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The Zapper Hulda Clark

The Zapper Hulda Clark is an electronic device which produces low voltage electric current, usually of dual polarity 5V square wave form, in order to kill parasites and toxins that supposedly cause diseases. This improvement over the original Zapper which consisted of 555 timer IC with two copper handles as well as a display prompting users to press a button for therapy is an impressive one.


The Zapper is an alternative health device used by alternative practitioners to kill parasites, bacteria and viruses in the body. Designed to work alongside parasite cleanse protocols and diets, it uses pulsed magnetic fields generated by frequency generator circuits sent out over pulsed magnetic field lines to hands or other parts of body where frequencies disrupt microorganism bioresonance to cause vibrating bell-like microbes to burst – effective against parasites in lymphatic systems, bloodstreams or endocrine glands.

A basic zapper consists of a box with two 4-inch copper tubes covered by cloth that emit electric signals, a battery, metal handholds and damp hands to conduct electricity to other parts of their bodies through skin conductance. The battery powers a generator circuit that produces frequency signals; usually featuring a 555 timer IC, NPN transistor and resistors.

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VariZapper, an advanced form of the zapper, uses a microprocessor to increase frequency precision and facilitate other settings. Suitable for experimenters looking to build their own instruments using 30 KHz frequency as recommended by Clark in her book, the VariZapper device is readily available for experimentation purposes.

Whoever doesn’t wish to construct their own zapper can purchase one online from various stores. While these devices tend to be more costly than DIY versions, they’re designed for easier usage with built-in timers that turn off after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed.

Hulda Clark developed the Zapper following years of extensive experimental research into parasites and other pathogens. Her discoveries led her to incorporate it into many detox programs for well being; Hulda believed the device killed parasites, fungi and bacteria by altering bioresonance within their cells.

Plate zappers are an alternative form of the zapper that utilize slides of target organs and parasites on metal plates attached to the negative lead of the device, to maximize its effects and identify specific pathogens. Pregnant women should avoid this method due to possible complications for unborn children; those who use pacemakers or have other electrical implants must not use it either.

Alligator Clips

The Zapper can be connected to copper handholds, wristbands or socks and used on pets as well. Alligator clips provide an advantage over Hulda Clark’s hand holds by allowing current to pass more easily through clothing fabrics thereby killing parasites both externally and internally.

The alligator clip version of zappers is more convenient, since it removes the need to use your hands during treatment and protects skin from becoming burned – something especially helpful if treating children or babies.

These zappers are built by actual degreed electronic engineers on an ISO-9002 SMD assembly line with military level testing and quality control, making them far more reliable than older zappers. Dr. Clark guaranteed them to produce exactly his output specification, featuring a low battery light (a first on three frequency zappers!). They include circuit boards designed to keep positive and negative terminals of batteries apart during construction or use, two wire connectors with precision voltage monitoring capability, high quality poly-carbonate cases with lifetime warranties available and both types are offered either one frequency models


Hulda Clark developed the zapper as an electronic device that emits low-voltage pulses of different wavelengths to kill parasites and microbes in the body. It is often used in tandem with natural cleansing programs for detoxification purposes and uses an inexpensive 555 timer circuit powered by 9V batteries – claimed to cure numerous diseases through killing parasites and pathogens in our bodies.

A shoebox-based device typically uses a simple timer circuit consisting of a battery snap/on/off switch, two copper handles, an on/off switch and red LED to regulate timer functions and display when to start and stop zapping; typically this includes three 7 minute sessions followed by 20 minutes off between them; during these three 7-minute sessions large parasites, free bacteria/viruses and released ones are all targeted in turn by targeting large ones first, subsequently any released viruses by bacteria are targeted next.

Some zappers come equipped with a quadruped port, enabling both hands and feet to be simultaneously zapped by using an RCA cable attached to left and right hand bands, making connecting wrist or foot bands much simpler. However, before using such a port it should always be discussed with medical professionals first as its use can potentially disrupt normal heart functioning, leading to issues with blood circulation and possibly leading to cardiovascular issues.

Although zappers claim to provide relief for various ailments, there is limited scientific support for its claims and some have even been disproven by independent studies. Still, many users report increased energy and better health after regular usage of these devices.

One can create a basic zapper for around $20 using components found at either a hardware store or Radio Shack. The 555 timer chip may either produce TTL square waves or drain less battery power than its TTL equivalent; with CMOS chips producing sharper square waves at less battery drain. Finally, before connecting it to its body it should be tested using an oscilloscope; many electronics repair shops rent their scopes out for a small fee.


The Zapper is an improved version of Hulda Clark’s device described in her 1995 book “The Cure For All Diseases.” This small box containing components which produce positive voltage of electricity to kill roundworms, viruses, bacteria and parasites. Two wires from it are attached to copper pipes (4 inches by 2 inches by 1/2 inch long) which conduct this current from the Zapper.

The green LED indicator light indicates that a zapper is ready for operation. Once key touch occurs, this blinking will signal that the circuit has been completed as well as current flowing properly through it and working effectively. However, should hands not be held correctly or electrode issues arise, this green light will go out immediately along with an audible alert to alert users.

This zapper features high quality professional electrodes to ensure optimal current flow through both hands, without one receiving more current than the other. Gold flashed connectors prevent short circuiting while an integrated battery polarity protection diode and short circuit detection enhance battery lifespan while output voltage is continuously managed to avoid overvoltage conditions.

VariZapper differs significantly from Rife machines in that it can easily switch between various base frequencies to meet an array of applications, providing greater precision than single frequency devices and making it possible to target specific parts of the body for treatment.

Additionally, this zapper features an automated low battery warning function to warn before your battery depletes and it’s time to change it – another significant advancement over competing models that only offer manual switching.

The zapper is designed to be safe and easy for anyone to use, though not recommended for people with electronic implants such as pacemakers. Furthermore, its DC pulses may appear as AC to an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), potentially activating unwanted defibrillation pulses. Infants or pregnant women should not use the device.


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