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Radiesthesia and Radionics – Holistic Healing

Each person, animal, plant and object possesses an energetic signature that can be detected with pendulum dowsing (pendulum dowsing) or radionics to enable holistic healing. By tapping into vibrational frequencies emitted by objects around us radiesthesia/radionics can offer opportunities to detect vibrational frequencies for holistic healing purposes.

Medicine has received much more emphasis than water divining in terms of aesthetic considerations, becoming well established as Psionic Medicine covering McDonagh’s Unitary Theory of Disease, Hahnemann’s Law of Similars and Steiner’s Spiritual Science.


Experience has demonstrated Radionic treatment’s efficacy as an effective therapeutic modality against various chronic and acute illnesses, both acute and chronic. It has proven its worth by alleviating or even curing many diseases affecting respiratory, digestive, skeletal systems as well as clearing away blockages to natural life energy flow. Furthermore, Radionic can also be utilized to deal with behavioral problems in animals like horses kicking repeatedly as well as promote health of garden plants and crops.

Radionics rests on the belief that all living organisms possess an invisible energy field that supports physical health, with treatment intended to maintain this ‘field in good condition. A compromised or diseased field may be caused by stress, toxic substances or other external sources – these problems can often be remedied using remedies tailored specifically for vibrational healing processes.

Radionic operators don’t need to be present physically for analysis or treatment – their patient’s energy pattern is projected into their space and scanned with an instrument known as a “black box”, named for its original colour (black). Its dowsing function connects directly with intention – either towards an individual or towards specific illnesses or conditions, providing useful insight that allows operators to identify root causes and find effective remedies.

Radionics holds that diseased energy patterns differ from the overall subtle energy patterns of people and this creates symptoms. According to its principles, Radionics claims distorted energies can be corrected with therapeutic techniques in order to cure the condition at hand.

Radionics differs from most forms of energy healing by not involving chemicals and is entirely painless. Sessions are conducted remotely, making this therapy ideal for people with mobility issues or young patients unable to participate in traditional treatments.


Radionics and radiesthesia offer an effective means for diagnosing and treating illness in human subtle anatomy (or aura or chakras), using energy scanning. Based on the principle that everything has an energy signature that can be adjusted in order to promote healing and balance, these techniques use scanners and frequency adjustments in order to identify sources of discomfort within our physical bodies and adjust it in order to facilitate healing and restore balance.

Radiesthesia was first practiced by ancient Egyptians, later adopted by Jesuit missionaries for finding underground water sources (Dowsing), and ultimately employed by chiropractor Ruth Drown as her main technique to establish remote diagnosis and treatment (Tele-radiesthesia).

Vibrational samples offer an unusual advantage: they reflect their state in real time, unlike laboratory samples which only record it when taken. This feature opens up numerous avenues for dowsing that can include health issues scanning, personal development strategies, spiritual exploration and homeopathy among many other uses.

Utilizing specially calibrated instruments, radiesthesia practitioners can detect the vibratory patterns in people’s physical or energetic structures as well as animals, plants, metals, crystals and other objects. Furthermore, these practitioners can establish long distance connections that enable remote healing or counseling services to take place remotely.

Diagnosing an illness requires several forms of assistance; photos, locks of hair, blood spots or simply knowing someone can aid this process. A therapist’s goal should be to pinpoint the underlying source of distress before transmitting healing energy in order to restore harmony in this field – often this process results in immediate results, with disease no longer present allowing your body to return its natural balance and harmony.

Radionics enables practitioners to treat the source of problems before they manifest physically, making it particularly useful in the prevention of serious diseases and illnesses. Sometimes radionics is even more effective than conventional medical approaches for certain conditions due to treating energetic disturbances without producing side effects that cause discomfort.

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Radiesthesia and Radionics offer insights into unseen energy realms impacting well-being, such as imbalances or disturbances that impact health and wellness, in order to restore balance through holistic healing methods tailored specifically for each person. By employing pendulums or graphic oscillation emitting waves, they bring insight into the energetic landscape which affects health and wellbeing.

Radiesthesic Searches involve investigating the vibrations and radiations produced by inorganic substances or living organisms via their electromagnetic system of resonance. In order to perform such searches it is necessary to utilize appropriate tools; rock crystal pendulums that have not been pierced as well as biotensor and dowsing rods are usually sufficient.

Radiesthesic searches typically begin with a question written on paper and placed on the table or elsewhere suitable. Once placed, place the witness (perhaps someone you intend to treat) at the center of an ‘Energetic Decagon’ radionic graphic for added energy support – this form action acts on any witness to make them more reliable as quickly as possible.

Star is another radionic graphic used for radiesthesia that comprises four concentric circles. This diagram can also be used with any subject witness – simply place them in the center and set a session length between 5-20 minutes to keep their pendulum in its proper spot.

The Radinic Table is a board equipped with various radiesthesic charts specifically designed to clean, balance and harmonize people, situations and objects. This board can help clean homes and professional spaces of their energies while cleansing animals as well as realigning energies of any object or space to reduce electromagnetic interference; additionally it’s often used as a diagnostic tool in diagnosing health conditions while providing treatment plans.
