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What is Radiesthesia?

what is radiesthesia

Ancient Egyptians and Chinese used dowsing rods and pendulums to locate hidden substances; some estimates date this practice back 7,000 years.

Radiesthesia is an art that uses vibrational frequency to decode information about an object, making it an invaluable resource for doctors in checking allergies, testing healing treatments and determining geopathic stress zones.

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It is a form of divination

Radiesthesia employs the pendulum or dowsing rod as an ancient divination method to locate lost items or diagnose illnesses, among many other uses. Some experts believe it can even help find spiritual guides and connect to the spirit world.

Radiesthesia, or Radiesthesia Perception, refers to the ability to perceive vibrational fields emitted from both living things and inanimate objects. People with enhanced sensitivity can detect these vibrational fields that are created by vibrating atoms and molecules; Radiesthesia operates under the principle that all objects and living beings emit unique energetic signatures that can be sensed by those sensitive enough to detect them.

Radiesthesia is one of the more widely practiced forms of divination. This technique for searching buried substances or minerals can be used to answer questions or predict the future, providing answers from within or predictions from beyond. When practicing this form of divination, one states their intent or question and then mentally visualizes and orients their mind toward an object they’d like advice about from outside forces or higher selves.

Abbe Mermet was one of the pioneers of radiesthesia, who used this technique to identify underground water and mineral deposits using his dowsing methods. In 1930 he published an important book detailing these methods that remains an entertaining read today.

This book delves deep into radiesthesia and how it can be utilized for healing and spiritual growth. The authors provide numerous practical examples, detailing its various techniques as a form of divination; additionally they offer advice on using pendulums for health purposes.

Ute Eden, founder of Allergy Link, has been practicing radiesthesia since 1997 and was trained in Holistic Health Dowsing by Alexander Zoltan (1994 – 1997 in Hamburg). Now living in North-Eastern England she has translated the full work into English forming the School of Holistic Health Dowsing.

It is non-invasive

Radiesthesia works on the principle that everything, whether living or inanimate, emits a subtle radiation which can be detected using appropriate instruments like pendulums and rods. This technique has been practiced since ancient Egypt and China, often called dowsing today and used to find water sources, minerals and even love! Used extensively during both world wars for mine detection purposes it even inspired Wilhelm Reich to discover orgone energy as a form of alternative medicine!

Radiesthesia, or Radiaesthesia, is a term derived from Latin words for “radiation” and “perception,” and has been described as a type of divination, using pendulums or rods to detect hidden objects or energy fields. Although considered an esoteric practice, many scientific experiments have proven its efficacy while folklore also makes use of this technique: love making is popular practice as well as finding where there could be gold hidden beneath the soil.

Divination through color therapy is a noninvasive and nonintrusive way of divination that can be used to determine what hue a person needs or can identify allergy symptoms. Based on the concept that each person possesses their own vibrational frequency and every material emits energy signatures unique to itself, its results can help create personalized treatment plans.

Radiesthesia practitioners can assist in pinpointing the source of your health concerns. By inspecting the etheric body for imbalances and working towards balancing them, radiesthesia sessions provide safe, non-toxic therapy with no side effects; however, this shouldn’t be used as a replacement for medical diagnosis and treatment; should there be any underlying conditions present it is essential to seek professional medical advice immediately.

It is safe

Radiesthesia (dowsing or water divination), is an ancient art using pendulums to locate objects underground. The practice relies on the principle that everything vibrates with energy. Vibrations emanate from objects, living organisms, including humans; those able to detect vibrations from these sources can locate things such as water, minerals and illnesses in an instantaneous fashion – great for divination as well as healing purposes or finding true love! This natural phenomenon has many uses ranging from divination through healing or even finding true love!

Radiesthesia dates back to antiquity, when it was a key tool used by ancient explorers for discovering resources like water. Today it is used by modern day dowsers as an efficient and noninvasive means of searching underground water sources without radiation or chemicals being utilized. Allergy Link founder Ute Eden is trained in Radiesthesia practice since 1997 when Alexander Zoltan taught her Holistic Health Dowsing at his Holistic Health Dowsing school in Hamburg Germany; Ute herself has since become an expert of Radiesthesia practice!

To establish resonance, a radiesthesia pendulum must be waved over an object or person by a dowser and read by him/her as results of this instrument are returned from it. Dowsers can also detect certain chemicals like lead and mercury by recording this data into a Cadran chart which contains various lines representing elements, so the dowser can determine whether the substance in question is potentially hazardous or harmless.

Dowsing was historically used to locate water and other natural resources, such as hunting or finding lost treasure. While once considered witchcraft, many practitioners of radiesthesia were eventually prosecuted for practicing it – yet now its effectiveness and safety have been demonstrated through numerous success stories.

Dowsers utilize various instruments to measure vibrational frequencies. From calibrated pendulums to sophisticated electronic instruments, these tools allow dowsers to identify allergies by measuring vibrational frequency intensity; this method is more accurate than standard medical tests which may contain human errors that cause inaccurate readings.

It is effective

Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and other civilizations employed a form of radioesthesis known as “dowsing.” This technique uses a rod or pendulum to locate water or other natural resources – another popular means for divination known as “dowsing with a rod” or “dowsing for healing”. Additionally, remote divination techniques make dowsing one of the most efficient means of divination available today.

Modern dowsing employs various instruments and techniques, but its core principle remains unchanged: A dowser holds their rod with palm up while moving it in circles to locate their target, be it hidden treasure or healthy water sources. If necessary, they can use a yoke to pull two rods in opposite directions to find even more specific targets.

Dowsing was popularly employed during the Middle Ages by Jesuit missionaries to locate herbs and natural resources in foreign lands, before it later become a widely used tool for discovering underground water sources across Europe and elsewhere. Dowsing was also utilized by military units during World Wars I and II for mineral detection purposes as well as on site or from long distance. A significant component of Wilhelm Reich’s research into orgone energy, it later went on to form many different sciences such as Psionic Medicine and Radionics.

Radiesthetic diagnosis doesn’t refer to classifying and naming an illness in its usual sense; rather it reveals what forces have contributed to its creation. Therefore it cannot be proven or disproved, but judged as likely or unlikely.

Radiesthetic analysis of a case should lead to selecting remedies which will be of benefit, even if not exactly equivalent. Ideally, remedies chosen from this analysis will target infection at its source while toning up deficient organs and balancing endocrines – while being careful not to devitalize or upset the patient and undermine treatment overall.


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