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Medical Radiesthesia – Dowsing For Health Matters

Medical radiesthesia, also known as “dowsing for health matters”, has endured for 8,000 years and now stands to make another leap forward – this time with solid scientific backing.

Radionics is an emerging science that uses electromagnetic radiation to detect and locate objects both close to and far from our bodies.

Subtle anatomy of the human

Energetic Medicine (EM), is a healing modality that works with our subtle anatomy or energy structure, such as meridians, energy centers and biofield. This book presents its main components and explores their impact using energetic medicine techniques as well as exploring its physical implications in conventional medical physiology.

Radiesthesia is an ancient, pendulum-based divination method that utilizes pendulums to detect intrinsic radiations emitted by substances both locally (“dowsing”) and remotely (“teleradiesthesia”). It was first practiced in Egypt as an exact science, later becoming one of the main tools used by Jesuit missionaries in foreign lands to locate herbal remedies. Today it’s making another long leap forward onto stable scientific grounds – now called BioGeometry; using it scientists can now tackle some of today’s toughest problems head on, turning our life-threatening technological world into something humane!

Energy fields

Medical Radiesthesia is an ancient healing science founded on observing intangible energy fields surrounding living things and their interactions with their environment. It includes both divining, known as dowsing, and more sophisticated instruments known as radionics – these practices were first recorded being employed in Egypt for sensing hidden gold deposits; nowadays many practitioners still employ both pendulums and sophisticated electronic devices to detect vibrational frequencies and use both to track them down.

Radiesthesia dowsing can also detect subtle energies that influence human bodies. To do this, radiesthesia practitioners create samples from individuals or objects they wish to examine; each vibrational sample carries all the vibrational characteristics associated with them and serves as a representation of energy status for ongoing diagnostic analysis – making radiesthesia an invaluable healing tool.

Radiesthesia practitioners utilize a pendulum to detect vibrational frequency of individuals being tested, then determine whether this reading is positive or negative. A positive reading indicates health while negative readings indicate possible problems that need addressing, providing vital insight for finding suitable remedies.

Radiesthetic analysis of a patient involves considering various factors, from pathogenic micro-organisms to nerve conditions. Furthermore, the radiesthetic practitioner will assess vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as using his knowledge of psoric theory to select an effective homoeopathic remedy for each individual patient.

Radiesthesia practitioners seeking homoeopathic remedies should keep in mind that it should not be seen as a replacement to classical homoeopathy but an indispensable aid. Radiesthesia allows physicians to gain an accurate picture of each patient while also making sure important diseases don’t go undetected.


A dowsing rod or pendulum is used in radiesthesia to increase human sensitivity to subtle vibrations, especially electromagnetic fields. This tool can be used to detect water, gold, gemstones or missing items. Medical radiesthesia uses it as an assessment tool of diseases or health issues in which special forms of radiesthesia allow practitioners to quickly locate causes and solutions of problems through precise pinpointing techniques.

Human beings are believed to be intricate energy systems composed of many energies that interact constantly with their environments. If an energy field becomes disturbed, an individual’s radiesthesia will respond by responding unconsciously or relaying that reaction back unknowingly to a dowser; this process is known as remote or teleradiesthesia.

Medical radiesthesia uses the pendulum as a diagnostic tool to measure a client’s energetic body, such as whether certain foods, supplements or personal care products affect both their physical and energetic state. Dowsers then use it to detect blockages or imbalances within that client’s energetic field – offering an alternative treatment method which can detect disease causes more effectively and provide effective remedies.

Medical radioesthesia was popularly practiced by ancient Egyptian pharaohs and their priests for divination purposes; such divination methods included cleidomancy, coscinomancy, and dactylomancy.

Modern times have seen it gain increasing attention across Europe and North America, where several books have been written on this subject and mainstream society has become more accepting of it. Furthermore, mine detection techniques were employed during World War II by both Germany and Italy’s armies as part of a military strategy.

Though not scientifically reliable, radiesthesia‘s results remain striking and cannot be explained using conventional science alone. Many of its results can also be difficult to replicate in a laboratory environment; nevertheless, when practiced responsibly and with diligence it can produce accurate and useful outcomes.


Medical Radiesthesia uses pendulums to detect imbalances in the body. A practitioner can then pinpoint its source and establish solutions to restore equilibrium. This technique relies on the concept that everything has a vibratory energy field which can be detected and used for healing and balance purposes, particularly with Radionics and Homeopathy practices.

Radiesthesia can sometimes be mistaken for “dowsing”, however it refers to more extensive set of techniques than simply using divining rods or pendulums to locate water and mineral resources. Radiesthesia involves measuring all radiation emitted by minerals, plants, animals and human beings and is an age-old empirical science which often falls victim to ignorance.

Now being revived and developed scientifically, it stands ready to take an important leap into the future. Ayurveda offers a practical, non-dogmatic method of diagnosis and treatment which complements established medical practices; any departures from conventional orthodox methods do not present potential regression; instead they open up potential therapies which are more rationally founded than some practices widely employed today.

Radiesthesia testing procedures often focus on discovering what substances an individual is allergic or intolerant of. A radiesthetic test involves analysing a request form with hair sample from a client and then testing for resonance or dissonance between their response and that allergen/substance being tested against.

Radiesthesia is often used for testing electromagnetic fields around the head and neck area, often used as part of migraine treatment. A quick and accurate radiesthetic test can quickly identify migraines, headaches and other conditions linked to electromagnetic fields in this region within minutes or seconds; providing relief more rapidly from symptoms.
