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Radiesthesia Books

Publisher’s description

A comprehensive introduction to radionics, an energy healing technique that uses radio waves. Also provides insight into telluric stress.

The ultimate reading material for any serious dowser! This book presents a novel approach for modern dowsers combining intellectual capacity with intuitive intuition, leading to unmatched accuracy.

The Perception of Frequencies

Radiesthesia, in its purest sense, refers to the ability to detect frequencies. These frequencies can be associated with vibrations emanating from objects and picked up on by the dowser’s body; when frequencies resonate positively or negatively they reflect back with positive or negative responses for user. Dowsers commonly use this knowledge in finding items of interest such as water sources, medicine remedies or people.

The pendulum is the go-to tool for radiesthesia. A typical radiesthesia pendulum consists of a weight with an intricately designed weight bearing attachment attached to one end by thread. When asked a question by holding onto either hand of the pendulum and asking the other how they will respond; if positive answers were received then rotation towards right occurs; otherwise left-ward movement occurs instead. After testing these answers are read by an experienced Dowser to analyze frequency and quality responses of pendulum responses.

Ancient Egypt practiced radiesthesia with precision and its applications were numerous. Pharaonic doctors employed it to perform complex brain surgeries that modern surgeons couldn’t replicate with even their most cutting-edge technologies; and every gold mine found by modern geologists in Sinai desert was discovered through this ancient art form.

Though physical radiesthesia (commonly referred to as dowsing) remains popular, its scientific credibility has diminished over time due to its subjective nature and susceptibility to autosuggestion. To combat this issue, mental radiesthesia was created. To differentiate the subjective meaning level from its scientific scales used for psychic interpretation. Thus the name “Mental Radiesthesia“.

This book presents an introduction to mental radiesthesia, its application and how it can be worked with through exercises and practical examples. This text includes detailed instruction for using the radiesthesia pendulum to make predictions for lottery or gambling games as well as providing foundations of radiesthesia in relationships, business and health matters. Written in a clear manner that makes understanding easy, this text will show readers why mental radiesthesia should not be treated lightly but instead taken as a scientifically tested and proven methodology.

The Science of Resonance

Human bodies, including all their parts and functions, are composed of multidimensional energy fields that can be accessed and measured with various tools; one such tool used in ancient radiesthesia research is the pendulum.

This science creates an invisible link between all matter – living or inert – by harnessing fundamental vibrational frequencies of each atom and molecule which make up our universe, such as creating universal polarities between positive and negative physicality that can be detected with special devices called radiesthesists or pendulums that measure minute vibrational interactions of energy fields that connect objects together.

Medical Dowsing is a form of Radiesthesia which utilizes questions designed to detect imbalances or disturbances within an individual’s energy system. A dowser conducts these questions by holding samples of food, pollen or animal hair – then measures frequency interactions against an established scale to establish quality interactions.

Radiesthesia‘s roots lie in Ancient Egypt, where it was practiced as an exact science. Over the centuries, Jesuit missionaries used it as the primary tool in searching for herbal medicines in foreign lands and to locate underground water sources (dowsing). Later it also served as a means of diagnosing illness with simple pendular instruments. Abbe’ Mermet was renowned for his skill at detecting mineral and water resources both locally and at distance (“Tele-Radiesthesia“). At that time, Radiesthesia became known as the “Microvibrational Physics” of the 20th Century. Herein lies an insightful collection of knowledge by its author on this fascinating, hidden, forgotten science – making this book essential reading for those interested in Radiesthesia or Dowsing.

The Science of Telluric Stress

As electromagnetic fields are produced by magnetic currents in the earth’s crust, telluric stress is also caused by currents flowing within its crust. Their distribution determines its magnetic field. Tectonic units also play an integral part in this equation. Magneto-telluric sounding allows geologists to locate geologic structures such as veins or breccias without drilling or using other costly methods; this form of prospecting is known as magneto-telluric sounding. Radiesthesia operates under the premise that horizontal magnetic field components differ by an exact ratio, as represented by curves representing apparent resistivities at each point and their respective true resistivities of rock. Eventually, this master set of curves can then be used to locate minerals and water.

To achieve success with a dowsing rod, it is essential that the radiesthete is completely relaxed physically while remaining only mildly interested in their desired result mentally. This will prevent tension building up inside him which often leads to concentration and can stop the pendulum’s swings altogether. Madame Marguerite Maury of this pamphlet had considerable experience practicing radioesthesia prior to becoming a nurse and had studied physics in Vienna prior to becoming a nurse herself; during that time she performed extensive practical work using radioesthesia techniques which proved her abilities were extremely reliable over her long career in both fields of work – as proven in her many years of work with radioesthesia as she had gone on many practical projects around Europe as she worked extensively with radioisothetically trained radioesthetic powers were proven.

She holds firm to her view that these phenomena stem solely from physical causes, and bases her teachings around this theory. At the same time, however, she asserts that radioesthetic detection is individualistic in nature – no set of rules exists that govern it generally – an important point that should be kept in mind by anyone new to radiesthesic art who embarks upon one path only to discover later that it doesn’t suit him/her personally.

The Art of Confidence

Radiesthesia (often called “dowsing”) is the practice of using a pendulum to detect radiations emanating from living beings and inanimate objects, with applications including finding people, illness, minerals, water sources and divination for love divination purposes. Some individuals possess this talent while it can also be acquired with practice and dedication.

Radiesthesia may still be considered pseudoscience, but many have found its practical applications invaluable in everyday life. From discovering underground water for agriculture purposes to discovering gold mines in Africa – even helping doctors detect allergies for patients.

At its core is an application to identify geopathic stressors in a house and select an ideal site for building. Feng shui practitioners have long employed this science as a way of pinpointing earth energies and disturbances; ancient Egypt utilized this science so precisely that it allowed their surgeons to perform brain surgeries with incredible accuracy.

Abbe Mermet became well-known during the 1930s for demonstrating its effectiveness across many settings, becoming famous for demonstrating radiesthesia‘s capabilities through his book which details his methods of detecting water and minerals both locally (dowsing) and remotely (tele-radiesthesia). Furthermore, this text explores numerous methods to acquire this skill as well as numerous examples of its use.

There are other books about dowsing and radiesthesia, but none can compare with this comprehensive work written by a prominent radiesthesia practitioner – written by a physician with extensive experience as a practitioner, this work examines every facet of this fascinating art form, such as its history, techniques for developing accuracy and confidence, as well as techniques that may complement formal training for serious dowsers. It shouldn’t replace formal training; rather it provides valuable supplement material for serious dowsers.
