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Radiesthesia – The Science of Unseen Energies

Every living and inert object emits its own vibrational field that can be measured with a pendulum. Radiesthesia studies these ‘unseen energies’ with regards to their universal polarity of plus or minus.

Vibrational radiesthesia, commonly referred to as “dowsing,” is an accurate and precise science used for various purposes, particularly when dealing with allergies, intolerances or other health concerns.

History of Radiesthesia

Chaumery and De Bellizal’s discovery of Radiesthesia in the early 1900s marked its introduction as an entirely new science; one which examined vibrational relationships on a much broader scale than traditional physics – thus expanding quantum mechanics’ reach into new fields.

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Dowsing was also a practical application of geomancy that could be utilized for practical dowsing applications. By employing simple calibrated pendular instruments, it became possible to locate water sources in arid regions as well as distinguish contaminated or uncontaminated drinking water and edible foods. Furthermore, it enabled individuals to identify plant properties to discover what happens when consumed as well as potential treatments for various illnesses.

Dowsing instruments consisted of simple pendulums, but it was possible to employ mental techniques for impressive results. When trained in medical radiesthesia, dowsers could detect the hidden causes of disease not detected by diagnostic devices as well as provide remedies. Furthermore, surgical incision locations could be determined using this form of medical dowsing; French radiesthesists had created an exceptionally effective system of medical dowsing which they used successfully.

Vibrational radiesthesia is an international language of energy that resonates with everything around it, inanimate or not. This resonance allows radiesthesists to access information about objects’ energetic status as well as radio waves being carried across great distances by them – it allows communication across vast spaces!


Catholic missionaries of the early 1900’s were taught radiesthesia, as it was essential to their survival in remote lands they were assigned. Along with finding drinkable water and nutritious food sources, Catholic missionaries could identify which plants held medicinal properties that could treat any illnesses they encountered in addition to identifying which plants could help treat sicknesses that arose in patients they came across.

At present, numerous scientific institutions are conducting research on various aspects of Radiesthesia. One exciting discovery has been that information can be transmitted using Radiesthesia over vast distances – this has opened the door for exploration on an entirely new scale.

The French Radiesthesists

A pendulum can be an effective tool for detecting vibrational frequencies, known as “radiesthesia.” This term comes from Latin “radius” and Greek “aesthesis,” both meaning perception or sensation. While some consider pendulums unscientific instruments due to user influence, healers and dowsers have long relied upon this tool as part of their practice.

French radiesthesists established the science of vibrational radiesthesia during the 1930s based on meticulous study of Egyptian temple sciences. Now this practical knowledge can help improve daily life as part of an overall wellness program.

All living creatures and objects emit vibrational fields known as biofields or energetic fields that generate vibrational fields (also referred to as energetic fields or vibrational biofields). When these vibrational biofields resonate with one another, information can be passed between them – this is how a pianist is able to match notes of music without hearing them first or playing it; similarly radio transmitters pick up transmissions from their environment.

Dowsing rods (or wands), however, use similar principles. Dowsing involves sensing vibrational frequencies from underground bodies of water that produce waves; practicing it can be seen as learning an instrument such as piano; the more often you practice dowsing the better it will get with time.

Radiesthesia has many applications in life, from feng shui and finding the ideal location for houses or businesses, to finding water sources and mineral deposits, as well as discovering geopathic stress that might harm our bodies.

Medical dowsing is a specialized branch of radiesthesia that uses simple “pendular” instruments to measure vibrational interactions between energy fields. These measurements help locate imbalances or disturbances of human energy systems and diagnose physical or emotional disorders as well as allergies or intolerances.

Vibrational dowsing is an extremely reliable technique that is widely utilized. To get accurate results, it is vital that users learn the proper scanning protocol with their instrument as well as understanding resonance effects and how best to calibrate their device for specific effects.

The Catholic Missionaries

Physical radiesthesia was a vital way for Catholic missionaries to extend the reach of the Church into remote and often hostile regions around the globe. They used it to find sources of drinkable water, edible food and medical remedies – helping them not only survive in these foreign lands, but thrive there too.

Jesuits were pioneers in teaching this skill through religious communities. They trained their fellow members how to locate all sorts of objects using dowsing techniques taught to them by mentors; thus spreading God’s word to people who had yet to hear about Him.

As Catholics, we are called upon to abandon all forms of ethnic and ecclesial introversion. Instead, as God’s children we should appreciate any parts of culture which reflect or enhance his Gospel message while being ready to step outside our comfort zones in order to share it with others – particularly missionary territories where small Catholic populations may be vulnerable to persecution or death.

Though larger religious orders such as Benedictines, Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits and Augustinians continue their efforts in spreading faith, many new groups have formed since 1998 and become actively engaged in missionary work – one such being FOCUS (Formerly Outreach Community of Christians United for Service).

As well as traditional forms of ministry such as Bible studies, fellowships and prayer groups, this young adult Catholic group receives training in spiritual formation through various means: philosophical and theological study; daily communal prayer; weekly adoration services provided by University of Mary and Augustine Institute and seminary-level courses from their Institute.

Prayer empowers these young adults to become agents of change both locally and worldwide. Their lives often mirror those of middle-class Americans; they use iPhones, drink craft beer and enjoy March Madness just like everyone else; however, what separates them is that their lives are strengthened through daily collective prayers as well as weekly communal adoration services.

The General Public

Attitutive and holistic techniques like acupuncture, colour healing, radiesthesia, shiatsu, Kinesiology, Yoga and T’ai Chi are becoming increasingly popular as alternatives to high tech medicine. Genetic radiesthesia or “dowsing”, is an invaluable way of restoring balance and health to one’s energy centres and organs by identifying vibrational sources like foods, supplements, people, locations or environmental energies that cause imbalance in energy flow within their energy body and selecting remedies with which they can rectify such imbalances.

Medical radiesthesia or dowsing has its origins in ancient Egypt and uses simple instruments, like pendulums, to identify resonance with or dissonance against specific fields of vibration in order to gain information. The concept behind it all is rooted in vibrational theory; everything, including inert matter such as rocks and minerals has their own vibrational frequency which can be measured using simple instruments.

As an example, radiesthetists can perform tests on infections of both blood and lymphatic systems as well as on any bone affected by pathogenic micro-organisms or psoric conditions. He can also assess nerves, endocrine glands, organs and vitamins and minerals; using standard boxes of Turenne witnesses they can check up to forty infections, diseases or disease conditions and organs and glands simultaneously.

Dowsers can detect allergies and intolerances to foods and other substances by testing against an individual’s energetic signature. Allergens are identified through vibrational frequencies that resonate or dissonance against them and rated on a colour scale accordingly. A dowser may also determine whether an allergy is acute, chronic or acute-chronic as well as the intensity of its allergic reaction. As with all dowsing tests, results may vary significantly due to human error; for this reason it’s essential that practitioners become versed in both techniques as well as protocols in order to produce accurate and reliable results.


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