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Zapper Armand Hulda Clark 04 ENG

What is a zapper?

A zapper (also referred to as a bug zapper or electric insect killer) is an efficient and safe way to rid yourself of pesky flying insects from your home. Using light to attract them into the device, where they are electrocuted and eliminated. The term “zapper” derives from the onomatopoeic sound created when an insect dies under high-voltage grid; most models come equipped with protective cages of plastic or grounded metal bars to keep people and larger animals from accidentally touching the grid; optimal usage occurs between dusk and dawn hours when many types of insects become active.

The Hulda Clark Zapper was first created by the Self Health Resource Center using Dr. Clark’s preferred frequency technology.

What is a hulda clark zapper?

Hulda Clark was an unconventional alternative health practitioner who claimed her device, the Zapper, could treat many different illnesses. The Zapper generates low-voltage square waves at 30 kHz that pass through the body stimulating immune cells to kill parasites or microbes that might be present.

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An outstanding zapper is constructed by an actual electronics engineer using top quality components (1% resistors and 2% capacitors). It comes equipped with custom-molded case and low battery light which operates via precision voltage monitor integrated circuit. Furthermore, there’s keyed battery compartment and reverse polarity diode protection against improper battery insertion.

An effective zapper should produce a waveform on an oscilloscope which never dips below zero, showing it is producing its required frequency for optimal results.

How to use a hulda clark zapper

Hulda Clark claims her device, the Zapper, can cure various forms of disease; however, these claims have yet to be supported by scientific research or independent studies and many have already been disproven by them. Additionally, it’s always wise to consult a healthcare provider prior to using alternative health devices.


The Zapper is a small box with components that produce low-voltage electricity charges, including a 9-volt battery, pulse generator circuit, two copper handles or electrodes held by the user, cloth-covered electrodes for increased conductivity of current, and two copper handles that emit its power into their hands – this combination allows current to pass through their bodies to kill parasites.

Original zappers consisted of a 555 timer IC, NPN transistor, resistors and capacitors – making construction both expensive and challenging. Today’s versions use an electronic amplifier with more efficient power supply to reduce cost while increasing effectiveness; alligator clips allow easier handholding as well as visual confirmation of dead parasites after treatment, providing users with motivation for continued care.

Where to buy a hulda clark zapper

We produce our Armand Hulda Clark 04 ENG therapeutic generator by hand in Poland using only high quality copper that we carefully polish by hand. As a company that values craftsmanship, we take great pride in creating products our customers want to own, care for and keep.

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who claimed her device, the Zapper, could help treat many diseases by eliminating parasites and toxins from the body. It consists of a 9-volt battery, pulse generator circuit and two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds between their hands when applying low voltage pulses, usually 30kHz frequency pulses to different parts of their body or their hands for use as electrodes for holding in hand or placing on different body parts.


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