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Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia

Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia (dowsing) is an indispensable resource for anyone wishing to explore the ocean of energy that surrounds us. Republished repeatedly over time, this book continues to educate individuals who wish to gain more insight into it.

Every body emits vibrational samples that reflect its energy status over time and distance – such as silver coins connecting with copper. These vibrations reveal how our source has changed over time.


Ancient Egyptians and Chinese used radiesthetic dowsing techniques for finding water, healthy sleeping areas (houses) and natural resources; also used for pinpointing illness triggers and aiding healing; this form is known as physical radiesthesia while its more spiritual applications are known as mental radiesthesia.

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A simple ‘pendular instrument’ such as a rod or pendulum amplifies an individual’s sensitivity and provides direction in which to search. Importantly, operators should avoid becoming motivated to find something; no effort should be expended in finding what they’re searching for; simply making verbal or mental note of whatever needs finding can put one into a passive state and open up suggestions from their subconscious mind.

Medical dowsing is a special branch of radiesthesia which uses simple pendulums to measure vibrational interactions between human energy systems and objects (food, pollen or animal hair) such as pollen. A trained dowser should keep his or her mental energy focused on health of his subject as they work; this allows the dowser to identify sources of disruptions within their energy systems that could cause imbalance or illness.

Many psychics, healers and mystics rely on the principle of radiesthesia in their work. Radiesthesia works on the principle that every body emits rays that connect to other similar bodies – this may include identical bodies, images or any other manifestation – for instance a gold coin hidden in a room will attract rays that link it with silver coins but not copper ones; therefore it can serve as an ‘eyewitness’ in finding hidden treasure or healing processes.



Dowsing or “radiesthesia,” from Latin radius “ray,” and Greek aisthesis (“perception”) is an ancient form of divination using pendulums as tools of divination. Dowsing also plays an integral part in Psionic Medicine and Radionics diagnoses.

Radiesthesia offers many benefits to living beings, one being its ability to detect sources of energetic imbalance or disturbance within their bodies, which enables identification of any possible causative factors for illness and disease – leading to potential remedies being identified for treatment.

All matter, including our bodies, emits an electromagnetic field which interacts with objects of both living and inanimate nature. By using calibrated instruments to measure frequency of these interactions against a standard scale and decode into meaningful information. A trained radiesthesist can then interpret this data for health-related applications.

Radiesthesists use pendulums to locate energy fields of objects or individuals being examined and establish how their vibrational properties interact with that of the patient’s energy fields, in a process known as dowsing for healing. Interpretation is used to ascertain possible sources of the problem faced by each patient.

Radiesthesists can often pinpoint which part of the body is affected and provide information regarding its health status, such as whether it affects stomach, liver or kidneys. This data can then be compared with medical history data to confirm or disprove potential causes for the problem.

However, it should be remembered that radiesthesists should not be seen as doctors and should not diagnose or treat any disease or illness. Any therapies or remedies identified through radiesthesia should be discussed with a qualified health care practitioner; although sometimes radiesthesists may suggest alternative therapies for an individual situation; ultimately it’s up to each person themselves to make the best choice regarding their healthcare needs.


Radiesthesia is the study of vibrational interactions among human and animal energy fields, dowsing or “pendular” instruments, objects both living and nonliving, electromagnetic energy fields, frequency interaction vibrations emitted by living or nonliving things that resonate with each other and those which surround us, such as human energy fields. Radiesthesia emerged alongside electromagnetic energy studies as an interdisciplinary field and is founded upon the theory that all living things emit frequency interaction vibrations with other objects which emit frequency resonance with them; these vibrations can then be measured or decoded using appropriate instruments as well as knowledge of physicality’s universal polarity of plus and minus – so called Radiesthesia!

One of the most significant applications of radiesthetic technique is medical dowsing. Utilizing specialized instruments known as’syringe needle dowsers’ or “spirit rods”, patients can be tested for various infections, diseases and ailments using medical dowsing. A radiesthetist may detect parasites present on testing results as well as determine whether tuberculosis exists in their body as well as indicate how severely bones have been affected by pathogenic microbes etc.

Radiesthetists also can perform tests to assess whether an individual is allergic to certain substances and suggest appropriate homeopathic remedies, which is an invaluable feature of their technique since many patients suffer with symptoms that cannot be easily diagnosed through traditional means.

Radiesthetists can perform simple tests to ascertain and treat certain psoric conditions, and treat accordingly. For instance, if one or more of the tuberculin nosodes shows positive results in treating tubercular conditions.

Homeopaths will find that radiesthesia is an indispensable ally in their practice of homoeopathy. Indeed, it appears to be the only method by which a homoeopath can know with confidence whether a remedy is an indication for their patient even though it may not be “the simillimum”. Furthermore, when considering all of the time spent studying and prescribing symptoms individually for each patient by classical homoeopathy practitioners using classical homoeopathic methods radiesthesia makes this option far less time consuming and costly than its traditional counterpart.


Radiesthesia‘s primary instrument is a rod or pendulum. This device amplifies one’s sensitivity and can be tailored specifically for different people. A dowser must have clear focus and an objective scale with which to measure ‘frequency interactions’ with other objects; all living beings and substances emit radiation which creates vibrational fields around them; these fields may be altered by factors like gravity, sound pressure, heat energy release from chemicals used during production, cosmic and electromagnetic rays as well as disintegration processes – with humans also having control over what type of vibrational fields they produce due to thoughts or emotions play out of their minds or emotions influencing their radio waves emissions.

Dowsing was an indispensable tool for finding underground water sources (dowsing). Indeed, all the gold mines discovered by modern satellites in Sinai desert were first located using radiesthesia by ancient geologists from Pharonic Egypt using this technique. Radiesthesia also became the main method used by Jesuit missionaries pioneering herbal medicine in Europe to identify herbs and minerals found abroad – as was seen with Jesuit missionaries using it during herbal medicine pioneer Jesuit missionaries’ journey across Europe employing it too! Dowsers could locate mineral veins even at great distance while German soldiers used this type of radiesthesia called Tele-Radiesthesia by German soldiers during World Wars for mine detection efforts, with American military use making use of this technique during Vietnam conflict by American military.

Many authors on radiesthesia advise against working with dowsing rods or pendulums during stormy conditions for fear of misinterpreting what the instrument may be telling them as it’s likely feeling different, while this perception could simply be misinterpretation since sensitivity remains unchanged on calm days.

Medical radioesthetists working along homoeopathic principles will combine their radioesthetic tests with knowledge of Homoeopathic Materia Medica to diagnose infections, various disease states, nerve and glandular problems as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies. When selecting remedies that will go some distance towards relieving symptoms he or she must use great skill when selecting remedies that could potentially work on clearing out cases – perhaps not exactly what was needed but still beneficial enough.


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