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Radiesthesia Training

radiesthesia training

Radiesthesia was revived during the early 1900s and is currently being refined on scientific foundations. It can be used for dowsing for water, gold, lost objects and natural objects as well as allergy tests.

Radiesthesic operators utilizing radionic graphics (No. 3) to broaden the sensitivity of his search using radiesthesia.

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Course Description

Radiesthesia training teaches you how to access vibrational and nonlocal information using a pendulum. The principle behind radiesthesia is that everything, even inert matter, emits its own unique vibratory energy that resonates with other objects or people around it, providing information from this vibration. By finding resonance with this energy source you can both receive information from it as well as send it. You can detect people, animals, objects or places with unusual energies as well as locate water veins, earth energies or any geological disturbances.

Locating energy can be done using a dowsing rod, biotensor or pendulum; while radiesthesia practitioners can assess their status at any given moment regardless of distance – making radiesthesia a powerful method for uncovering hidden information that can also diagnose illness and predict the future. Also used for healing.

Radiesthesia was traditionally employed for finding underground water and metal minerals, before it later evolved into Radionics as an energy detection technique. Utilizing pendulums and graphic tablets with symbols, shapes and numbers on them, Radionics is considered part of alternative therapy despite having not been scientifically verified.

The Radiesthesia Course combines reading material and hands-on exercises. Students learn how to select an accurate pendulum and implement scanning protocols that produce reliable information, as well as learn basic radiesthesia concepts, including correlations, correspondences and applications which may be achieved.

Radioesthetic courses are available online, which allows students to study at their own pace and location while also meeting professional obligations simultaneously. This flexibility also enables students to pursue courses alongside any professional obligations that might come up. This course offers high-quality and tailored content to allow students to deepen their understanding of energy issues. Recommended for therapists, doctors, psychologists and students interested in holistic areas, this e-learning course provides an indispensable resource for anyone attempting to understand the invisible world of energies. With video classes, PDFs and quizzes as learning resources; plus virtual classroom capabilities so students can interact with their classmates and instructors – this is truly a comprehensive course on understanding energy dynamics!

Course Contents

This course will teach you to become more sensitive, while honing your own special ability to perceive vibrational frequencies within objects – also known as Dowsing/radiesthesia. This ancient Egyptian technique has recently been revived on scientific grounds as an efficient means for gathering information; ancient Egypt utilized this practice as well. Dowsing can help solve many life-threatening problems in modern civilization by changing them into human friendly solutions; it also serves to detect gold veins underground as well as water veins/fault lines for mining purposes.

Your course in Radiesthesia entails learning the theory behind its fundamental principles as well as becoming acquainted with any object’s energy field and making connections there, for practical applications. Radiesthesia should not be seen as an algorithm but as a natural perception process and requires clear intentions from its operator when conducting searches, without anger, jealousy or other forms of animus fuelling their search for answers. In order for Radiesthesic operations to succeed effectively and reliably the pendulum must be asked questions with an healthy intention and genuine interest – the pendulum then measures its reliability before giving its replies accordingly.

Radiesthesia‘s unique advantage over other dowsing methods lies in its vibrational samples retaining their energy over time, unlike traditional laboratory samples which lose theirs over distance. This gives it an edge over single measurement approaches such as dowsing.

As well as practical techniques, this course covers a range of topics related to radioesthesia. This includes an in-depth description of its physical components; use and application of “radiesthesic radionic graphics”, along with different search symbols; identification of vibrational frequency of objects along with their colors (to recognise allergens or toxins that could threaten health) among many more topics.

After this course, you will be able to conduct numerous practical dowsing examinations both at home and work, using both radiesthesic pendulums for healing work and performing many practical dowsing examinations yourself.


Radioesoteric training instructors have extensive knowledge in all facets of this esoteric science. They understand its correlations, correspondences and applications – they will teach you how to use pendulums correctly for accurate readings while providing full comprehension of scanning protocols needed to collect accurate information from pendulums.

Additionally, they will discuss the scientific principles underlying physical radiesthesia. Furthermore, they will introduce you to 12 Energy Bands of Vibrational Spectrum that can be found naturally and how you can utilize these frequencies to heal yourself physically, energetically, emotionally, and mentally.

Radiesthesia knowledge was initially passed along through word of mouth for millennia. But with humanity moving into industrialisation and becoming more focused on material developments, essential scientific principles like radiesthesia were lost along the way. Rediscovered again during the 19th century by modern scientists who began exploring its effectiveness.

Ancient Egyptians had perfected radiesthesia and employed it for numerous purposes. They could use it to locate water sources, minerals deposits and even metal veins underground using both on-site dowsing rods or distant Tele-Radiesthesia techniques. It was an extremely sophisticated science; scholars such as Pythagoras and Plato had access to this knowledge through studying numbers and sacred geometry.

Radiesthesia was revived as an invaluable method of finding underground water and mineral deposits during the early 20th century, as well as used by Jesuit missionaries for finding herbal medicines abroad. Abbe Mermet of European Jesuit priestly order spread this esoteric science to Western culture with his groundbreaking book published by Jesuit priesthood entitled, “Comment J’Opere” in 1930. Additionally, these Jesuits taught dowsing to their students. Radiesthesia became widely practiced across Europe and North America as a method to discover herbal remedies, mineral deposits and healing energies on-site and distantly. Since its invention there have been various systems of radiesthesia proposed ranging from strict physical systems like Biogeometry proposed by Ibrahim Karim to more new-age forms like Erich Hunter’s “healing” with a pendulum.


Radiesthesia courses are tailored for professionals from various fields as well as those seeking to develop new skills and explore spiritual aspects of life. With its flexibility to meet various schedules and locations throughout Brazil, this course gives students access to classes.

IBRATH stands behind their course with expertise and recognition as one of the largest holistic therapy institutes in Latin America, attesting to its quality and seriousness of instruction. Additionally, their Radiesthesia Course boasts national recognition.

Students receive a comprehensive booklet that serves as an invaluable resource for learning how to use pendulums and read dowsing charts, identify energy imbalances and learn how to harmonize them, as well as introduce the principles of feng shui that help create more balanced environments.

Dowsing was considered an accurate science by ancient Egyptians, used in medicine to locate earth energies that might harm health (medical or healing dowsing), employed by German armies during World Wars I and II for mine detection purposes, and later by Wilhelm Reich in developing Orgone energy.

Dowsing remains an effective way of finding water or minerals. Furthermore, it can be utilized in holistic therapy sessions or used to identify food intolerances.

Dowsing can also play an integral part in locating natural resources and finding sites suitable for building houses or other structures – many iconic structures throughout history were constructed after consulting a dowser to find their optimal locations.

Dowsing may have earned itself some criticism from allopathic medicine, yet it remains an accurate and effective practice. Unfortunately, though this method can be highly accurate, human error still arises and the most frequently experienced mistake is false positive readings: appearing of intolerances or allergies which do not exist in reality.


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