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The Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia

Radiesthesia (dowsing), is an ancient science which utilizes our natural sensitivity to radiations and force fields. This approach proves that every living and nonliving body emits vibrational frequencies.

Medical Dowsing is a form of Radiesthesia which utilizes simple pendular instruments to measure frequency interactions within energy fields in order to identify sources of imbalance or disharmonience within an individual or their environment. Radiesthesia provides essential tools for healing, insight and spiritual exploration.


Radiesthesia is an ancient science, dating back millennia. More commonly known as dowsing, its practice involves waving a rod or pendulum over the ground in order to locate underground springs, metals and water sources. Dowsing may also aid in treating illness by suggesting which foods or remedies may provide greater benefits but should never replace medical advice.

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All objects and living beings emit radiation that creates vibrational fields known as biofields or energetic fields that can be detected with divining rods, pendulums, pendulum dowsing twigs, Lecher antennas or any other instrument designed to detect energy. When practicing physical radiesthesia one must clear their mind of any distractions while asking themselves specific questions, such as finding where springs are or what is triggering an allergic reaction in their bodies.

Radiesthesia can help identify imbalances or disturbances in a person’s energy system, providing information about what needs to be corrected or balanced to bring the body closer in line with universal energy. Furthermore, this form of radiesthesia may detect emotional blocks which prevent effective decision-making or communication processes from taking place.

Mental Radiesthesia operates on the principle that all things are vibrational, with any thoughts, emotions, or actions having an impactful vibrational state on objects. A dowser records samples of this vibrational energy for comparison against vibrations collected from patients or subjects to identify any emotional or mental blockages which might be contributing to an imbalance and provide treatment solutions accordingly.


Radiesthesia is an extremely versatile and adaptable tool used by dowsers that can be applied to almost any problem, such as finding missing persons or pipelines. Dowsers may also utilize this technique for meditation purposes or healing and spiritual growth purposes, or to identify how an individual should proceed in life and overcome obstacles and limitations.


Radiesthesia uses intuition and specialized tools such as pendulums and dowsing rods to access subtle energetic vibrations invisible to human sight. Radiesthesia operates under the belief that all living beings and objects produce vibrational frequencies or resonance, which a skilled radiesthetist can interpret for healing or divination purposes.

Ancient Egyptians practiced radiesthesia as a science, using it to assess and balance energies among humans, animals, plants and buildings; discover underground water sources; as well as identify natural resources such as underground aquifers. Today radiesthesia can be applied in numerous applications from identifying imbalances to healing divination personal development – it even can be integrated into holistic modalities like acupuncture herbal medicine aromatherapy!

Radiesthesia encompasses many techniques for its practice, all based around the idea that everything vibrates. Radiesthetes sense these vibrations and use them to locate objects or detect information on-site or remotely. A dowser or radiesthete must learn to differentiate between vibrational frequencies and those produced by material objects based on shape, color or substance.

Radiesthesia is an empirical science with scientific roots. To practice it, one needs to train and practice it regularly. Abbe Mermet of the Jesuit priest order popularized “dowsing” technique as early as 1930 – used by them to locate herbs, medicinal substances and underground water resources worldwide (known as Dowsing or Water Divination).

Radiesthesia works on the principle that all matter emits electromagnetic radiation or vibrational frequencies that can be felt and decoded with specially calibrated instruments for quantitative measurements. These vibrations form part of physical reality’s universal polarity between plus and minus; this allows radiesthetes to locate water sources on site as well as remotely.


While its concepts might appear obscure, the French School of Radiesthesia had many practical applications ranging from medicine and agriculture to architecture and environmental science. Practitioners claimed to be able to detect subtle imbalances in human energy fields before symptoms manifest; using pendulums they would identify remedies which might work effectively for each individual patient and locate underground water sources as well as geological fault lines.

According to the French School of Radiesthesia, all matter, from subatomic particles and celestial bodies alike, vibrates at specific frequencies. Radiesthesists hypothesized that these vibrations formed the fabric of reality – though conventional scientific instruments couldn’t detect them directly; using their dowsing rods they could read these vibrations instead.

Radiesthetic dowsing instruments typically consist of hollowed out sticks of wood, ivory or glass with eyes attached (called witnesses ). When conducting radiesthetic searches, practitioners must remain dispassionately detached; otherwise the results will become less accurate and power of dowsing sessions will diminish significantly. When conducting searches with this kind of instrumentation it is also important to remain completely dispassionate towards it since any attachment will reduce accuracy of results significantly. When conducting searches by this method it’s also wise to refrain from discussing results publicly as this could dilute power of session as it detracts power from an otherwise effective dowsing session.

When the radiesthetic dowsing tool hits upon an object, it emits a “witness” ray that directs to its location on the body of the searcher. This allows them to focus on one specific spot at a time rather than scanning an entire room at once. If the ray points to an exact point on a witness’s body, this indicates the appropriate place to search. Remembering this fact is key in successfully finding an object of your choosing, since every fragment has a distinct vibratory frequency. As objects sharing similar vibratory frequencies will attract each other while those having dissimilar frequencies repel each other – therefore it is crucial that you find appropriate fragments to enable you to locate an item successfully.


Radiesthesia, though widely utilized by Pharaonic surgeons for brain operations and Pharaonic geologists for discovering gold mines, remains an esoteric practice that could be seen as “dowsing” or even witchcraft by some. Yet its scientifically demonstrated usefulness for health assessment can make its practice uncontroversial.

Radiesthesia can be used to detect energetic blockages, pinpoint intolerances or sensitivities to foods, drugs or metals in the body as well as create supportive environments energetically. Energy audits are an invaluable way of assessing homes, workplaces and natural landscapes to ensure they support positive energy flows that enhance wellbeing. Radiesthesia draws upon ancient Pythagorean harmonics, architectural history, the energies of ancient Egyptian temple science and German and French Physical Radiesthesia to form a modern “Physics of Quality”. BioGeometry builds on this foundation with various other disciplines, providing a powerful energetic diagnostic tool. BioGeometry for instance combines principles from dowsing with Pythagorean harmony, history of architecture and ancient Egyptian geometry to form a potency energy diagnostic tool applicable to many health concerns.


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