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The Hulla Clark Zapper Protocol

Dr Clark developed a circuit known as the Zapper to activate your white blood cells to attack any potential invaders that come their way and kill them off.

With less than $20 and some Radio Shack parts, it is possible to construct your own zapper. Ours differ from Dr Clark’s design by supporting multiple frequencies including 30kHz as suggested.


Parasites are single-celled microorganisms that live off other cells. While many parasites are harmless, others can cause disease or even lead to the death of humans and other animals. Faecal-oral contact is the primary means by which parasites spread between people with human gastrointestinal infections; parasites in stool end up in another person’s mouth before being swallowed whole. Protozoa and helminths are particularly dangerous parasites which typically populate intestinal areas and cause symptoms like diarrhoea or damage red blood cells or organs.

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Some of the more serious diseases caused by parasites include malaria, chagas disease, typhoid fever and genital infections like herpes and gonorrhoea. Other parasitic-borne conditions include infections of liver, kidney and heart; intestinal issues like IBS; and various cancers.

Parasite symptoms typically manifest themselves through digestive system ailments such as bloating, itching, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Other indicators of parasite infection can include joint and muscle pain, fatigue and weakness as well as loss of appetite and joint fractures. Some individuals can even have life-threatening reactions to parasites, including severe allergic reactions.

Parasites have evolved mechanisms to bypass immunity by altering surface antigens and using various strategies to avoid recognition by their hosts’ immune systems, making evasion an essential aspect of parasitology research. Successful parasite evasion poses one of the greatest challenges in understanding parasites; those that target highly social individuals can quickly spread and become increasingly dangerous over time.


Dr. Hulda Clark proposed that most diseases and cancers are caused by parasites, toxins and pollutants present in our bodies. She claimed to have found an effective method to eliminate such substances called “zapping,” by passing an electric current through our bodies – thus coining her invention “zapper.”

The Zapper is a small device equipped with copper handholds that transmit an electric current directly from palm to blood stream, killing parasites and toxins in your system. When used according to Dr. Hulda Clark’s programs 1 and 2, bacteria, viruses and tapeworm stages decrease while flukes and flukes become inactive; simultaneously the Zapper destroys molds.


Toxins are harmful chemicals and substances found in our environment, food, and water that pose serious threats to human health and wellbeing. They have been implicated as the source of many chronic diseases as well as cancer; being absorbed through skin pores, respiratory tract tract, digestive system etc and entering through skin pores into cells and organs leading to illness, disease or even death. Unfortunately our bodies lack the capacity to rid themselves of such toxic waste on its own and so external forces must intervene to cleanse us of such substances that are damaging.

Dr. Clark devised the Huda Clark Zapper Protocol to address this need. By employing a frequency generator called a zapper, she could target and destroy microorganisms within our bodies without damaging healthy cells directly, instead temporarily paralyzing and electroshocking any unwanted organisms thereby giving our immune systems time to select and destroy these invaders more efficiently while not impacting good gut flora negatively.

As well as eliminating parasites, the Hulda Clark Protocol Zapper can also remove heavy metals and clear environmental toxins – these include those found in air, water, food, medication and other products we regularly use.

The Zapper employs low voltage to produce electronic signals in the form of oscillating waves that are harmless to human bodies but are extremely effective against pathogens like parasites, viruses, bacteria and molds. These waves have similar results to soundwaves generated when hit with strong vibrating objects – they kill or severely disrupt cell membranes of unwanted organisms such as parasites.

The zapper consists of a 9-volt battery to power its circuitry, a 555 timer IC to monitor it and two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds in either hand during a zapping session. Each copper electrode is covered with thin cloth to enhance connectivity while protecting from electric shocks.

Herbal Supplements

Many herbal supplements have been linked with heavy metal toxicity, and certain herbs can interact with prescription drugs. Before trying herbal supplements or consulting with a healthcare provider about them, it’s wise to conduct extensive research and consult a healthcare professional first. Because herbs are less strictly regulated than pharmaceutical drugs, their impurities such as lead mercury and cadmium could potentially pose more of a threat than expected; furthermore some herbs are believed to interfere with specific chemotherapy medications.

Herbal supplement and dietary supplement labels must include accurate information regarding their ingredients. They should detail dosage amounts, the recommended daily amount for each active ingredient and more. Supplements may come in various forms like capsules, tablets, powders or tea bags as well as oils tinctures or drops for easier consumption.

The Huda Clark Zapper is a device used to kill parasites and detoxify the body. It consists of a battery-operated pulse generator which produces low voltage (usually dual polarity 5V square wave with DC component of 2.5V) as well as two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds between their fingers; you can purchase this device from various retailers.

While some critics argue that the Huda Clark Zapper doesn’t work, many users report positive experiences from using it. Users report their addiction to sugar and carbohydrates has reduced significantly while some also claim it has helped them feel more energetic overall.

As opposed to herbal medicines, herbal supplements aren’t subject to FDA regulation and therefore don’t have to undergo human testing for safety and efficacy – making them vulnerable to contaminants while being less effective than a pharmaceutical drug.

Hulda Clark claims there are three herbs that can rid the body of parasites: black walnut hull, wormwood and cloves. Together they have been shown to kill over 100 types of parasites without interfering with medications you’re already taking; black walnut hull kills adult parasites while wormwood and cloves destroy eggs; they may even help treat other conditions as well as parasites; in fact the Hulda Clark Zapper uses similar frequencies as these herbs to eliminate them all at once!


Note that the zapper should not be considered medical device and used at your own risk. As it is a form of alternative medicine, use must always be at your own discretion and consult a qualified physician prior to using one as it has the potential to disrupt normal cell functions and cause damage – if any adverse side effects arise it’s wise to discontinue use immediately and contact your healthcare provider immediately.

The zapper works by emitting radio waves similar to how cellular phones do, targeting specific pathogens – viruses, bacteria and parasites. When one of these pathogens are targeted and destroyed, their infected cells are destroyed while also stimulating your body’s immune system.

One of the greatest advantages of the zapper is that it doesn’t affect beneficial microorganisms in the body, like beneficial gut bacteria. Instead, it uses electroshock therapy to temporarily paralyze pathogens – without harming beneficial gut flora that exists there! Furthermore, using it may actually encourage their growth!

As opposed to typical zappers that support only one frequency, the Armand Hulda Clark Therapeutic Generator features multiple operating frequencies ranging from 30kHz – the traditional frequency for zappers – up to higher frequencies that may be more effective against certain organisms.

Moreover, the zapper features advanced technology which enables it to generate much more complex and powerful output pulses – evidenced by its output waveform on an oscilloscope – than ever before. In particular, it produces square wave pulses at various frequencies with an overall positive offset.

Dr. Clark designed an improved version of his original zapper design. Its output pulses are stronger and more concentrated, which allows it to kill parasites faster than its predecessor model. Furthermore, this versatile device can also be used on larger areas of the body than most zappers available today.


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