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The Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia

principles and practice of radiesthesia pdf

Radiesthesia, once practiced in ancient Egypt, is an energy-based method of detecting water, minerals and healing on site or remotely.

Radiesthesia can also be an invaluable way to find lost objects such as jewelry or buried treasure. Jesuit priest Abbe Mermet used it extensively when searching for herbal medicines and water sources abroad.

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Radiesthesia is the practice of detecting and working with vibrations emitted by living and inanimate objects, minerals, energy fields, or energy fields – such as living beings, minerals or energy fields. They can be detected and identified using pendulum dowsing for water sources, minerals or illnesses as well as healing, love or any other personal and professional issues. Radiesthesia was popularized by ancient Egyptians who utilized its precise science for medical procedures that would otherwise require modern technology as well as geology to detect underground springs.

Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia is an indispensable textbook for anyone interested in dowsing or radiesthesia, providing a complete introduction to this ancient art of finding underground water, mineral deposits and healing sources using this ancient art form. Furthermore, divination techniques may also be covered here along with finding lost treasure – making this book a resourceful companion for exploring more about our universe!

Author asserts that an effective radiesthetist must be able to differentiate between physical properties of an object and its invisible vibrational or aura-like qualities, which are essential in understanding its composition, purpose and qualities. Radiesthesia should be practiced as a passive activity with no force applied to its instrument. Aiming your mind toward finding your answer creates an optimal state which keeps other influences at bay.

Radiesthesia derives its name from Latin words for radiation and sensation. Abbe Mermet was an Abbot priest of the Jesuit Order who employed this practice to find herbal medicines abroad and locate underground water sources. His 1930 book entitled, “Comment J’Opere”, described his methods for finding water or other resources either on-site or remotely, coining the term radietesie that then led to the Society of Friends of Radiesthesia as well as six years later the British Society of Dowsers.


The Radiesthesic method (sometimes referred to as divination or dowsing; from Latin Radius (ray), sensation and Greek Aisthesis [sensation]), allows diviners and dowsers to sense vibrational radiations emanating from objects, people, animals, water bodies, gold coins or items that have disappeared on land; objects on cars etc. Through using indicators like pendulums or biotensors they can identify vibrational signatures issued from everything and everyone. Also referred to as Leyline Research this method allows diviners and diviners to detect vibrational signatures released by all things and everything. The Radiesthesic Method can be applied for various searches and investigations.

Radiesthesic tools consist of rock crystal pendulums that are natural, unpierced and fitted with small chains if possible – as well as biotensors – small metal instruments used to increase diviners sensitivity. A 10-cm long rock crystal pendulum suspended on nonwoven nylon string should serve as an indicator for diviners to detect vibrational radiations or impulses emanating from any object in their immediate surroundings.

For an accurate test, diviners must plan ahead when creating questions to pose to their pendulum, keeping in mind all parameters listed at page 6’s THE RIGHT FORMAT OF QUESTIONS chapter; in particular it is recommended to avoid asking negative or insignificant questions; it also would be wise to be prepared for multiple responses for one query.

Every object emits radiations, and these can be explained scientifically: living organisms as well as inorganic substances produce vibrations of various wavelengths; furthermore, all elements emit radiations with frequencies matching those found within Homeopathy theory.


Radiesthesia (dowsing or divination), is the art and practice of sensing invisible energy fields surrounding living beings and objects. This practice allows one to detect hidden water sources, minerals or materials hidden underground, vibrational frequencies of individuals or animals as well as searching for missing objects or disease causes using pendulums or similar instruments – the frequency of these fields are related to universal polarity, matter properties, electromagnetic forces that govern physical reality etc.

Human minds can be trained to detect energy and use it for healing or finding information – this is called mental radiesthesia and it can be taught just like other psychic abilities. This book guides the reader through all stages and states of mind necessary for its development, such as meditation, lucid dreaming, and other techniques that increase accuracy. Designed especially with beginners in mind, it also includes exercises, methods, tips and methods of practice.

This book introduces frequency perception techniques as an innovative solution to geopathic stress, and presents readers with an alternative view on traditional mental or physical radiesthesia. This approach blends intellectual capacity with intuitive heart thinking – the center of Chinese medicine where many answers reside – giving radiesthetists confidence and accuracy, offering practical ways to learn an art long lost and now ready for revival.


Radiesthesia has long been used across various fields. Egyptian surgeons employed Radiesthesia to locate ideal spots for incisions that later required sophisticated technology; geologists employed it to locate underground water sources; while French Jesuit priest Abbe Mermet used Tele-Radiesthesia both on-site (Dowsing) and at distance (Tele-Radiesthesia).

Radiesthesia, in essence, establishes the resonances of energy fields emitted by all things, every atom and molecule vibrating with energy emitted. Vibrations measured with simple instruments are then quantified according to qualitative measures to decode any information present.

For radioesthetic therapy, the rod or pendulum is often the instrument of choice. It amplifies an individual’s sensitivity and acts as the primary tool of the radiesthetist. An indicator may be made from metal, wood, ivory, glass or any neutral material; typically small pendulums on strings make for simpler long-term work.

Radioesthetists often utilize a hollow instrument into which fragments of substance being sought are placed. A ring may also be attached to the pendulum so the dowser may comfortably hold it during his/her search process.

French radioesthetists began replacing long rods with more convenient pendulums in the 1930’s, replacing long rods with small pendulums which could be more easily utilized. Since then, small pendulums have become the go-to option for dowsing. There are numerous sizes and materials to choose from but for Egyptian dowsing Mediks manufacture an Egyptian pendulum which comes complete with detailed instructions – it can even be ordered directly. Orders over 300 Euros ex VAT qualify for free delivery to over 40 countries (find list HERE).


Radiesthesia is the science of vibrations and radiations emitted by objects, living beings, and humans alike. Radiesthesia was Wilhelm Reich’s gateway into discovering orgone energy; furthermore it led to reestablishing scientific foundations of what are now called “Psychotronics” and BioGeometry.

Radiesthesia as originally practiced was an exact science; and was the main tool used by Jesuit missionaries when searching for herbal medicines (Dowsing) or water sources both locally and remotely (Tele-Radiesthesia).

Radiesthesic workers use pendulums made of rock crystal, wood or metal as well as dowsing rods to detect vibrations and radiations emitted by all things, people, places and grounds – in other words all elements of life – through pendulums and dowsing rods. Therefore it is extremely important for radiesthesic workers to focus solely on the issue at hand without external influences interfering.

The radiesthesic method allows scientists to gather valuable information about all matters of interest, be it to locate a place or hunt down mineral substances underground. This knowledge is immensely valuable, and radiesthesic workers should take full advantage of it in their work. However, remembering that laboratory analysis should never replace his findings; and keep his findings distinct from laboratory test results. To do this successfully and gain maximum benefit from using this approach you should adopt an attitude of scientific curiosity, patience and obstinacy, repeating his experiments until finally arriving at solid scientific theories with scientifically supported explanations


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