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Radiesthesia Charts

Radiesthesia charts provide a tool to evaluate soul frequencies and energies on all levels, and help overcome any karmic barriers which might prevent one from living life to its full potential.

Medical dowsing (radiesthesia) is the most frequently practiced form of dowsing, in which a pendulum is used to locate hidden objects and address other needs.

Bach Flowers Double Poster

This beautifully designed poster provides a quick-reference guide of all 38 Bach Flower Essences, illustrated with botanical drawings or photos, folklore, proverbs or inspirational quotes for each essence. Additionally, Dr Bach categorised his Flower Remedies according to 7 categories for their emotional symptoms that corresponded with them.

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These posters are printed on thick card and laminated with textured lamination to protect them against damage. Each poster measures 6.2cm by 8.8cm (standard playing-card size) and can easily be rolled up and carried around with you in your pocket.

Sarah Brune of Inner Harmony Healing, a registered Bach Flower Practitioner and BFRP trainer, created these charts as a helpful way for anyone who is new to learning or understanding Bach Flowers. Sarah is particularly knowledgeable when it comes to using Bach Flowers for anxiety treatment and published an extensive article in “Bach Flowers News”.

Healing Herbs is a small company based in Herefordshire which produces flower remedies in small batches, giving each step of production their full attention and providing genuine customer service – something Healthlines shares as our own ethos. A digital version of their chart can also be downloaded.


Bach Flowers Cadran

Musicians of all ages, levels and backgrounds are invited to take part in this thrilling musical adventure. This monumental work brings formal musical material to its ultimate conclusion while showing impeccable construction methods.

Seven keys for making the most of your menstrual cycle energies each month. Includes an emergency PMS help list and suggested Bach Flower Remedies. Picture credit Pierre-Henri Levy. Sundial in Talmont sur Gironde, Charente-Maritime France

Bach Flowers Chart

Dr Edward Bach developed 38 flower essences during the 1920’s and 1930’s which came to be known as Bach Flower Remedies. These non-poisonous remedies help bring balance back to negative emotions like stress, depression and fear; additionally they can assist you with breaking through emotional blocks that keep you from communicating your needs or feel unworthy of others’ respect.

Flower essences are made from plants and trees found naturally throughout Britain’s countryside, designed to increase vibrational frequencies and our life force. Their gentle formula allows us to take them as frequently as needed unlike pharmaceutical drugs which must be taken every day or so.

With his intuitive knowing, Bach recognized that our reactions to situations were at the core of our distress, inspiring him to create the Bach Flower Remedies as a means of treating emotional states & helping overcome their root causes. These remedies allow us to heal ourselves on a deeper level while creating conditions for leading more balanced, healthy and happy lives.

This attractive radiesthesia chart displays color-coded categories for the 38 Bach Flower remedies and makes an excellent ready-reference tool for anyone using them – students, practitioners & therapists alike will find this handy chart an attractive addition to their home or office space.

Alex Bouly of France introduced the term radiesthesia in 1927 as a term to describe an ability to perceive vibrational fields caused by internal vibrations of objects and living beings, known as energy fields or vibrational fields. Although initially referred to as “dowsing”, its first usage in English came via Col. A H Bell who first used the term in 1929 in conjunction with multiple techniques including radiesthesia.

This Bach Flowers chart can be used to imbue pendulums or water vials with the vibrational energies embedded within its images – which represent remedies. Additionally, this tool can also be used for remote dowsing (tele-radiesthesia) by connecting with clients through Witness cards & following its instructions on using dowsing remotely (tele-radiesthesia). Furthermore, this chart can help heal aura & energy fields of physical organs/systems/skeletal body structures.

Bach Flower Double Poster

Beautifully designed charts of the Bach Flower Remedies 7 Categories provide quick-reference of Dr. Edward Bach’s seven emotional groups and their associated 38 Bach Flower remedies; emotional symptoms and positive outcomes associated with each remedy are also provided for quick reference. Available both digitally and printed.

Healing Herbs offers this poster as a quick reference of all 38 Bach Flower Essences and how they relate to Dr. Bach’s seven emotional groups and the Bach Flower Remedies 12-7-19 method. Additionally, colour-coded panels help selection. Easily fit on any wall while being portable when folded up for travel purposes – perfect!

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of taking two doses each of Impatiens, Gentiana, Rock Rose, Larch, and Chestnut Bud remedies twice daily for three weeks prior to an exam as a Bach Flower Remedy to reduce test anxiety for high school students. The results are statistically significant. We are delighted to offer posters from our friends at Healing Herbs who produce highest quality essences using state of the art facilities located deep within Herefordshire countryside – they take pride in keeping production volumes small so as to provide individual care and attention on crafting only high-grade essences! We offer posters from Healing Herbs which is dedicated family run business dedicated solely towards producing quality essences of essences with state of the art facilities dedicated solely towards producing high quality essences!


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