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Radiesthesia and Radionics

Homoeopathic practitioners will find that using radiesthesia greatly enables their prescribing work. It allows them to accurately test remedies on patients in order to see whether one will help clear up an illness.

At times, they even help patients become completely cured! Through natural treatment methods such as massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments, practitioners are also able to eliminate test infections as well as balance their endocrine systems – often providing long-term relief for their patients.

The History of Radiesthesia

Radiesthesia, an ancient empirical science which has become obscure in modern society due to our focus on material advancement and technology, examines vibrational energy and its relationship to all things. Rediscovered in the early 1900s by two French colleagues Chaumery and De Bellizal — an engineer physician duo — who conducted numerous dowsing experiments; they confirmed their theory by finding all objects emit energetic vibrations which can be detected with pendulum. Furthermore, this polarity transmitted outward from an object can also be detected using pendulum detection – another example of Radiesthesia‘s ancient practice!

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Radiesthesia, or “radiaesthesia,” is an ancient art and science which explores our ability to perceive subtle energies using tools like dowsing rods, pendulums and our bodies. Radiesthesia was practiced throughout history by different cultures around the globe – such as European Jesuits who used it in foreign lands to locate herbal remedies or underground water sources; Abbe Mermet was famous for using his skill at finding both water as well as mines or bombs during World War One using only his dowsing rod and shuttle – credits with saving many lives during that conflict period!

Medical radiesthesia, also known as “dowsing for health and healing purposes”, is one of the primary applications of radiesthesia. Dowsers utilize it to identify hidden causes of illness not detectable with modern diagnostic equipment and to provide remedies to heal. Furthermore, it allows practitioners to locate surgical incision sites as well as determine the exact dosage for herbal remedies.

Dowsing is an ancient technique based on the principle that all matter vibrates at some frequency, which can then be detected using either a dowsing rod or the human body as a tuning fork. A dowser can use questions to gauge which answers resonate or dissonance, with or against vibrational patterns of their answers resonating or dissonating accordingly.


Pendulum Dowsing

Pendulum dowsing involves using a pendulum to locate answers for questions we have about ourselves and the world. It is believed that our subconscious holds all the knowledge we require, and the pendulum helps form a link with it through its movements. Common uses for pendulum dowsing include divination, locating objects and water sources, energy healing (balancing chakras), gender determination of unborn babies, finding lost items or psychic phenomena and supporting decision making processes.

Prior to any dowsing session, it is recommended to clear and cleanse both yourself and the pendulum of any negative energies through meditation or other means such as smudging with sage. This will enable a more open dialogue with the subconscious mind. Meditation also offers great benefits as it calms your mind, enhances concentration and fosters intuition.

First step to pendulum health dowsing: determine its polarity if it swings clockwise (positive), anticlockwise (negative). With that information in hand, begin dowsing for health using pendulums to locate organs and determine their state of health – and correcting an unhealthy organ through broadcast treatment if indicated by pendulum swinging in either direction.

Many people use dowsing to gain answers to personal queries such as their relationship status, career path, financial prospects and spiritual development. Answers can often be obtained simply by asking their pendulum yes or no questions; if an individual is unhappy with the response they received they can try reframing it for different results.

Pendulum dowsing can provide an in-depth study of the human body by assessing specific organs, glands and chakras with pendulum dowsing. Results can then be interpreted to reveal hidden feelings, motives and desires that lie dormant beneath. Some find this data particularly helpful for uncovering root causes of certain illnesses as well as which remedies would best treat them; certain websites and pendulum books also offer charts to measure this health indicator.


Though the radiesthetist may use numerous instruments, two stand out as particularly valuable. First is the radiesthetic analyser – its name speaks for itself! Used to assess patient health by measuring small voltage fluctuations caused by injury. A radiesthetic examiner could use it to locate damaged tissue by placing the analyser nearby and monitoring how it responds to an applied voltage.

As soon as a radiesthetic practitioner assesses an illness, they first seek to understand what factors contribute to its presence. Testing will include infection detection, nerve and glandular health status evaluation and vitamin/mineral deficiency testing as well as bone integrity. They will also conduct checks for adequate circulation and bone health along with checking for all sorts of psoric states as well as diseases not covered by standard homoeopathic materia medica treatments.

A radiesthetist will then select a remedy which he believes will go some way to relieving symptoms in their case, without necessarily adhering strictly to homoeopathy principles. Once chosen, he’ll use his analysis of radiation-induced syndromes (RAIS) to decide how best to administer it and to check that none important conditions were missed in their symptomatology list.

Medical radioesthetists may eventually work closely with mental hospitals, and may soon provide broadcast treatments that prove effective against neurosis and psych choneurosis. A radioesthetic examination might detect lack of vitality or an inability to transmit impulses which could then be treated through radionic rate therapy.


Radionics posits that organs and diseases possess specific energy frequencies, which can be measured with instruments. By transmitting or broadcasting these frequencies, imbalances which lead to illness can be corrected more efficiently; using this technique healing energies can be sent anywhere worldwide regardless of distance.

Radionics practitioners utilize dowsing techniques and instruments to ascertain the frequencies in an individual’s energetic field, commonly referred to as their aura, which is believed to be responsible for physical and emotional ailments. Chakras support our body throughout our bodies. Radiesthetists may utilize various means such as kinesiology, acupuncture and clairvoyance in order to detect frequency imbalances within individuals’ energetic fields.

As opposed to medical diagnosis, radiesthetic diagnosis focuses more on uncovering the forces responsible for disease rather than matching individual cases to specific disease pictures.

Though the forces responsible for health are still being explored, radionics is thought to help restore balance and harmony to various fields that impact them – eventually leading back to normal, healthy physical states for body.

Radionics practitioners utilize various devices that fall into two main categories, known as broadcasting or receiving. Broadcasting devices transmit energetic frequencies while receiving devices analyze and detect them. Radionics practitioners may also employ pendulums to locate any imbalance within an aura that needs treating with various vibrational remedies.

Some vibrational remedies include herbal products, mineral compounds or animal extracts; however, most are energy therapies. Common energy medicines include liquid adrenalin and other etheric substances; energy therapies are marketed as being effective at treating human, animal and plant health and wellbeing while being more eco-friendly than chemical medications. Radionics has even been subject to conspiracy theories suggesting its involvement as part of an elaborate global control scheme by shadowy elites.


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