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Radiesthesia Color Chart – Dowsing For Underground Water Sources

Each object or living being has a distinctive radiesthetic color characteristic of itself that helps identify it. A radiesthetic color chart can assist with dowsing for underground water sources (dowsing). Furthermore, it may be used to heal the auras and energy fields associated with physical organs, systems and skeletal bodies.

New Zealand correspondent has developed an easy method of using radiesthesia color charts to select soil and plants. He positions their samples at the center of an arc on a 360-degree protractor with its zero division facing North, then swings a pendulum over them until oscillation begins.

Using a dowsing pendulum

Dowsing is an ancient art that employs a pendulum to access our subconscious minds for answers, healing, energy balancing, finding lost objects and more. Dowsing can also help reconnect us to our intuition which is an incredible gift from nature; but to ensure you know exactly what it’s telling you can use a Radiesthesia Color Chart with your pendulum for guidance to hone it further.

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A radiesthetic pendulum is a symmetrical object suspended by a chain or cord and made from any material (often crystal or metal). Traditionally, this dowsing pendulum was used for medical purposes to detect early stage disease; however, its uses extend far beyond this realm – for instance selecting soil and plants using this technique as one correspondent from New Zealand has done successfully by placing his sample at the center of an arc on a 360-degree protractor with its zero division facing North and then holding their radiesthetic pendulum over this sample until oscillation begins – then they hold theirsesthetic pendulum over this sample until oscillation ceases or changes into oscillation before placing back over his or her sample to see results!

Radiesthesia differs from other dowsing techniques in that it operates under the assumption that each individual possesses an aura which connects to all the energy around them. Color detection tools used for radiesthesia offer more technical and precise insight into energetic fields of the body, making radiesthesia an excellent way of diagnosing and treating imbalances more effectively.

However, therapists should not solely rely on aesthetic colors to determine whether an imbalance exists in a client’s aura. An aura is a dynamic energy map which needs constant tuning with our living habits to align more fully with energies that wish to pass through it.


Dowsing for energy in an area is another method of employing a radiesthetic pendulum and chart, employing colors as guides to see if there is an imbalance. If there is one, negative responses indicate an imbalance and can prompt questions regarding what needs to be done to restore balance in that space.

Using a dowsing chart

A radiesthesia color chart is an invaluable asset to dowsing practitioners, helping them quickly identify energetic imbalances in their clients. It is more accurate than intuitive reading of biofield/aura colors due to their fixed frequencies; this chart allows practitioners to identify when energy fields shift due to emotional or physical stressors – these changes can then be quickly identified using the chart itself.

Dowsing pendulums are powerful antennae designed to detect unseen vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, objects or thoughts – giving dowsers an incredible ability to locate underground water sources, lost items or geopathic stress zones with remarkable accuracy. Dowsers may even use this skill for medical diagnosis and treatment purposes by helping identify early stage disease in individuals.

Each inanimate and animate object emits its own distinctive radiesthetic color that serves to identify it. This shade, known as congruent or individual hue, often differs from what can be seen directly, such as with a green deciduous tree featuring green as its individual hue. When practicing medical radiesthesia, practitioners test for this fundamental hue when diagnosing illness in order to ascertain its cause.

As well as diagnosing illnesses, the Radiesthetic Color Chart can also aid healing processes by helping rebalance clients’ biofield and aura. Tele-radiesthesia or pendulum healing at a distance is possible by connecting with your client via Witness card, then dowsing over their body systems (systems organs skeletal system), impregnating with appropriate colors of Radiesthetic Radiesthetic colors according to condition.

Utilising a radiesthesia color chart is simple, yet requires concentration and calm. To maximize accuracy, avoid forcing any answers, and be open to what the pendulum indicates. Furthermore, being able to differentiate between positive and negative responses requires regular practice as this will enable you to become a competent practitioner.

Using a dowsing tool

Dowsing can be used for more than simply finding water or minerals; it can also help balance energy fields and heal physical problems. Dowsing uses tools like pendulums and dowsing rods to detect vibrational frequencies emitted by living beings, objects or spaces and analyze these vibrations to gain insights into health, emotional states and energetic imbalances; additionally non-living things such as crystals or radio waves may pick up these frequencies as well.

A radiesthesia color chart is an easy and straightforward tool for determining the vibrational frequency of any object or person, and can be printed out or scanned for digital reference. Available on most online dowsing websites and user friendly instructions are usually included with it for use when used alongside pendulum dowsing to assess aura, organs/system energies and bone health; or to imbue objects with vibrant hues to align them to their Heaven-Earth connection.

Medical radioesthetics uses color analysis to help identify an individual’s birth color or “fundamental color”, and test this color over time in order to detect early stage diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Radiesthetic dowsing is an advanced form of traditional dowsing that provides more accurate readings of an individual’s aura. Based on the principle that different vibrations have different frequencies, its colors detected with radiesthetic tools directly correspond with specific frequencies – thus making them clear indicators of energy imbalances and imbalances.

Radiesthesia can be used to detect various objects, from metals and gemstones to underground water sources and electromagnetic fields, many of which remain hidden to human vision. Radiesthesia was once widely employed for mine detection – indeed it was one of the reasons Wilhelm Reich first came up with the term orgone energy; today however, some militaries still employ this technique when searching for mines or explosive devices.

Using a dowsing device

Dowsing devices are used to locate objects such as water, gold, oil and other minerals; diagnose health problems; guide healing work; as well as help guide spiritual journeys. Based on the principle that all things vibrate, dowsing instruments such as pendulums or forked branches can detect vibrations within objects – once called functional magic but now considered scientific method for finding information and location; known in France as Radiesthesia it has a thousand-year history being utilized by physicians, geologists, chemists, animal/plant breeders as well as electronic engineers throughout their careers.

Radiesthesia is a combination of Latin radius (meaning “ray”) and Greek aisthesis (meaning sensation), meaning the ability to perceive vibrations in any material substance or living being. Dowsing practitioners use radiesthesia to locate underground water, metals and other natural resources such as oil. Dowsing can also be used for personal healing or to locate missing people. While traditionally dowsing was done using forked branches, modern dowsers can now use any object that can give an audible response such as their hands or a map – it is recommended that individuals practice several hours each day of dowsing if possible to gain maximum benefits and avoid stimulants such as caffeine that deplete energy reserves while practicing it!

One of the key skills required for mastery of radiesthesia is creating a resonance between our objects or subjects and those we seek. Different techniques such as Cadrans of Radiesthesia charts or visualization techniques may help in this respect, which will improve results of work and provide accurate samples. Practicing these methods regularly will result in better results and accurate samples being obtained.

One key difference between radiesthesia and reading intuitive colors of someone’s biofield is that radiesthesia uses fixed and consistent color frequencies for identification of imbalances; in comparison, intuitive colors of people may fluctuate according to their emotional or physical state.

Moosing tools’ movements are determined by the length of string or thread that runs from its tip through a rod and into its base. As more strings connect to more powerful devices, their power increases exponentially; shorter strings may even prove more effective than longer ones in some instances; however, most dowsers recommend that for best results when doing any dowsing work.


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