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Radiesthesia – The Science of Divination

This book presents the science of divination known as Radiesthesia. This sensitivity allows certain individuals to identify radiation of various kinds and discern its presence or absence; hence its name.

Dowsing, or divining, has long been used by humans as a technique to locate water sources or suitable dwellings (houses). Like all art forms, its proficiency must be practiced for optimal success.

What is radiesthesia?

Radiesthesia (dowsing) is the art of sensing vibrations. While its origins remain uncertain, modern practitioners such as Abbe Bouly in 1930 popularized this skill by coining its name and coinciding it with their version. Dowsing can be learned and passed down from generation to generation; its practice often passes from one family member to the next. Although believed to have existed since antiquity (evidenced by ancient Chinese and Egyptian art depicting individuals holding rods or hanging pendulums), modern practitioners typically refer to their version as radiesthesia or “radiesthesia“.

He notes in his book that all bodies emit radiation and vibrations into their surrounding environments, creating an invisible energy field known as radiesthesic (from Latin radius, meaning “ray”, and Greek aisthesis, meaning sensation). This energy field can be detected by sensitive individuals. This resonance can form a field that can be detected as it resonates through sensitive ears – this energy field being known by some as the “radiesthesic effect”.

According to the science of radiesthesia, every object, living or inanimate, emits radiational fields which can be accessed using various means to establish resonance with them. These emissions originate in the vibrational nature of our universe and form part of its universal polarity system that governs physicality.

As with any form of learning, radioesthesists need guidance from teachers or mentors when learning their craft, as information must be correctly encoded to be comprehended and decoded by listeners. While learning radiesthesist can be dauntingly complex and may result in errors due to human error; an experienced radiesthesist can reduce errors through emotional work on themselves as well as understanding which emotions may cause reactions in radioesthetic responses.

Radiesthesists employ dowsing tools such as divining rods, rings or pendulums to establish resonance with objects or people. Samples must be collected of these objects to get vibrational information similar to how samples of blood or tissues are taken for medical treatments. In addition, pendulums will often be held over people to detect any disturbances in energy fields known as auras that could indicate illness.

How to use a pendulum

The pendulum is an integral tool in radioesthesis. A pendulum is a weighted object suspended by one chain or cord and attached at both ends; typically made of crystal, its shape, size and color may differ according to personal taste. Other items that might function as pendulums include car keys, jewelry pieces or metal nuts – any item which adds weight. I have personally experimented with different combinations including paper clips, cotton reels and fishing sinkers (even an old cigarette lighter!) but found that for best results I use dedicated pendulums designed specifically for magical work dowsing or magical work.

In order to use a pendulum effectively, it’s essential that you first prepare it and position yourself accordingly so you can pose questions and receive responses – a process known as priming your pendulum. Doing this ensures accurate responses without any indecipherable responses that come back too slowly or too easily. Once primed, sit in front of it while holding its chain between thumb and first finger (dominant hand if right-handed), resting your elbow on a table nearby, and making sure the pendulum hangs seven to twelve inches in front of you – perfect!

Once your pendulum is set up, begin asking yourself questions mentally about its position. Most often the answers will either be yes or no; however, some individuals find other reactions more suitable; such as clockwise movement when answering yes and counterclockwise movement when responding no. Others may discover that answering in one way leads to another correct answer, so it may be worthwhile experimenting both ways and seeing which response you get first.

Some individuals can pose complex queries and still receive clear responses from their spirit guides, while others may only be able to ask basic yes/no queries. It is wise to practice as often as possible; should any assistance be needed you can always consult your dowsing book or professional radiesthetist.

What is a chart or cadran?

Radiesthetists use charts, dowsing rods or pendulums, and pendulums to detect radiations emitted from objects, people, animals, plants, grounds etc. Once these waves have been identified they are then analyzed in terms of musical scales and colors to analyze vibrational characteristics such as musical scales or colors emitted by these entities. It has its origins in ancient Dowsing which was initially designed to locate underground water sources (it later evolved to detect mineral remedies, metals or changes within cell conditions – eventually this method evolved into Tele-Radiesthesia).

Homceopathy practitioners have long recognized radiesthetic diagnosis as an invaluable diagnostic aid, particularly in Allopathic medicine. Many homceopaths have become skilled at this form of diagnosis, and found it especially helpful in finding remedies and their potencies. In this book, the author leads the reader through medical radiesthesia with care and simplicity so as to build confidence and accuracy.

The author states that his book’s purpose is to persuade medical practitioners and others involved in various fields to become familiar with radiesthetic principles and techniques, in order to promote medical radiesthesia as an aid in diagnostic and treatment practice.

The basic premise of this book is that there are certain laws or manifestations of radiative forces which appear regularly and consistently, although their full explanation could never be provided; rather, these phenomena are demonstrated for the reader to explore himself.

Radiesthetists must understand that their personal sensitivity to radiesthetic waves depends on various factors, not least of all their state of mind. Without an appropriate state of mind for work, results will often be poor and misleading; therefore it is recommended that readers engage in as much practice and experimentation as possible in order to determine if they possess adequate sensitivity to radiesthetic perception.

What is a sample?

Radiesthesia uses samples that possess all of the vibrational properties of an object or person that you wish to establish resonance with, similar to blood, tissue or urine samples taken for laboratory analysis in traditional medicine. Dowsing rods may also be used as healing instruments by tapping into this energy – sometimes called “chi” in eastern cultures and chakras in Indian cultures; in radiesthesia this energy creates a vibratory field surrounding our bodies that manifests as color auras.

All bodies, whether solid or liquid, produce vibrational fields. A radiesthetist uses this field as their focus and attempts to’resonate’ with it – similar to how piano tuning involves adjusting strings to match modulations of voice modulations. Tuning can be accomplished using various means such as tip of dowsing rod, pendulum or Lecher antenna; ultimately the goal is finding an area of resonance that allows definitive answers.

A statistical test uses a sample to represent characteristics of an entire population. If this sample size is large – say millions – probability sampling can help minimize errors during testing by collecting smaller and more manageable samples through statistical methods such as random or stratified sampling methods.

No scientific explanation exists for dowsing; however, its existence cannot be denied. Dowsing can be used as an invaluable tool for finding underground metal deposits or water sources as well as finding the optimal locations for homes, gardens or buildings. Dowsing can even detect geopathic stress disturbances which cause illness; anyone interested can learn this ancient art through practice and development of their intuition – this book serves as a good starting point.
