approximately 30kHz which kills pathogens while not harming human cells.

A zapper can be assembled for relatively little money; one 555 timer chip typically costs $1 and all other components can be obtained from Radio Shack or discount electronics stores. A full kit with all parts may also be purchased; otherwise a passive output checker made of LEDs, resistors and zener diodes mounted on standoffs protruding from behind its case is recommended as an added measure to ensure no current is being wasted by its circuit. Alligator clips should connect directly to this output checker.

Most zappers are designed to emit 30,000 Hz, as this frequency has proven to be effective against most organisms such as fungi, bacteria and viruses. However, some people who follow Rife’s work believe that lower frequencies such as 5000 or 10K may provide even better penetration of body cells and penetrate more effectively than 30,000Hz zappers do.

As part of building a zapper, it is crucial to protect the chip from shorting during construction by either covering it with tape or using a battery connector with wires coming off (5 pack available at Radio Shack for about $1). Furthermore, it should be observed not to touch either terminal until all connections have been made successfully and wire ends be taped off to avoid touching each other during assembly.

Cleaning the Electrodes

Hulda Clark was an unconventional alternative health practitioner who claimed that the use of her device, the Zapper, could cure various diseases. This timer circuit powered by 9V batteries effectively kills bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses; however it cannot penetrate gaseous cavities such as those under teeth, nasal passages and lungs, nor work inside body cells.

A zapper can be easily assembled using a CMOS 555 timer chip and $20 in parts from Radio Shack. The circuit is intuitive and does not require soldering or electronics experience to assemble. The goal of the device is to kill pathogens within your body while also supporting cell health by sending mild electrical pulses throughout biological systems.

For optimal results, it is vitally important to follow a cleansing regimen prior and during zapping therapy. This is because zapping kills parasites and other microorganisms from tissues while simultaneously stimulating cells that release toxins into your system – it’s recommended starting this cleansing regime several weeks prior to starting zapping therapy.

Zappers come equipped with various frequencies that can be customized to the needs of each individual, often starting at 30k Hz but some experts follow Rife’s research who believe lower frequencies, like 5K and 10K are equally as effective since they penetrate tissues more deeply.

Most zappers include a switch that allows users to choose either DC current or square wave output, with DC being more effective at eliminating parasites and viruses while square waves have a stronger harmonic effect on our cells.

Some zappers feature an onboard voltmeter to display output voltage, making it useful for checking output voltage as well as adjusting its sensitivity. The voltmeter is generally mounted on a small circuit board at the back of the case and connected via resistor to output pipes or clips or pads in the device. A passive output checker provides further convenience; this circuit combines two diodes (zener diode and standard diode) attached to standoffs for performing battery level checks and polarity verification.


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