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Hulda Clark Zapper Protocol

Hulda Clark claims her do-it-yourself nine-volt device known as a “zapper” can cure diseases including cancer. It features two copper handles that the user holds between their hands, as well as a circuit that produces low voltage pulses and a battery for powering it all up.

The Zapper can effectively eliminate bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses electrically. She says most of her clients feel better within an hour by constantly zapping until they are well.

How to Use

Hulda Clark claimed her device, known as Zapper, could treat various illnesses by killing parasites and toxins. It’s an electronic device which generates low voltage pulses at 30kHz frequency with dual polarity 5V square wave with DC component of 2.5V output at its source – usually from 9V batteries, pulse generator circuit and two copper handles or electrodes that users hold between their fingers or place on various parts of their bodies for use.

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The first theory holds that pathogens have specific frequencies, and using one within this range to disable them. Hulda Clark used this approach when she created her Zapper device in 1968.

An alternative theory suggests that positive offset electrical signals can also effectively neutralise pathogens without having to know their frequencies; this theory underlies devices described in patent 741 and Huda Clark’s Zapper device.


The Zapper creates a pulsed current to disrupt parasite cellular structures and maximize current flow through regular zapping sessions, using 30 KHz square wave frequency which maximizes current. Altering this frequency would result in less current flowing, as well as be less effective overall.


Hulda Clark conducted exhaustive research and testing to pinpoint the precise frequencies that kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, tapeworms, roundworms, flukes and mites. She then designed an electronic device known as the Zapper that uses these frequencies to reduce and eliminate harmful organisms.

Her regimen included herbal remedies like black walnut hulls, wormwood and cloves to remove parasites and cleanse the body of toxins, diet changes, stress reduction techniques and other techniques which assist with parasite elimination and cleansing toxins from the system. Clark was an outspoken supporter of her Zapper device despite threats and harassment by Quackbusters; truly becoming a hero for health freedom movement.


As travelers and outdoor enthusiasts prepare to explore in the warm months, they should be wary of a small but potentially devastating threat: parasites. Parasites can cause anything from mild discomfort to serious health concerns and are commonly found in unclean food and water sources, so taking extra precautions when travelling or preparing food requires extra safeguards against this microscopic threat. Dr Clark’s Zapper and Parasite Cleanse provides people with protection against these invisible threats.

The Zapper emits low-voltage frequencies that are powerful enough to kill parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi. These frequencies are produced by an electrical circuit containing two copper handles or electrodes that users hold in their hands during treatment. It runs on a small 9-volt battery and uses a dual polarity square wave generator with positive offset that allows only minimal “jerks” from its operation as it operates.

These small jerks can help rebalance the body’s current as it moves away from parasites and towards healthy cells. Since zappers can reverse polarity of cells they hit, parasites and bacteria are killed off effectively.

While other frequencies may have their own special value, 30 KHz zapper frequency is highly recommended because it maximizes current during regular zapping sessions. Also referred to as human heartbeat frequency, 30 KHz corresponds with how humans naturally operate and most Rife-type devices operate at this frequency – making it helpful for eliminating parasites by returning their natural states back.

Side Effects

The Dr Clark Zapper produces low frequency electrical current that runs through your body without you feeling it, killing parasites, worms, bacteria and viruses while simultaneously inducing negative ions into your system and stimulating white blood cells to work better. It can even dissolve gallstones in liver and intestines! In addition, its use does not alter normal electromagnetic fields given off by your body nor kill good gut bacteria nor cause side effects – with only exception being pacemakers or pregnant or breastfeeding individuals being excluded.

Every organism possesses an assortment of frequencies; the lower its frequency is, the more primitive its nature; higher organisms have much wider spectrums of frequencies to choose from than primitive organisms do. With different frequencies available to it, Zapper can target various diseases using targeted frequency treatments; it can even be programmed to target organs or specific types of bacteria and fungus for an enhanced experience.

Each treatment for zapping takes seven minutes with a 20-minute break between each zapping session. For optimal results, eight hours daily of continuous zapping may be recommended until health improves – there have been reports of advanced cancer being cured through this method!

One may experience slight discomfort when they use a zapper for the first time, due to parasite waste being released and destroyed by electric current. Drink plenty of water throughout your treatment so your body can flush toxins from its system more effectively. After several treatments your body will adjust and no longer feel pain from this procedure which does not harm healthy tissue – only parasites.


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