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Radiesthesia – The Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia

From ancient civilizations to today, civilisations have relied upon radiesthesia (dowsing) as an aid to locate water sources, healthy sleeping spots and natural resources; additionally it has also been employed as a method for diagnosing illness.

There are radiesthetic phenomena which cannot be fully explained using current physical laws; this book attempts to outline their cause(s).


Radiesthesia, or pendulometry, is an ancient form of divination using pendulums to detect invisible electromagnetic energy fields surrounding objects, people and events. This ancient practice was utilized by ancient Egyptians, medieval Europeans and American Indians; and nowadays dowsing can be practiced all around the world for various purposes such as discovering underground water reserves or mineral deposits, finding lost objects or people, diagnosing health conditions and even discovering spiritual energies or auras of living beings.

Egyptians pioneered radiesthesia‘s first known use, when they created several instruments – including maps and charts known as cadarans – which provided directionally specific information about objects or locations on Earth. Cadarans could be used to quickly locate water sources, metals, minerals on site and also from a distance. Later Jesuit missionaries utilized this practice extensively when using foreign lands to locate herbal remedies or other natural resources for healing – and this practice eventually came to be known as dowsing.

Radiesthetists are professionals who practice radioesthesis. Most commonly they employ rods or pendulums to detect energy fields of subjects; these tools amplify sensitivity of radiesthetists. Sometimes however, hands can also be used as tools of detection; sometimes after asking a question they follow its response through the instrument; although emotions could influence results unreliably.

Radiesthetists must understand the principles of polarity to achieve effective results. For instance, when conducting healing sessions they must ensure their pendulum’s bob is pointed in a positive direction. Because otherwise radiesthetists may receive false information and fail to detect health issues accurately, it is vital for them to maintain emotional equilibrium by practicing meditation exercises and self-healing techniques. Radiesthetists must also avoid becoming attached to the results of their work. Doing this will prevent them from trying to force answers through, leading them down a path toward frustration and losing trust in what information is received.


There are various radiesthetic instruments available, with pendulum and rod instruments being the most frequently employed by radiesthetists. With these tools in hand, a radiesthetist can establish and decode various energy fields that interact between living beings and substances – frequency interactions of living creatures and substances alike – which then allows him or her to identify any imbalances within an individual’s energy system before going backwards in time to identify their source and then find remedies.

Radiesthetic “witness ray” can also help locate hidden or lost objects. To use this method, a gold coin (or something similar) should be placed on a table and an operator of the radiesthetic instrument should then search through each room looking for a “witness coin”. When one is found it will be linked with its owner through a special vibrational sample that continues to reflect their status over time and distance.

Medical Dowsing is a subfield of radioesthesia that uses simple “pendular” instruments to measure minute vibrational interactions between energy fields, in order to locate sources of imbalance or disturbance in humans and animals’ energy systems. Initially used by Jesuit missionaries in foreign countries to find herbal remedies or resources such as water resources, it has since become widely practiced among Feng Shui practitioners; often utilized in finding underground water or minerals resources and in choosing sites for new builds.

Radiesthetic analysis can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatments and drugs as well as uncover any underlying issues. An Allergy Test, for instance, measures any resonance or dissonance between an individual’s energy field and certain substances or allergens and their color scale rating to provide a precise rating that allows radiesthetists to interpret. All radiesthetic tests rely on the principle that everything emits vibrational frequencies which radiesthetists can access using specially calibrated instruments.


Radioesthetic practitioners must remain physically relaxed while remaining only moderately interested in what is occurring mentally, to prevent ego from interfering and distorting what is discovered. Ego is often the source of error when performing radioesthetic treatments as many radiesthetists quickly get into a state of tension that leads them into almost hypnotizing themselves through concentration – this often ends up weakening pendulum movements altogether and sometimes stopping them entirely.

If a radiesthetist follows homoeopathic principles, they will determine what factors are contributing to his or her patient’s ill-health and test for infections, nerve conditions and glandular diseases, organ malfunctions as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies. They can also test for dangerous substances such as lead or mercury which could pose risks if present in excess.

Homeopathic doctors also carefully consider how a given remedy will fit with their patients’ constitution by comparing how their bodies react to dowsing instruments with that of healthy individuals, in order to determine whether a certain remedy fits or not; otherwise they can find another similar one which does.

Medical radioesthesia has many applications outside the realm of medicine, from diagnosing illnesses to locating metal veins and mines. All major civilizations – Egyptians, Etruscans, Medicis, Persians etc – have employed it. Queen Elizabeth the 1st of England had German miners come over from Germany specifically to teach her subjects the art of dowsing so they could locate gold deposits easily.

Dowsing has many applications today, such as in feng shui to detect earth energies or any possible disruptions within a home; architects utilize it when laying out buildings to find optimal sites that avoid geopathic stress, which could potentially harm health.


Many radiesthetists employ hand movements instead of rods or pendulums to detect radiation emission, and claim that their dowsing techniques allow for the location of water, minerals and natural substances as well as analysis of an individual’s subtle energy fields or aura. This form of radiesthesia is sometimes known as “dowsing for health”.

Radiesthesia may have originated in ancient Egypt as an exact science practiced there. Its foundation rests on the belief that all objects have their own vibrational signature and vibrate at various frequencies and wavelengths; objects and living beings vibrating at various frequencies communicate through these vibrations, and vice versa.

Radiesthetists must remain completely relaxed physically while only moderately focused on their goal in mind, to avoid mental interference caused by his desire to find what he wants and thereby distorting the outcome of their work. Furthermore, excessive concentration could cause unnecessary tension that might compromise sensitivity of instruments causing no success at finding anything worthwhile at all.

Radiesthetists must take great care to avoid strong negative emotions while performing their work, since these can skew results of pendulum readings. For instance, when conducting health-check dowsing sessions using their powers of divination on others using pendulums as indicators, their emotions could greatly impact what result is obtained during these sessions.

Radioesthetic has quickly emerged as an alternative approach to mainstream medicine in recent years, with advocates touting its capabilities for diagnosing and treating diseases that cannot be detected with traditional medical techniques, as well as treating terminally ill individuals. Unfortunately, however, radiesthesia also has its critics: some have pointed to studies supporting its placebo effect while others allege it’s pseudoscience lacking scientific credibility.
