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Benefits of Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy aims to increase muscle performance and balance, which in turn reduces falls risk. Furthermore, vibration therapy promotes bone density while potentially aiding weight loss.

Vibration therapy stimulates muscle spindles and motor neurons while attenuating spasticity by slowing the stretch reflex. This can help restore communication between muscles and the brain to alleviate inhibition that causes flaccidity following certain types of injury.

Reduces Pain and Inflammation

Vibration therapy works by stimulating tissue stimulation and blood flow to muscles in order to relieve pain, activate osteoblasts (tiny cells that promote bone growth), reduce inflammation and help alleviate stress. It may even help those suffering from fibromyalgia, spondylolisthesis arthritis or any other painful conditions reduce stress improve balance or prevent injuries altogether.

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Vibration machines or plates work by forcing muscles to contract and relax, helping alleviate back pain. Furthermore, vibration therapy increases joint flexibility, boosts circulation, strengthens muscles and even aids cellulite reduction.

Vibration therapy can also provide relief for chronic back and muscle spasm. Vibrations stimulate primary muscle spindles and alpha motoneurons to create trunk muscle stretch-reflex responses which decrease spasm and relieve neck, low back or leg pain.

Regular vibration therapy can also assist with balance and motor skills by strengthening core and leg muscles. Many people living with chronic pains such as fibromyalgia experience difficulty with balance when standing or lying down due to feeling unstable or weak due to pain – potentially leading to further injury. By strengthening leg, core, foot, ankle and wrist muscles through vibration therapy sessions regularly, vibration therapy may help enhance these areas and ultimately provide better balance and motor skills.


Vibration therapy also can enhance lymphatic flow, helping the lymphatic system eliminate waste and toxins from your body more quickly. Vibration plates induce rapid muscle contractions which create a “skeletal muscle pump effect”, increasing lymphatic flow by stimulating its effects on lymphatic flow.

Recent research published in Journal of Physiotherapy Research examined the effects of vibration therapy on pain intensity and lumbar dysfunction. It reviewed 11 clinical randomized controlled trials that involved participants suffering chronic low back pain; each experiment compared its effects against that of a control group. According to these findings, vibration therapy proved successful at relieving pain while improving lumbar function for these individuals with CLBP.

Increases Blood Flow

Vibration therapy uses vibration to cause muscles to contract and relax, stimulating tissue stimulation and improving blood flow to stimulate tissues and enhance circulation in bones, muscles, joints and surrounding organs. This improved circulation allows your body to more effectively absorb nutrients while excreting waste such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid from its systems. Vibrations also stretch tightened muscles and tendons for quicker healing process of damaged muscles ligaments discs etc.

Vibration stimulates your muscles by mimicking exercise without its impact or intensity, similar to how exercise does, by quickly contracting and relaxing them rapidly, simulating exercise without its side effects or intensity. Vibration may increase oxygen-rich blood circulation which is essential to all bodily processes. Vibrations also encourage production of vasodilator nitric oxide which widens arteries for greater blood flow.

Many studies have explored the effect of vibration on blood flow. Researchers found that vibration increased peak and mean blood flow velocities after short exposures to vibration, suggesting immediate stimulation effects on vascular system health.

As well as improving circulation through vibration, vibration can also assist your lymphatic system function. Lymphatic drainage is an integral component of circulatory health that removes metabolic waste products and damaged cells from muscles following workouts or other physical activities; multiple studies have demonstrated how vibration therapy can enhance lymphatic drainage.

Vibration therapy can also lengthen muscles and may help alleviate Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) after hard workouts, especially for individuals unable to use conventional stretching methods – such as those recovering from injuries or surgeries. One study published by Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics demonstrated how vibration therapy helped children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy improve leg length and strength while simultaneously decreasing spasticity of their muscles, with combined vibration therapy sessions of manual massage combined with exercises including stretching of calf muscles which helped reduce spasticity by combination of vibration therapy sessions combined with manual massage sessions combined with manual massage techniques along with exercises which stretched calf muscles out.

Increases Bone Mineral Mass

Vibration therapy can help alleviate pain and increase mobility while strengthening bones to prevent osteoporosis. While most people can use vibration therapy safely with no known side effects, it is still wise to speak to your physician prior to beginning this form of treatment in order to assess both benefits and risks of vibration therapy.

Vibrating your body will increase bone mineral density. This is due to vibrations stimulating bones and muscles to produce more bone tissue – helping lower risk of fractures as well. Furthermore, vibrations boost circulation while eliminating any fatty deposits present within bones.

Studies have revealed that vibration therapy is an effective way of increasing bone density, as vibrations stimulate osteoblasts to form more bone tissue while simultaneously decreasing osteoclast activity – cells responsible for breaking down bone. Furthermore, vibrations increase blood flow directly to your bones which further helps increase their mineral density.

Researchers compared the effects of whole-body vibration on bone density among postmenopausal women to healthy controls, finding that women in the experimental group experienced significantly greater bone density than their counterparts in the control group. Furthermore, vibration increased inner bone surface area which helps protect against fractures.

Vibrations will cause compression and remodeling of bone tissue, leading to increased bone density. Vibrations also stimulate osteoblasts to make more bone tissue while decreasing activity among osteoclasts thereby decreasing fracture risk. Furthermore, vibrations may increase calcium in bone tissues which will further strengthen their strength.

Vibrations can increase muscle contractions in joints, which will further promote bone and joint health. They will also improve bone circulation by providing nutrients while decreasing calcium loss from your body.

Promotes Healing

Vibration therapy uses oscillatory vibrations transmitted from mechanical devices such as vibration plates or handheld instruments to deliver oscillatory vibrations into the body and stimulate muscle fibers, improve circulation and promote various physiological changes within it. Its noninvasive therapy approach has applications in rehabilitation, weight loss, balance enhancement and even bone health promotion.

Vibrations cause muscles to contract and relax quickly, stimulating surrounding tissues. Rapid muscle contractions help increase metabolism, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow and ease pain by relieving pressure off nerves and muscles in your joints or back. The movement itself also provides some comfort by alleviating strain on nerves or muscles in those areas.

Vibration therapy goes beyond increasing blood flow to also break down scar tissue, which is the root of chronic muscle injuries. Vibrations break down scar tissue while improving microcirculation and encouraging muscle cells to regenerate, helping microcirculation improve, as well as break down hard-to-heal wounds such as pressure ulcers or diabetic ulcers that have proven resistant to healing.

Studies have suggested vibration therapy could be useful as an effective remedy for Fibromyalgia, an incurable disorder characterized by fatigue, chronic pain and difficulty sleeping. Vibrations stimulate the body to release endorphins which alleviate pain while speeding healing; additionally proprioception (the ability to sense movement and position), improves balance and motor skills development making wheelchair use and injury rehabilitation easier.

Vibration therapy also supports healing by helping the body flush away toxins. Movement caused by vibrations helps increase metabolism of tissues and blood flow, aiding fat burning. Furthermore, vibration therapy also triggers activity of cellular enzymes which break down fats, glucose, or any substances which could potentially be sources of inflammation within our bodies.

Vibration therapy has the ability to dramatically increase strength, balance and flexibility for those suffering from osteoporosis and other bone and joint conditions. Before starting vibration therapy treatments it is wise to consult a healthcare professional first as vibrations may increase blood pressure or heart rate and can even harm pregnant women who should avoid whole-body vibration therapy as it could harm their fetuses.


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