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Radiesthesia Training – Learn the Basics of Radiesthesia

Radiesthesia, or Radiesthesis, was practiced by early civilizations to locate water sources and underground resources such as metals.

Physical radiesthesia involves using a divining rod to locate water, minerals and energy sources – similar to psychic “dowsing.” Mental radiesthesia helps identify any imbalances which lead to disease or illness in a patient.


Radiesthesia practitioners claim to use pendulums or dowsing rods to detect energy flows and vibrations within their environment and beyond, dating back millennia. Although its roots lie deep within spiritual practices such as Buddhism, alternative health practitioners, consciousness researchers, and awareness studies. Some radiesthesists seek formal certification or professional accreditation while others believe these measures would stifle its intuitive nature.

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Radiesthesia‘s principles are grounded in the idea that all matter, living and nonliving alike, has its own vibrational frequency or resonance. A string tuned to match another creates sympathetic vibration or harmonic resonance; subtle energies also vibrate at different frequencies; those with greater resonance can affect physical objects more forcefully than weaker ones. With radiesthesia, dowsing rods or pendulums serve as extensions of an operator’s energy field, helping sense and amplify vibrations found within an environment.

Physical Radiesthesia, commonly referred to in English-speaking countries as “dowsing,” involves waving a dowsing rod or pendulum across an electromagnetic field in search of water, minerals or natural phenomena referred to as electromagnetic fields. Dowsing also plays an integral part in Psionic Medicine or Radionics as it uses this practice to detect people, illnesses or mineral sources.

Radiesthesia works by training our bodies to become conscious energy sensors. This sensing can then be used to identify problems or determine an ideal treatment option for any condition, whether that’s imbalance in endocrine systems, blood, nerves or bones. Proponents of Radiesthesia say that their method has helped alleviate long-standing health issues while relieving discomfort that conventional doctors had dismissed as imaginary or stress related.

The French School of Radiesthesia was established early in the 20th century and uses pendulums to measure vibrational frequencies of persons or objects, providing information that helps correct any imbalance in an individual’s energy that might be contributing to their condition.


Students of Radiesthesia training courses learn to measure and balance vibrations directly by employing simple yet powerful tools like pendulums and dowsing rods to conduct direct vibration tests and balance them directly. The basic principle behind these techniques stems from their belief that everything vibrates and emits energy, the information contained within these vibrations traveling via universal polarity of plus and minus which forms physical reality itself. A Radiesthetist uses intuition in tandem with these tools to locate energetic imbalances whether in people’s bodies or physical spaces –

Dowsing (radiesthesia) has been practiced since ancient times and is founded on the idea that all things vibrate at a frequency which can be sensed using simple instruments such as pendulums. Medical radiesthesia is one branch of this ancient art form used by doctors to detect and interpret subtle energy disturbances within human bodies – imbalances and blockages often before these manifest as physical symptoms.

Other practitioners of radiesthesia utilize their skills in areas of feng shui and architecture as well as environmental science to locate underground water sources, mineral deposits and geopathic stress that affect people and other living things. Furthermore, vibrational science helps them locate ideal spots for houses or buildings by taking into account invisible energy lines that connect all parts of Earth’s surface.

Radiesthesia offers another use in its ability to identify specific plants and herbs. A radiesthetist can test the vibrational frequency of any food or supplement to see whether it benefits or hinders human bodies. Anthropologists who work in remote locations may find this method especially useful as it allows them to test vibrations of local plants and identify which may have medicinal applications. Catholic missionaries of the early 1900’s learned this skill as it was vital to their survival in remote lands they were sent. BioGeometry offers new approaches that are helping reestablish this fascinating science on a solid scientific footing.


Radiesthesia practice comes with its own set of ethical considerations. While most practitioners approach their work with integrity and a genuine desire to help others, any field dealing with health and wellbeing carries with it an inherent potential for misuse or exploitation; so before beginning your radiesthesia practice it’s crucial that you gain an understanding of basic ethics training for radiesthesia practice.

Physical Radiesthesia, more commonly known as “Dowsing,” involves waving a rod or pendulum over the ground to detect electromagnetic fields and locate underground springs, metals and water sources. Though not intended as medical advice replacement, dowsing may assist with diagnosing certain illnesses as well as suggesting foods or remedies which might provide relief; but remember this technique does not represent scientific findings and should always be treated as human opinion when interpreting dowsing results.

Mental Radiesthesia (MR) is an advanced form of dowsing that uses mental imagery to detect subtle energies in our environment. MR is usually reserved for those who possess strong spiritual tendencies and can assist practitioners in finding balance within themselves and their bodies and minds.

Radiesthesia‘s principles date back centuries, yet have recently seen renewed attention among alternative health practitioners and researchers interested in consciousness studies. The French School of Radiesthesia holds that our bodies are living, vibrating energy systems which communicate with each other as well as with spiritual guides; this understanding fits well with quantum physics’ growing acceptance of “action at a distance” as well as with its view that thoughts can influence matter.

Before recently, most knowledge about radiesthesia was passed from generation to generation through word of mouth. With modern life’s increasingly mechanistic and industrial environment, many basic concepts of this ancient science became lost. Luckily, however, the radiesthesia community is making efforts to bring these traditions back into modern society and reawaken public interest about them – perhaps leading to new discoveries both health-wise and consciousness wise.


Radiesthesia‘s principles may appear obscure at first, yet they have found great resonance within the field of energy medicine. Practitioners of acupuncture and Reiki find their concepts of subtle energy healing and vibrational healing align well with the principles of radiesthetic practice.

Radiesthesia encompasses two distinct forms of practice, physical dowsing and mental radiesthesia. Physical dowsing utilizes pendulums to locate water sources such as lakes or underground sources – commonly referred to as “dowsing” in English-speaking countries such as England or the US – while psychic dowsing uses psychic powers rather than calibrated instruments for detection purposes.

Radiesthesists use mental techniques to examine the energy of people and objects. By doing this, radiesthesists can detect energetic imbalances which might be creating issues in either an individual’s life or environment, and identify solutions which will address them.

Early practitioners of radiesthesia claimed to be able to detect imbalances in human energy fields before they manifest physically as illness, and believed they could correct these by working with invisible forces found crisscrossing Earth’s surface.

Radiesthesists believed that they could enhance surgical interventions by addressing energetic imbalances prior to any physical symptoms arising, as well as diagnosing disease at an energetic level and offering remedies that would restore balance to an individual’s energy fields.

Many radiesthesists believed that they could use subtle energies of plants to boost yields and reduce pest infestation. Their practice relied on harmonic resonance – the idea that vibrating objects cause other objects to resonate in sympathy – as their methodology. They imagined plants and animals resonating with fundamental frequencies of nature to achieve this result.

Radiesthesia was once revered science that ancient civilizations relied upon. Unfortunately, as modern society became more mechanistic and industrialised, its concepts became lost to us all. Recently however, numerous scientists have attempted to revive its principles by researching its offshoots like psychic dowsing and orgone energy.


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