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Radiesthesia Definition – What is Radiesthesia?

Radiesthesia (Latin Radius + Aesthesis) is an ancient art and science which explores our ability to sense subtle energies using dowsing tools. This practice has existed for millennia.

Radiesthetists use dowsing rods, pendulums and other instruments to establish resonance with objects or individuals. A vibrational sample from each object or person is collected just like blood or tissue samples are taken for medical tests.


Radiesthesia (derived from Latin radius (ray) and Greek aesthesis [sensation]), is the practice of sensing vibrational energy fields around people, objects or situations using tools like pendulums or divining rods to detect resonance between objects or people and resonance created in response to specific stimuli – this provides information for further use by radiesthesia users. Radiesthesia may also be utilized as part of other healing modalities like Reiki.

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Every form of matter emits electromagnetic radiation or vibrational energies that form energetic fields surrounding us. Sensitive individuals can access these energetic fields to gain a sense of what’s going on around them and how it might impact them, giving an insight into life beyond material progress and technology. Radiesthesia knowledge was mostly passed along via word-of-mouth until recently but is resurfacing as an ancient science once more.

Radiesthesia (also known as Dowsing) has been practiced for millennia; evidence can be seen in Egyptian and Chinese artwork to locate water sources, metal resources and mineral reserves. Today it continues to be utilized as part of Psionic Medicine and Radionics practices.

Radiesthesia can provide invaluable insights and guidance for personal development, as it enables individuals to tap into subtle energetic vibrations that offer guidance and clarity across a wide variety of topics. It’s especially useful for decision-making, goal setting and life transitions as well as correcting physical, emotional or energetic imbalances within both themselves and their environments.


Radiesthesia‘s energy assessments provide an effective tool to assess homes, businesses and natural landscapes to ensure they provide environments conducive to health, wellness and productivity. Radiesthesia can also be employed alongside other healing modalities like acupuncture or Reiki to provide targeted energy interventions that support healing processes while simultaneously creating balance and wellbeing in individuals’ lives.


Radiesthesia is an approach wherein everything from living humans to celestial bodies vibrate at specific frequencies that carry information that can be extracted using dowsing techniques, providing humans with access to unseen realms of reality.

Radiesthesia has a history stretching back millennia. Used by ancient cultures worldwide – including Egyptians – it remains popular today and should be treated as an empirical science that can be learned with proper training and discipline. Although often mocked for unexplainable success stories, radiesthesia can actually be learned with proper instruction and dedication.

Physical radiesthesia uses a dowsing rod to search for water, minerals or energy sources. Although its principles remain similar to psychic “dowsing”, physical radiesthesia uses calibrated instruments for more accurate measurements without relying on psychic powers which might lead to autosuggestion by its practitioner.

Physical radiesthesia requires practitioners to clear their minds of distraction, while having a specific goal in mind such as finding water sources or discovering potential food allergies. An objective provides clarity when using physical radiesthesia tools such as the dowser.

Physical radiesthesia often utilizes the radiesthetic pendulum, a small weight with an oval-shaped form and thread at one end. To use it effectively, dowsers must position it directly in front of themselves with both hands; then pose their question mentally while holding it so it swings rightward if their answer is positive; otherwise it will move to the left instead.

Mental radiesthesia employs similar techniques, with an added element of symbolism and visualization. The key element in this technique is creating a “mental sample” of whatever object of interest, similar to taking blood or tissue samples for laboratory testing in conventional medicine. Once established, dowsers can use their tools to establish resonance with this energy source at any point in time or distance that will provide further insights about its status at any point in time or distance.


Radiesthesia is an advanced field that studies vibrational relationships on a wider scale than ordinary physics. This more expansive and expansive scientific approach has been known by various names; Chaumery and De Bellizal famously called it “Microvibrational Physics”.

Physical Radiesthesia utilizes the pendulum as an efficient means to search for things such as water sources or metals such as gold. This process, known as Dowsing (searching with divining rod or shuttle), was the primary tool used by Jesuit missionaries in foreign lands to locate herbal remedies, while Abbe Bouly gained widespread fame in France due to his skill at finding underground water sources and mines (he later published “Comment J’opere” book about his findings).

Radiesthesia practitioners use pendulums to search for information and heal people, animals, plants and buildings at a distance by connecting energetically. A practitioner will then feel their energy compare with that of both objects being searched for as well as people being sought and compare it against their own energy level; should any energetic imbalances be identified they can recommend remedies that will correct it.

Radiesthesia practitioners can rely on the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, an invaluable guide of homeopathic remedies and their respective dosages, in treating illness. A practitioner can determine which remedy to prescribe based on symptoms and history; additionally they may evaluate frequency and severity to find out which remedy best treats their particular condition.

Using a radiesthesia tool requires practitioners to clear their minds of distraction and concentrate on finding what they are searching for. As search results may be altered by thoughts and emotions, staying calm and focused during this process is paramount in producing accurate results. Accuracy depends on skill, experience and being able to clearly communicate with God/Source/Divinity.


Radiesthesia principles can be utilized for various applications, ranging from feng shui and finding ideal locations to construct homes and locate water or mineral deposits to finding effective herbal remedies to treat an illness. Practitioners claim they can sense any imbalances in a human energy field before physical symptoms appear and help restore its balance through remediation.

Radiesthesia operates under the principle that everything vibrates at its own vibrational frequency that can be measured using simple instruments such as pendulums. A radiesthest can identify resonance with or dissonance against these frequencies in order to identify information being sought – similar to how a stethoscope detects sound waves – like how a stethoscope does with soundwaves. Furthermore, they can identify electromagnetic fields that could interfere with health and wellbeing such as geopathic stress or negative environmental energies that interfere with health or wellbeing such as geopathic stress or negative environmental energies that interfere.

Physical Radiesthesia, more commonly known as Dowsing, has been practiced for millennia. Dowsing involves waving a rod or pendulum over the ground in search of underground water sources, metals and natural phenomena – and can date all the way back to ancient Egypt! Used during wartime as unexploded shell detection. Psychological Dowsing employs this same technique but relies on psychic powers rather than calibrated instruments which enable more accurate measurements without subjective influence from belief systems or subconscious influences influencing results. Physical Radiesthesia measures more precisely while eliminating inaccurate results caused by beliefs systems or subconscious influences from personal belief systems or subconscious influences.

Medical radiesthesia, commonly referred to as “dowsing for the sick”, is a form of radiesthesia used in the treatment of illnesses. This specialized form uses pendular instruments to scan your energy field for imbalances or disturbances and then uses remedies designed to correct them similar to how a physician would diagnose your patient using blood or tissue samples.

Although only a minority of individuals utilize radiesthesia in this capacity, many homeopaths have become adept at the practice and claim they can diagnose problems more accurately with it than any other means. Yet despite these claims, radiesthesia should not be seen as a panacea and any interested individual must thoroughly research this field prior to beginning this type of practice.


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